The strongest soldier

Chapter 2461 There is a turning point

Information bombs are an attack method that relies on sending a large amount of information to destroy and disrupt the other party. In the network, some simple sabotage activities rely on sending information bombs to affect communications and destroy the network. The more sophisticated ones can control the voltage of the other party through information. , achieves the purpose of burning the opponent's computer circuit board through high and low voltage current conversion. This technology is despised by skilled information engineers because it represents incompetence. Only low-level and incompetent information engineers will use this almost rogue method to fight back.

Luo Zheng didn't know much about these things, but he had heard of information bombs and knew the unspoken rules of the industry. Smart information engineers use superb technology to fight against each other. No one would use such low-level methods to delay Time, Xuelian, a proud top information specialist, had to use this tactic.

Three minutes is the most critical golden time for everyone. Even if the enemy takes action after three minutes, it will be half a beat too late. Luo Zheng immediately warned through the headset: "Blue Star, immediately notify the brothers to enter the trenches and pay attention to air defense. It’s all hidden.”

"Yes." Lan Xing said in a deep voice, "Sister-in-law, are you okay?" As an information specialist, Lan Xing could best understand Xue Lian's mood and admired Xue Lian's actions.

"It's okay. The think tank is right. Reputation is tiring. Since I used it the first time, why can't I use it the second time and risk everything? I'll hold him back and you'll be responsible for the sneak attack. Is there any problem?" Xue Lian felt refreshed and coldly He said with a twinkle in his pretty eyes, as if he had seen through a lot of things and let go of a lot of things.

Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene. Fame is tiring. If a person lives for his own reputation, it will be very tiring. There are many taboos and many things cannot be done. Once you see through it and let go, the fighting power is terrifying. Luo Zheng Zheng knew that Xuelian had put down her reputation and turned into a real soldier, which was a good thing.

Soldiers regard the interests of the country as their highest interest and put aside personal interests. Only in this way can they kill the enemy with their level without any scruples. Luo Zheng saw Xue Lian typing on the keyboard quickly and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to leave when he suddenly saw A pattern popped up on the screen, it was a fist with the middle finger raised.

This was an action of contempt. Xue Lian's face froze and she looked coldly at the pattern that stopped moving. Luo Zheng squatted down and looked at the screen with a disdainful sneer: "It is indeed a tentacle monster, otherwise this icon will not be released. This icon is enough It means that the other party understands you and knows that they are fighting with you, what do you think?"

"That's right, this beast, wait." Xue Lian looked solemn and started typing on the keyboard again.

Luo Zheng was completely relieved when he saw that Xue Lian was not attacked, but fought back. He stood up, looked at the mountains and forests in the distance and said in a deep voice: "Aerial bombing should be their fourth trump card. If this card is destroyed, The initiative is entirely in our hands, Blue Star, we must find the location of that bastard. With his suspicion and caution, he shouldn't be at the aviation base, right?"

"Understood." Blue Star promised in a deep voice: "The message has been sent successfully. The five fighter jets that took off returned. Two other fighter jets were seen on the starting line. They are made in China by Sam. We do not have the source code and cannot hack it in a short time. When you go in, you can only see my sister-in-law."

The five fighter jets that took off before were all made in China. Everyone is familiar with the source code of the control system and it is easy to hack into it. However, the country of Sam is different. It is difficult to hack into it in a short time. Luo Zheng knew that what Blue Star said was the truth and couldn't help but look at it. Xiang Xuelian was typing on the keyboard quickly, with a solemn expression and murderous intent in her eyes, as if she had seen an enemy.

Luo Zheng knew that Xuelian had entered the state, so he did not disturb him. Red Plum Blossom's voice suddenly came from the headset: "Head, the Ministry of Security has secret intelligence personnel near the Myanmar Air Force Base, who are responsible for collecting daily information on fighter jets' daily takeoffs, landings, training, etc. You know The power supply route at the back of the base has been destroyed and the results will be available within five minutes."

"Great." Luo Zheng was overjoyed. He didn't expect that the Ministry of Security sent intelligence personnel to keep an eye on the Myanmar Air Force Base. After thinking about it carefully, he was relieved. The air force base is a strategic military target, and the country will definitely send intelligence personnel to keep an eye on it and collect relevant information. Information, now it's better.

According to Xuelian, the opponent will return to normal after three minutes, and the power will be cut off after five minutes. In other words, there are still two minutes between the opponent. Luo Zheng couldn't help but look at Xuelian, and Xuelian said in a deep voice: "I will solve it in two minutes, Lan Star, immediately hack the air force base’s power supply.”

"Understood." Lan Xing said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he heard this. It was easy to hack the regular power supply of the Burmese Air Force base, but it was difficult to hack the backup power supply. Now it's fine. After five minutes, the backup power supply will be cut off. Even if the tentacle monster restores the computer and takes back control of the system, it will be useless. , there is no power, all command systems are paralyzed, how can the fighter take off? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was overjoyed and waited patiently. This battle without gunpowder was even more dangerous. Whoever had control over the system would win.

Regardless of the government forces, Snow Leopards, or Ghost Hands, they should all be exposed to the satellite surveillance of Sam State. Even the mountain eagles and Puxing who were rushing over were also exposed. Once the air force command system is mastered by the tentacle monster, it will definitely be mobilized. The fighter jets bombarded the brothers indiscriminately, and no one was spared. Luo Zheng's scalp was numb just thinking about the danger here, and he put all his expectations on Xue Lian.

With Blue Star's technical level, he is definitely no match for the tentacle monster. Fortunately, there is Xuelian. Luo Zheng secretly felt lucky. Without Xuelian, no matter how well he fought in this battle, he would be the one to lose in the end, and the price would be his actions. The lives of all the brothers in the three brigades.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng suddenly realized that his opponent was planning step by step. He would first garrison the town, waiting for him to be exposed, and then attack with Black Hawk helicopters. If he hadn't used Dragon Tooth bombs, he would have lost at the beginning. Then, he would use medium-sized mortars, which would have enough artillery fire. Cover everyone's hiding spots. Without the iron sculpture, the brothers would have died tragically on the battlefield.

After that, the biological warriors cut off the rear, first annihilating the first team, provoking everyone and rushing in. There might be a huge trap waiting behind. Luo Zheng was very sure of his conclusion, so he had to lead his troops to leave the battlefield, and pursue in a roundabout way. Every step of the enemy The calculations are very subtle, every step is a fatal murderous intention, and now it is a fighter jet, so ruthless methods, so vicious thoughts, every step is to annihilate itself, such a big appetite.

"Head, Snow Leopard said he saw the enemy on the bridge trying to get off the bridge with a rope to escape. Do you want to fight?" Blue Star's voice suddenly sounded in the headset.

"Fight-" Luo Zheng, who was full of anger, shouted coldly. Snow Leopard and others were ordered to enter the trenches to avoid the air attack, but how could the enemy who had finally surrounded them escape? As for the threat of fighter jets, Luo Zheng pinned his hopes on Xue Lian. He couldn't help but look over and saw Xue Lian typing on the keyboard quickly, like a storm. It was obvious that the critical moment had come. His face became solemn and he roared: "Tell Xue Lian that we can't let him run away. An enemy, kill me——!”

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