The strongest soldier

Chapter 2428 Trap to seize people

In the dark woods, drizzle fell continuously, falling from the leaves, making a slight sound when falling to the ground, and merged into a stream to flow down the mountainside. The wind was blowing slowly. Other than that, it was as quiet as death. Luo Zheng seemed to He pushed forward slowly like a ghost, taking every step very carefully. Before he was sure whether the enemy had a secret sentry, any reckless behavior would undoubtedly lead to death.

Not long after, Luo Zheng came to a position level with the iron sculpture. He stopped with his back against a big tree. He raised his sniper scope and quickly looked around. His murderous aura was restrained, as if he was integrated with the surrounding natural environment. Soon, Luo Zheng Zheng saw an open platform below the mountainside. Several people were sitting under a big tree to rest and eat dry food. No one spoke, like dormant beasts.

Among the crowd, Luo Zheng saw a person sitting quietly on the ground, looking confusedly ahead and thinking about something. He was barefoot and his clothes were in tatters. It was 仡Puxing. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and worried when he saw 仡Puxing. Relax your mind, it will be easy to handle as long as you are alive, and everything you have done will not be in vain.

There are five enemies that can be seen below, and there are exactly six enemies including Pu Xing. However, Luo Zheng always feels that the enemies should not just pick people like this. He continues to observe the surroundings. The ground around them is bare and clear at a glance. Luo Zheng raises his hand in surprise. He picked up the sniper scope and looked into the tree.

Not all the surrounding trees were very big. Luo Zheng gave up on the small trees and directly searched for the relatively large trees that could hide people. Unfortunately, the visibility was too low and he couldn't see far, but Luo Zheng always felt that there was an invisible force around him. The murderous aura was lurking, and he did not dare to move, so he continued to search.

Tie Diao not far away saw that Luo Zheng had not yet issued a combat order, and started searching in surprise. After a while, he found nothing. He couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng curiously, only to find that Luo Zheng was looking over and gesturing to him. Diao carefully observed the gestures for a while, asking himself if he had found anything strange, and quickly waved his hand.

The stream flowed down in the quiet woods, and the sound was as beautiful as the sound of nature. The gunshots in the distance could still be heard vaguely, but they were obviously far away. There was nothing around, but Luo Zheng still did not dare to attack. , I always felt that something was wrong. Suddenly, an idea flashed across my mind.

Luo Zheng immediately realized that something was wrong. It was a sound. After the heavy rain, there was a continuous drizzle, which looked like it was about to stop. Normally, some insects such as crickets would come out and chirp. Everyone heard it along the way, but We have been here for several minutes, but we haven't seen any insects chirping. There is only one explanation, and that is that the insects are afraid and worried and dare not come out to chirp.

Why is this happening? Luo Zheng looked around vigilantly and analyzed. The target was in the open area below. It was understandable that there would be no sound of chirping insects within a dozen meters around. Why wasn't there further away? This is not in line with the laws of nature. Are there more enemies hiding further away? Are these people all bait?

After thinking for a while, Luo Zheng became more cautious and continued to observe. Unfortunately, it was too dark in the woods and the visibility was very limited. The sniper scope could only see a dozen meters away, and nothing could be seen further away. It was not a problem to wait any longer. , the opportunity is rare and a decision must be made.

Luo Zheng immediately touched the headset to attract everyone's attention, and then issued an order with a battle gesture. The order was very simple. Each person took one shot. He first knocked down the enemy in front, and then the iron eagle rushed down to save others. People were on the spot to provide fire cover. With Tie Diao's speed, this wasn't a big problem. Others, Luo Zheng, couldn't guarantee it.

Everyone understood Luo Zheng's tactical arrangements and nodded. Ji Wu and Sanji slowly pushed forward, leveled up with Luo Zheng and Tie Diao, then spread out to both sides, looking for a place to hide, and slowly raised their sniper rifles to take aim. In the past, targets were assigned using hand signals to avoid wasting opportunities again and again.

The enemy's strength is obviously not simple. There is only one chance to make a surprise attack. Once the gun fires, the enemies who have not been hit will definitely find a place to hide. It will be difficult to kill them again. Everyone quickly locks their targets and concentrates to ensure that this The hit rate of a shot is waiting for Luo Zheng's order.

There were five enemies, and there were only four of us. One more, Luo Zheng, surrounded him. After locking on a target, Luo Zheng slowly pressed the trigger with his index finger, took a deep breath, and restrained his endless murderous aura so as not to alarm the target. Queen Yu calmly pulled the trigger.

"Boom -" the sniper bullet whizzed out of the barrel, drawing a stream of light in the dark night. It swatted at the target fiercely like a god of death. With endless murderous intent, it hit the target's head in an instant, making a loud bang and sparks. Splattering in all directions, the target was knocked to the ground by the powerful kinetic energy of the bullet and rolled over without holding its head.

Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw this scene. It was bullet-proof armor. He didn't expect these people to be equipped with bullet-proof armor. This was indeed a trap, a trap to lure everyone into action. But as soon as the gunfire rang out, everything was too late. I was able to bite the bullet and continue to fight. Fortunately, avoiding the armor could block the bullet, but it could not resolve the momentum of the bullet. The powerful momentum acted on one point, forming a powerful force that no one could bear with the head.

The arrow was on the string and had to be fired. Luo Zheng knew that there was no time to change the dragon tooth bullet and quickly aimed at the other target. In this stunned moment, the other target had already shrunk into a ball and hid behind the big tree. However, due to the angle, Luo Zheng was still able to Seeing half of the head, he pulled the trigger again without hesitation.

"Boom -" There was another metal collision sound, sparks flew everywhere, the target was knocked away, fell to the ground and rolled over. Luo Zheng was very confident in his shooting skills. He didn't have time to look at the results, so he quickly checked the scene and found other things. Everyone was hit by everyone and fell to the ground. There was no movement. They were only more than ten meters apart from each other. This distance was not difficult for everyone. The iron eagle pounced forward like a big bird.

"There are biological warriors, replace the dragon tooth bullets." Luo Zheng warned in a cold lowered voice. He put his eyes in the sniper scope and searched everywhere, not daring to be careless. His index finger was on the trigger, not daring to do anything at this moment. Change bullets, the enemy will appear at any time, and there must be someone who can ensure fire suppression.

Ji Wu and Sang Ji knew that Luo Zheng was not an aimless person. When they heard that there were biological warriors, they were shocked and quickly replaced the dragon tooth bullets. Suddenly, there was a gunshot, and a bullet roared from deep in the woods ahead. The horror Extremely, like a demon suddenly bursting out of hell.

The running Iron Eagle took a wrong step and twisted its body strangely, barely avoiding the sneak attack. It rolled up, bowed its body, kicked off its feet, and rushed towards the open area on the mountainside like an arrow from a string. .

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