The strongest soldier

Chapter 2460 Information Bomb

Information warfare is an important weapon for victory in modern wars. All countries are vigorously improving their information warfare capabilities. Myanmar's information warfare capabilities are definitely not Blue Star's opponent. Luo Zheng thought of the enemy's air force and also thought of information warfare, but there was Blue Star. Luo Zheng was not very worried when Xing was there, not to mention Xue Lian's trump card, but he didn't expect that there was suddenly an extra person, and this person could actually block Xue Lian's attack, and the situation was different.

Luo Zheng rejected Xuelian's proposal without hesitation. Ten minutes is not a short time. It is enough for a fighter to do a lot of things. So what if he can defeat his opponent by then? The lives of Xue Bao and others were already in danger. Seeing Xuelian's eyes full of hatred, Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Sister-in-law, now I have reason to suspect that the other party deliberately took off five domestic fighter jets to let us hack and attract Our focus is on the ultimate move behind us, so the chain of command must be taken down. We calm down and there is always a way."

"I understand, but the tentacle monster was taught by me. I know his abilities best. I am prepared this time. It will take some time to defeat him." Xuelian said helplessly.

"In that case, let me fight for these ten minutes for you." Luo Zheng knew that Xue Lian would not joke at this time, and would use whatever method he had to deal with an opponent of similar strength. To win in ten minutes was already very impressive. Unable to force it, his face darkened and he immediately said through the headset: "Blue Star, arrange for someone to hack the fighter jets taking off, and arrange for someone to hack their power sources, right away."

"Yes." Blue Star immediately agreed.

After the power was hacked, it took several minutes to restore it. Luo Zheng glanced at Xue Lian, only to find that Xue Lian shook his head with a wry smile and said, "It doesn't make much sense. He definitely wants to get this. As an information engineer, the first thing to solve is to protect yourself." network and power supply, so you can attack without worries.”

Luo Zheng's face turned cold, his eyes flashed coldly, and he became nervous. Time is life, and every second wasted is a pity. At this moment, Luo Zheng's thinking became calmer and more active, and he immediately settled in through the headset. The voice said: "Red plum blossoms."

"Arrived." A voice sounded in the headset, it was Hong Meihua.

"Contact the intelligence department immediately to see if any of our agents are nearby and cut off their power as quickly as possible." Luo Zheng said murderously.

"Understood." Hongmeihua agreed in a deep voice.

"There is a way to try." Lan Xue's voice rang in the headset: "Attack the Broly Bridge as quickly as possible and take the President of Myanmar as a hostage. Then you won't be afraid of the other side's fighter jets, and you can even fight with the opponent even if it's the worst. The melee prevents the fighter jets from exerting their offensive power."

"It's too late. There is a Sam State special operations team next to the target. These people are very capable. It is impossible to capture the target within a few minutes, and it is difficult to get close to them. They must be prepared." Luo Zheng vetoed in a deep voice. After hearing Lan Xue's suggestion, his mind started spinning at a high speed.

"Then I'll give up attacking first and do the opposite." Xuelian suddenly said in a deep voice.

"How?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"At this critical moment, no one will give up the attack. If I suddenly give up the attack, the opponent will definitely be alert and think it is a trick. The biggest shortcoming of the tentacle monster is that it is suspicious and does not fight uncertain battles. Simply put, it is lack of I don’t have the courage to take a gamble, and I don’t have the courage to move forward." Xue Lian explained in a deep voice.

"Empty city plan?" Luo Zheng said in surprise. Seeing Xue Lian nod, Luo Zheng thought for a while and said, "This is too risky. You can find a way to penetrate into the command system and lie dormant to wait for opportunities. You don't have to attack the network. Once you find a weakness, you can immediately attack it." Attack, Blue Star, can you lock the communication equipment of everyone in the Myanmar Air Force?"

"No problem." Blue Star promised in a deep voice.

"If you don't send a message to these people and their families, even if the tactical missile has been aimed at the air force base and an attack will be launched within five minutes, I will give him a blow." Luo Zheng ordered with murderous intent.

"What a good idea. The family members will definitely call the staff at the air force base and ask them to evacuate the base. As long as the news spreads, panic will form and no one will work. But this alone is not enough." Lan Xue praised.

"That's right, sending this message in the name of the President of Myanmar means that tactical missiles are aimed at the air force base and telling them to evacuate immediately. Furthermore, it means that the group of Sam people in charge of the command are actually terrorists, not terrorists. Representative of Sam Country, tell the truth, tell the truth, let’s do it right now.” Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, and a cold murderous aura erupted from his body.

"Yes." Blue Star agreed quickly.

"Doing this may make people at the air force base suspect the identity of the tentacle monsters, but it will not stop their actions in a short time, because they will first confirm the authenticity of the news. This will take five or six minutes, and there will also be fighter jets during this time. I have a way to delay takeoff for three minutes." Xue Lian reminded.

"Okay, let's delay it for now." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice without asking for specific methods.

Xuelian kept typing on the keyboard with a cold face. Within ten seconds, Xuelian pushed away the computer and said, "It has been solved, but the other party will continue within three minutes."

"What method did you use?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Information bomb, I burned the opponent's computer circuit board. This was a helpless method, and it was also a shameless method of admitting defeat. Information engineers have always refused to abandon it. I never thought that one day I would use this rogue method to fight against the opponent. I Lost." Xue Lian said bitterly, with a heavy heart.

Luo Zheng could understand Xue Lian's mood. It was indeed embarrassing to use such rogue tactics against an opponent who was not as good as him. However, in order to gain valuable time, Xue Lian put aside his pride and honor and used a very disgraceful method to stop his opponent. , once word gets out, your reputation will be tarnished.

As a master, Xuelian valued her reputation very much. Luo Zheng whispered understandingly: "Sister-in-law, you are now a soldier. It is the duty of a soldier to complete the mission. All reputation, dignity and pride should be thrown aside. The mission is The only thing is, as long as I can save the lives of my brothers, I will never frown even if I die now."

"Well, I'll keep this account in mind first." Xuelian said in a deep voice, the fighting spirit slowly returning to her bitter face.

"Yes, let's remember that we will calculate the general ledger later. For soldiers, there is no such thing as rogue tactics. As long as they can kill the enemy and complete the mission, it is a good tactic. The reputation is tiring, so why should you care?" Luo Zheng enlightened. , the once invincible information engineer was forced to use rogue tactics, and his frustration was understandable.

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