The strongest soldier

Chapter 2533 Strange things happen

You must not be careless when fighting against masters, let alone take any chances. Xuelian's reminder is very necessary. Luo Zheng understands the dangers involved. He briefly communicated with Xuelian for a few words and then hung up the phone. After thinking about it, he felt that he didn't understand it clearly. Try to stay as still as possible before the tentacle monster's true intention, so as not to fall into passivity. Luo Zheng never fights an uncertain battle until the moment of life and death, let alone a smart opponent.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng meditated alone. After experiencing too many ups and downs, Luo Zheng became more and more fond of thinking independently. The situation became clearer, and the Dark Church became less mysterious. At least he understood the basics. He also knew the identity and position of an elder. Although he could not do it publicly, he could still do it secretly. At worst, the troops would be divided into two groups, and the matter of releasing the Holy Son could be left to Hong Meihua to handle it with full authority.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's mind came alive. With Red Plum Blossoms watching at home, he could lead another group of people to cause trouble for the Childe family. Attacking Childe directly would be more conducive to getting closer to the core of the Dark Church, defeating this organization, and delaying time. Going down would be detrimental to yourself.

Gradually, Luo Zheng decided Said: "What's wrong? Come on, come in and talk."

Shi Qian agreed, walked into the room and sat down on the sofa. He looked at Luo Zheng and said quickly: "I just heard the news and it feels weird. I came over to tell you."

"Oh? What's going on? Let me tell you." Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Someone hired fellow gangsters to burn a large amount of cash in a hotel vault in a casino. They burned it without stealing or robbing it. This is the first time I heard about it. But the gangsters were framed and fled. It was said that they took all the cash. Stolen, I estimate that it will be wanted globally soon. This hotel is also the property of the Child family. Isn't Child one of the elders of the Dark Church? The matter has something to do with him. I guess you may be interested. Just come over and say something, I hope the information will be useful." Shi Qian quickly explained.

"Did you just tell me about the news you just heard?" Luo Zheng looked at Shi Qian in surprise and asked.

"That's right, three minutes ago, I heard it and came over quickly." Shi Qian replied seriously.

"Burning cash, what's going on?" Luo Zheng became confused.

"I don't understand either. Could it be that someone hates the Childe family and is looking for someone to burn the cash from their family property to vent their anger? Without enough cash flow, the hotel and casino cannot operate normally." Shi Qian analyzed.

"This view is untenable. Don't forget that there are several Childe Family Hotels in the city. Just bring some from other hotels. Things are too weird. I'm afraid it's not simple here. By the way, did you know it was burned down? How many? How many of your comrades participated in the operation, can they be found?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"The exact number of people is unknown. There must be a lot of people for such a big movement. The other party successfully escaped from the police roundup and has become anonymous. It will be difficult to find him in the near future. However, I can spread the word in the circle to find him. If he thinks it is necessary, They will take the initiative to contact me, and if not, they will not show up. This is also the rule of the world. However, they are involved in such a big matter and are touching the Childe family's property. They will definitely not dare to show up easily. Showing up will mean death. "Shi Qian explained in a deep voice.

"So that's it?" Luo Zheng pondered, thought for a while, and added: "The tentacle monster appeared in the casino, isn't it to help the Childe family handle this matter? With his information technology capabilities, he can track down the suspects. It's not difficult to find people's whereabouts, how much cash did the fire cost them?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"It's hard to say. The hotel's cash flow is very large. Only those who are in the same profession can know the specific situation. Do you think this matter is important?" Shi Qian asked in surprise. When Luo Zheng nodded, he continued to add: "If it's important, I'll release the news. Only insiders can see it. Non-insiders, even Interpol, can't see the news. The pirate world has unique contact information."

"It's okay to try to contact him. The enemy of his enemy is his friend. I'm curious as to who could actually get involved in such a big event. Now that it's been exposed, it must have been successful, right?" Luo Zheng nodded in agreement.

"The incident happened suddenly. They only had time to release the news, saying that the employer had set up a trap to harm people, and asked everyone to be careful about the employer. They did not say the specific situation. Peers in the industry exposed bad employers to each other, so that other colleagues can identify good and bad employers. This It’s also the rules in the circle,” Shi Qian explained.

"Okay, you go back first. I will implement this matter and let you know if there is any news." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, picked up the office phone and immediately dialed Blue Star's landline to tell him what Shi Qian had said. He briefly repeated it, and then added: "Immediately investigate this matter, find out as much as possible, and report the situation after summarizing it."

"Understood." Blue Star agreed.

Luo Zheng hung up the phone, looked at Shi Qian and said in a deep voice: "Originally I didn't plan to go to the casino, but this thing is very weird, so you should be prepared, maybe you will go to the casino in two days. , you will accompany me then."

"No problem." Shi Qian agreed, discussed with Luo Zheng for a few words and then left.

The sudden information made Luo Zheng curious. Someone actually hired a thief to infiltrate into the hotel vault and burn the cash. What kind of thing is this? It's better to burn it than to burn it. Who can complain about the money? Luo Zheng became suspicious and couldn't figure out what was going on here. What role did the tentacle monster play in this matter? To track down the murderer?

After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure it out. Luo Zheng simply put the matter aside for the time being and started to deal with the official documents seriously. Not long after, Blue Star made an internal call and told Luo Zheng that they had found out the general situation. First, the local police were chasing him, and even the international police were dispatched. , the suspect is being arrested all over the world, and the second is that 10 million meters of gold are missing. This is all public information, and it will take some time to verify the truth. After that, Blue Star continued the investigation.

Luo Zheng didn't expect that the international police would be alerted so quickly. It would have been impossible without someone behind the scenes. Luo Zheng vaguely felt the existence of a conspiracy network. As long as he was in the network, no one would be spared. Who would pick up this hot potato? Whoever is unlucky, I plan to put this matter aside for a while and wait until the situation is clear.

However, not long after, Blue Star called again and shouted in surprise: "Boss, it's strange that this money is actually insured. The insurance amount is very high. The insurance company has to pay ten times the amount. It's really weird that this happens every year." ."

"Insurance? Ten times the compensation?" Luo Zheng was also surprised, and he couldn't understand the conspiracy here anymore.

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