The strongest soldier

Chapter 2496 Lan Xue’s proposal

Since the danger appeared, Luo Zheng's mood has been very solemn, as if he was worried about something. Pufu was waiting for the countermeasures to be arranged. Now that he was free, he quickly asked. Luo Zheng glanced at Pufu and shook his head with a wry smile. Said: "Not to mention worrying, the murder of two presidential candidates in Sam Country is caused by the Dark Church. I speculate that they are trying to seize the president of Sam Country. Once successful, it will become a disaster for the entire human race."

"Sam's country is a major military power. If it is controlled by them, they will definitely launch a war against countries that do not obey them. It may actually trigger a third world war. This is definitely a terrifying thing, but what does it have to do with the current situation? "Pu Pufu asked in a deep voice.

"Wait a minute, what is the Dark Church?" the Myanmar president asked in surprise.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later." Pufu said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng was not interested in explaining to the president what the Dark Church was. He took over Pufu's words and continued: "The Dark Church wants to move to the current president and prevent his re-election. The best way is to throw dirty water and create trouble. Now, they The interference in Myanmar has been announced through various means, saying that the war was initiated by the current president. In other words, if the war in Myanmar is disrespectful, the current president will not be able to be re-elected. If it wins, the final winner will be the Dark Church. I have to say , the mastermind behind this is very clever.”

"It makes sense. I don't understand politics. What do you think?" Pufu looked at Luo Zheng and said. Seeing Luo Zheng frowning in thought and not immediately answering his question, he couldn't help but look at the President of Myanmar. and Ji Wen, added: "What do you two think?"

"From a political point of view, the general counsel's analysis is correct. This kind of thing can only be solved through political means. The problem is that my current status is not suitable for making political remarks and calling on the international community for help. This may also be their calculation. Among them, it is indeed very clever." The President of Myanmar said with emotion.

"The war situation is complicated. Winning or losing the war is beneficial to them. It is indeed very smart. However, everything is temporary. This matter should be viewed dynamically. If we win this battle, the Dark Church will be able to move to their president and support them. It will take time for one of our own to come to power and then launch a war against Burma. After Burma is unified, it will immediately sign a strategic cooperation agreement and security agreement with China to integrate Burma into China's security system. Sam State will not dare to It's moving." Ji Wen analyzed thoughtfully.

Luo Zheng's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he smiled and said: "It makes sense. This matter should be viewed dynamically. It is really inappropriate to only look at temporary gains and losses." He looked at the president and Pufu.

The president may not be able to fight, but he is very sharp in politics and has a sophisticated vision. He saw Luo Zheng's thoughts, thought about it and said seriously: "If Myanmar is really unified and included in the Chinese national security system, it will not be a problem. This will be very important to Myanmar." It is beneficial to the country, which has been devastated by war and is in great need of peace and stability."

"Yes, between the Sam Country and the Huaxia Country, the Burmese Country can only choose one side. The Sam Country goes back on its word and is only interested in profit. The Huaxia Country and the Burmese Country are neighbors and have a geographical relationship. Cooperation will benefit both countries, and division will harm both parties. Why not choose Where is China?" Pu Fuye said in a deep voice, his eyes firm, as if he had made some kind of decision.

Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the two people's statements. As long as the two of them are willing to cooperate deeply with Huaxia, support is not a problem, and it is not a problem to stay to assist. Luo Zheng is wearing a headset, and all the conversations just now are known to the headquarters. And report it to his superiors. The superiors will definitely have professional analysis to judge the authenticity of the two people's words. The final decision is a matter of the country. As a soldier, Luo Zheng will not interfere, but will only obey.

"Everyone, there is a firefight at Yingchou Peak." Xuelian suddenly said, turning the computer around and facing everyone with the screen. On the screen was a blurry satellite video. The two groups were fighting extremely fiercely. Everyone gathered together to observe carefully.

Luo Zheng also stared at the screen without saying a word. He saw that the attacking team was about 200 people, which was far from the originally expected 500 people. They were probably the vanguard. The remaining 300 people were on standby. Sha Biao's people were guarding the mountain. It looked like there were less than a hundred men, and only five of the ten heavy machine guns were exposed.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng knew that Sha Biao was a methodical person in fighting and was not a reckless man. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued to observe while asking: "Headquarters, immediately notify Gui Shou to gather the troops and withdraw. Move quickly and be careful not to be exposed."

"Understood." Blue Star's answer sounded in the headset.

"What's going on?" Lan Xue's voice rang in the headset: "Do you want domestic assistance? If necessary, you can quickly gather a large number of troops at the border, and you can secretly arrange Guardian 2 long-range rocket launchers. Your position is within the range of the rocket launchers. Artillery support is available.”

"Okay." Luo Zheng was startled, then secretly happy, and immediately agreed. He was annoyed that he had forgotten this. The Guardian 2 can be towed directly by a car. It is easy to move and conceal. It has a range of about 380 kilometers and a killing radius of Above 450 meters, it can be equipped with powerful high-explosive bombs, incendiary bombs, ground-penetrating bombs, cluster bombs, etc. The terminal uses advanced technologies such as global satellite positioning, infrared or laser for ballistic correction. With this thing as a trump card, it can be absolutely perfect when necessary. Kill, even if the enemy discovers it, it doesn't matter.

Long-range rocket launchers are deployed at the border. It can be said that it is for national security needs. As long as they do not cross the border, no one can say anything. This is the advantage of geography. The Sam State aircraft carrier fleet can only dock at sea. Although it can also provide missile support, In this way, it will be exposed, and the long-range rocket launcher has a small target, and can even sneak into Myanmar. Even if it is discovered when firing, Pufu will only need to make a public statement saying that he did it, and it will be debunked. It has to be clean and the interim president of Myanmar cannot say that the aircraft carrier fleet is his own.

Long-range rocket launchers can be purchased from the international weapons market. It’s easy to find an excuse. Sam’s aircraft carrier fleet can’t be purchased from the international market, right? Luo Zheng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he thought about this. With the Guardian 2 long-range rocket launcher, he felt calm and his thinking became more active.

At this time, Luo Zheng saw the screen on the computer screen switching. Another force sneaked up from the side, with more than a hundred people. Sha Biao quickly reacted and sent a platoon of troops to rush forward. Two heavy machine guns fired. He directly suppressed the charging enemies and stabilized his position.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng did not relax. Instead, he became worried. He looked at Qi Pufu and asked in a deep voice: "Inform all troops to be careful and beware of enemy infiltration. In addition, I want to ask immediately where the troops supporting Sha Biao are." How long will it take to arrive?"

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