The strongest soldier

Chapter 2519 The Trap Appears

In the camp, three bonfires were still burning brightly. People around the bonfires were talking and laughing. From time to time they would cut off a piece of meat and eat it. The aroma of the roasted game was overflowing. Some patrols were still patrolling the surrounding area. The wooden house in the residential area was quiet and dark, and the people inside seemed to be asleep. There were dozens of people patrolling outside a wooden house near the bonfire, and no one was allowed to approach.

I don’t know why, but two black figures suddenly appeared not far away from the wooden house. They were lying quietly on the ground and observing. They were the two Knights of the Round Table who came up. There was something the Knights of the Round Table wanted inside the wooden house. The ones on the outside were defending. There were too many people and it was impossible to sneak in quietly. The two hesitated for a moment and did not move any more. Instead, they quickly fed back the information to the others through their headsets.

After learning about the situation, the squad leader began to think deeply. A strong attack meant exposure. Although he was not afraid of it, it was also very troublesome. Silent combat was a good tactical choice, but there were too many targets and it was impossible to kill everyone at the same time. What should I do? At this time, a bloody voice sounded in the headset: "Come on, solve it if you can. If you can't solve it, attack by force. I will cover your retreat. Remember, the attack time cannot exceed two minutes."

"Understood." The team leader said in a deep voice. Two minutes meant that a large number of opponents were surrounding them. It was difficult to run away at that time. If there were no bullets that could tear through the bullet-proof armor, everyone would not care at all and would not be so cautious and rush directly. Just come up and grab it hard. Today is different from the past, so you have to be more cautious.

After the blood fiend's order was given, the team leader knew that he could not wait any longer and immediately said through the headset: "Everyone touch it, act according to the opportunity, come on."

The remaining Knights of the Round Table agreed, and quickly climbed up, following the route of the people in front, avoiding the mines. It didn't take long for these people to climb on top of you, and you were only ten meters away from the wooden house. A patrol team Passing by the neighborhood, he continued walking forward as if he hadn't noticed anything.

When the patrol passed by the wooden house, they took over with the people who were originally stationed there. The team leader was overjoyed when he saw it. There were dozens of people on duty before, but now there are only a dozen people on duty. They were completely sure that they would be solved silently, and they did not launch an attack. They were patient. Waiting, eyes slightly condensed, watching this scene coldly, like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark.

The shift was handed over quickly. The original garrison people went to the campfire for a late-night snack. The people who came up from the garrison didn't know what was going on. There was no circular defensive wooden house. Instead, they gathered together, took out their cigarettes and started smoking, while chatting in low voices. What, don't even look around.

The team leader was overjoyed when he saw this scene, and was about to go around to the other side when the tentacle monster's reminder suddenly sounded in the headset: "The situation is not right."

"What do you mean?" Xue Sha's voice whispered in the headset.

"I suspect there is a trap." The tentacle monster quickly explained.

"Be more detailed." Xue Sha asked impatiently. He was almost at his destination. Wouldn't it shake the morale of the army to talk about traps at this time?

"Before, dozens of people were stationed on the defensive. One or two Knights of the Round Table could not silently deal with them all at once, so they had to attack them all to find opportunities. This arrangement may be deliberately forcing everyone to come forward. Otherwise, why would there be more than half of the people switching defenses? , and the defense is lax, this is deliberately letting us touch it from the other side, there is a trick inside the wooden house." The tentacle monster explained in a cold low voice.

The Blood Fiend was startled, but did not refute. After a while, he whispered: "Knights of the Round Table, what do you think?"

"There is some truth to it. Normally, there are at most a dozen guards, but they arranged dozens. There are only a dozen people who came up to guard. It can be solved silently, but they are gathered together and they cannot be solved silently all at once. , you can only go around the other side and touch it." The team leader said in a low voice, which almost came from his throat, so low that no one within two meters could hear it.

"What's your opinion?" Xue Sha said angrily.

"Assign someone to touch it and take a look first, while others don't move." The team leader suggested in a low voice.

"Okay, let's go." The blood demon didn't dare to mess around. If it was really a trap, the Knights of the Round Table would have fallen into it. I couldn't afford the loss, so I might as well let someone test it first.

The squad leader immediately gave the order in a low voice. The two people in front quickly bypassed the position of the garrison, took a circuitous route to the other side, and continued to climb towards the wooden house. The whole person seemed to have moved forward, and no one could notice anything unusual until they were in front of them. This latent penetration The ability is terrifying.

Soon the two came to the wooden house and looked around cautiously. One person quickly got up and rushed to the window of the wooden house. He looked inside. After finding nothing unusual, he signaled to the other person. The other person also rushed up quickly and moved his body. Hiding in the shadows, he made a gesture, quickly raised his gun, aimed at the surroundings, and prepared for cover.

The Knight of the Round Table who was the first to touch quickly opened the wooden window and climbed in quickly. He saw the neatly arranged wooden boxes in the room. He just opened them with his hands without using any tools, and the lids that were fastened with iron nails were torn open. , revealing what was inside, which was a grenade. The tab and lid were connected together and had been triggered.

The Knight of the Round Table realized it was a trap and was horrified. He didn't have time to warn, he bowed his body, kicked hard with his feet, and threw himself out of the window with a whoosh, but it was still too late.

"Boom--" An earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the entire wooden house was razed to the ground. The powerful red light of the explosion rose into the sky, illuminating the surroundings. The two Knights of the Round Table had no time to react, and were blown away by the terrifying shock wave. , like a kite with its string broken, people are in the air, blood spurting out.

The guard who came up not far from the wooden house suddenly jumped forward before the explosion sounded and disappeared out of thin air. The team leader who had been staring at the guard was shocked when he saw this scene and knew that something had happened, followed by an explosion. The sound rang out, making it impossible to think.

Seeing the red light of the explosion soaring into the sky and the debris of the wooden house flying everywhere, the squad leader's face changed drastically and he roared: "Get out quickly -" As he said this, he slapped the ground hard with both hands, his body bounced up, he held the gun and turned around towards where he came from. Rushing up, others also got up and chased after him, stretching out afterimages in the night at an alarming speed.

"Boooooooooo-" Suddenly, the guards who disappeared out of thin air came out of the ground, lay down on the ground and started shooting violently. It turned out that the ground was camouflaged, and the bottom had been hollowed out to become a trench, and the top was covered with weeds. No one would notice it until they were in front of it. No, everyone just jumped down to avoid the blast wave.

The leader was none other than the Mountain Eagle, dressed in the costumes of an armed member of the Kochin tribe, disguised as the People's Army. Even the weapons in his hands were ordinary automatic rifles of the People's Army. All the sniper rifles were hidden in the trenches below. After going down, everyone put on weapons that could withstand the attack and fought back. When they came up, they fired a barrage of dragon fang bullets.

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