The strongest soldier

Chapter 2497 Enemy attack

The enemies of Yingchou Peak fought at a leisurely pace, very methodically, and did not seem to have any other conspiracy, but Luo Zheng knew one thing: soldiers are crafty. The opponent cannot only attack from the front. That would cause heavy losses, and it is not Sam's country's fighting style. There must be a conspiracy behind this, and it is a big conspiracy. The enemy from the front is just a feint attack and confusion. Where is the real killing move? Luo Zheng pondered.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and anything can happen. As a commander, you must not take it lightly. Pu Fu also has rich combat experience. How could he not think of this? He immediately used the individual radio to contact the troops, and then said to Luo Zheng: "The support troops will arrive in half an hour at most, don't worry."

With Sha Biao's combat power and nearly a thousand troops, it would not be a big problem to hold off the enemy for a day, even more so with reinforcements. Luo Zheng took his attention back from Yingchou Peak, frowning and pondering the entire battle situation, speculating on the enemy's conspiracy, and put on the headset Reports from the captains of the mountain eagle team rang out, and no abnormality was found.

The snow leopard assisted the guards in defending the valley. It was the last line of defense. No enemy was found. Even the ghost hands began to retreat with the troops. No abnormalities were found along the way. Everything was weird. After a while, a voice suddenly sounded in the headset. Urgent voice: "No, a Black Hawk helicopter appeared and rushed towards the valley. It came too suddenly and flew too high to shoot."

Luo Zheng was shocked when he heard it was Zhou Gang. Why did the Black Hawk helicopter suddenly appear? Where are our satellites? Luo Zheng's face darkened, and he quickly asked through the headset: "Headquarters, why didn't the helicopter be discovered in advance?"

"I don't know where it came from. There was no sign. It suddenly appeared in the woods ten kilometers in front of Yingchou Peak. It didn't come from the airport. It happened suddenly and it was very close to you. I suspect it was there. Those who are bombing the valley, please withdraw immediately." Blue Star's voice said urgently.

"It's too late, we'll be there in five minutes at most." Lan Xue's voice shouted urgently into the headset: "Quick, find cover immediately. These bastards must have used other methods to transport the helicopter to the front line, and then suddenly attacked. The intention to carry out a beheading operation is obvious."

"Only one?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, we only found one. It headed straight for the valley. It was flying too high and no one deployed along the way could hit it. Their purpose is already very clear." Lan Xue explained eagerly.

"Five minutes?" Luo Zheng's face turned cold. Five minutes was enough for everyone to rush to the air-raid shelters in the valleys on both sides, but it would also expose their whereabouts and lead to more crazy attacks. Suddenly, an idea flashed in Luo Zheng's mind. The enemy was hiding a helicopter. So far, there is no support for the battlefields that are being exchanged along the way. The purpose is very clear, which is to use a surprise attack to attack the valley headquarters and carry out effective beheadings in a short period of time. Maybe the enemy's satellite has monitored the valley, and if they rush out, they will be exposed. The helicopter Will chase and kill, and will retreat if the pursuit fails.

After finally secretly transporting a helicopter to the battlefield, it is no longer important how it was transported. What is important is the current decision-making and ruthless means. Once the beheading is successful, the enemy's conspiracy will be exposed, right? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng suddenly had an idea. He did not choose to evacuate, but was ready to give it a try. He immediately looked at Qi Pufu and said, "The enemy helicopter suddenly appeared. The tactical purpose is very clear, which is to behead people."

Seeing Luo Zheng's calm face again, Pupu didn't panic and asked thoughtfully: "What do you mean?"

"The enemy's goal is to behead people. He must have known the location of the council chamber and will launch a fierce attack on the council chamber. There is satellite surveillance above our heads. If we go out, we will be exposed. Therefore, I am ready to take a gamble. After the helicopter strikes the council chamber, To evacuate, they finally managed to get a helicopter to come up. They will never allow it to be destroyed and will choose to evacuate." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"This?" Qi Pufu was startled by Luo Zheng's audacity. He was passively waiting to die. If his judgment was wrong, everyone would be a living target. Seeing Luo Zheng's face calmly contemplating something, he did not get up and leave. Meaning, Pu Fu's heart changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Okay, it's up to you. This place is still some distance from the meeting hall. If you just attack the meeting hall, it won't hurt this place. Tell me, what are your intentions?" "

"It's too late. We can arrive in three minutes at most. Where can we go at this time? If we go out, we will be exposed and attract a crazy pursuit from helicopters. They finally set up this killing trap, how can they allow us to run away? Luo Zheng said with a wry smile.

"There is a cellar in the room, let's hide it first." Pufu suggested in a deep voice.

"Eh? There's a cellar, okay." Luo Zheng was overjoyed. He didn't expect there was a cellar here, so he agreed. What if the helicopter went crazy and shot wildly after attacking the conference hall? For safety's sake, it's best to hide.

Pufu motioned for everyone to follow him, rushed into the miscellaneous room, opened a pile of dry firewood, and revealed a wooden board underneath. He opened the wooden board and revealed a dark cellar inside. It had obviously not been used for a long time. Time was running out, Luo Pufu. Zheng turned on his flashlight and everyone jumped down one after another.

The cellar is not very big, but it is still crowded enough to hide everyone. After everyone came down, Pufu explained: "I didn't expect these beasts to prepare a helicopter attack. It's such a ruthless method. Fortunately, we are here. The meeting hall There is no cellar down there, there are cellars in other rooms, both for air defense and for storing food for the winter. Thanks to the general counsel, otherwise there would be no time to hide."

"The sneak attack tactics of the enemy's armed helicopters are really cruel. We had no chance to react. If the general counsel hadn't arranged for the brothers to conduct reconnaissance in the surrounding mountains and discover the situation a few minutes in advance, there would be no time to hide. These bastards are too cunning. If they were If the beheading attack is successful, the People's Army will be abolished and there will be no need to fight this battle. It is a typical fighting style of the Sam country." The president of Myanmar also said in a deep voice with a cold face.

"We don't have air defense capabilities, and the radar hasn't been fully developed yet, so we can't detect this situation. We were tricked by the enemy. This move was really cruel and caught us off guard. It came too suddenly and there was no way to counterattack. This battle depends on luck, if we can escape, victory will be in our hands." Luo Zheng said murderously.

"Why do you say that?" Ji Wen asked curiously.

"Boom, boom, boom -" before Luo Zheng could answer, he heard three huge explosions, followed by intensive bullet fire. Everyone looked at each other in shock, knowing that the enemy helicopter had launched an attack. Not only Rockets and anti-aircraft guns were used. The rockets exploded into a large area, and the anti-aircraft cannons plowed through holes. Nothing could withstand them.

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