The strongest soldier

Chapter 2518 Infiltration in the Dark

Late at night, dark clouds cover the moon, the vast forest is dim, and the visibility is very low. The gentle breeze passes through the woods as always, blowing the leaves and making a rustling sound, as if a couple is whispering, soothing and sweet. Occasionally, A few roars of birds and animals add a sense of mystery to this quiet, dark forest.

"Gah——" An eagle suddenly emerged from the forest, fluttered into the night sky, and circled over the woods. In particular, it circled twice more over a dense forest on a hill, and then flew away.

The people lurking in the dense forest didn't pay attention to this strange eagle. It was lurking in the woods vigilantly. They raised their binoculars to observe the camp in front. The campfire was still burning brightly. There were two more piles burning around it, and some people were surrounding it. Barbecuing wild game, chatting and laughing, seemingly without any vigilance.

These people were covered in camouflage ghillie suits, which completely wrapped their bodies and blended in with the surrounding woods. No one could spot them until they were in front of them. Their single-eyed helmets were also camouflaged, with dark oil paint on their faces, and holding in their hands There are all kinds of sophisticated firearms. One of them is sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding a notebook. There are aerial pictures on the notebook, all of which are scenes of the camp ahead. It is the tentacle monster.

The person holding a telescope to observe next to him was Xue Sha. Perhaps he was impatient to wait. Xue Sha put down the telescope with dissatisfaction, squatted down and whispered: "We have been observing for most of the day. Except for the additional patrol posts, the enemy camp has only a few remaining patrol posts." There are a few people around the campfire, everything is normal, nothing special, get ready to take action."

"You are the person in charge. You have the final say. I am only responsible for providing information." The tentacle monster said calmly.

"You?" The blood fiend glared at the tentacle monster coldly, stood up and continued to observe for more than ten minutes. The camp was still as quiet as ever, nothing special. Looking at his watch, it was already past two o'clock in the morning. If he didn't do anything, he would be killed. It was too late, Xue Sha was heartbroken and immediately said through the headset: "Every unit listens to my order."

"Yes." Everyone said in a deep voice.

"Everyone, our mission is to rob those boxes. The location has just been told to you. There is a halberd in the box, which is strictly required by the superiors. It must be snatched. Whoever robs it will be the first to do it. Now I give the order." The blood demon started. Then he said coldly.

Everyone's expressions froze and their ears pricked up. The first achievement means promotion, fame and fortune. Who doesn't want that? Everyone looked at the Blood Fiend with a cold face and made preparations. The Blood Fiend wanted this effect and continued coldly: "The Knights of the Round Table are responsible for clearing the peripheral light and dark sentries, tearing open the openings, and infiltrating. The Holy Warriors follow me. "

"Understood." Everyone responded in a low voice.

Soon, the twelve Knights of the Round Table, led by the squad leader, quickly advanced in column. Like arrows from the string, they swooped into the dense forest and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The Blood Fiend was also a former Round Table knight. The captain of the knight team naturally knew the strength of these Knights of the Round Table. He waved his hand as usual and hurried away with thirty holy warriors. As for the tentacle monster, it did not move, but continued to investigate the camp and provide intelligence support remotely. Two dedicated holy warriors guard the surrounding area.

The Knights of the Round Table quickly rushed to the edge of the woods, quickly dispersed one by one, and hid quietly, looking coldly ahead, like hungry wolves foraging for food. The team leader observed the front, and found that the camp was still as quiet as ever, and then He lowered his voice and said, "Get in position."

"There is a patrol in front of you. There are ten people. There are secret whistles at three o'clock and five o'clock, about ten meters away." The tentacle monster's voice sounded in the headset.

The squad leader snorted coldly in agreement, and immediately issued a series of combat missions with hand gestures. The two Knights of the Round Table rushed out of the bunker, pounced on the ground, and crawled forward quickly, as if they were flexible and agile giant pythons crawling forward. Then, under the cover of night, they stepped forward. He was camouflaged in a jungle camouflage ghillie suit and was not noticed by the patrolling team not far away.

Not long after, two Knights of the Round Table climbed up to the dark whistle and wiped off the dark whistle's neck with their dark, non-reflective sabers without making any sound. After the completion, they quickly reported through the headset. The team leader raised his hand as soon as the dark whistle touched it. As he raised his gun, others also raised their guns and hit the silencer.

The squad leader stared coldly ahead. After everyone was ready, he controlled the gun with one hand, raised his arm, raised three fingers, and closed them one by one. He closed them slowly, firmly and powerfully, and everyone held them tightly. Looking at the curled fingers, when the last finger was also hooked, everyone fired.

"Puff puff -" The remaining ten knights of the Round Table pulled the triggers almost at the same time, and the sounds of ten guns sounded at the same time, just like one voice. Ten bullets came out quickly, the sound was so weak that it was almost impossible to detect, and the ten who were patrolling Suddenly everyone fell to the ground, and no one made a sound.

Seeing that the patrol had been successfully dealt with, the squad leader took a moment, and everyone rushed out quickly, as fast as a cheetah. In a blink of an eye, they came to the patrol, checked the deceased, and after confirming that it was correct, the squad leader made a few gestures and bowed his waist. Rushing forward, the others followed closely behind, forming a triangle attack formation.

These people used the cover of night and quickly rushed forward for more than 20 meters. The light in the camp further ahead was much brighter, and the field of vision was wider, making it easier to be discovered. The team leader made a gesture, and everyone quickly fell to the ground. The captain made a few more gestures, and the two team members quickly climbed forward, one behind the other, alternately covering.

These Knights of the Round Table crawled very fast. When they saw a patrol passing by, they stopped quickly and huddled up, looking like a bush. After the patrol left, they continued to crawl forward. Suddenly, in front of them, One person felt something strange under his body and was startled. He quickly stopped and looked down slowly. He saw a landmine on his chest. The smell of death was exuding inside the monocular night vision goggles, which was cold and terrifying.

"It's overwhelming." The Knight of the Round Table did not panic, but lowered his voice and said through the headset.

"Landmines?" The team leader didn't expect that there were landmines planted on the edge of the camp. His face darkened and he whispered: "Don't move. Can we rule it out?"

"Press your chest, there is no room to move your hands to eliminate it." The Knight of the Round Table calmly said in a lowered voice.

"Then don't move, and you will find a way to escape after the battle starts." The squad leader lowered his voice and ordered, not taking this matter to heart, as if the mine was not a threat at all, and immediately made a gesture. One person quickly climbed up, and after meeting up with the person in front, the two of them moved forward alternately. No one cared about the person holding Lei down, as if it was nothing at all. Under the night, the two of them moved forward quietly. Ghostly.

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