The strongest soldier

Chapter 2427 Bite the enemy

It is extremely difficult to chase the murderer on a rainy night. The biggest problem is that you cannot see clearly. You can only rely on intuition and judgment to identify the direction. Secondly, you must always be wary of enemies who may be lurking and waiting. The iron eagle leads the way, relying on keen intuition and He groped forward with his extraordinary perception. As a martial arts practitioner, Tie Diao's perception was very sharp and he could hear even a rabbit passing by within a certain range.

Luo Zheng also knew the danger of such a pursuit, so he used the traditional breathing method to adjust his breath and entered an ethereal state. In this state, Luo Zheng's hearing and perception were as good as those of the iron eagle. From left to right, Ji Wu and Sanji followed, and the four of them advanced cautiously.

More than half an hour later, the four of them heard the sudden sound of gunfire in the distance. They were startled. Luo Zheng quickly asked in a low voice through the headset: "What's going on?"

"I've bitten these bastards and are attacking." Xu Gang's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he heard this. As long as Xu Gang bit the enemy's main force and opened fire, the others would think they were safe and would relax their vigilance. He quickly lowered his voice and warned: "Wolf tactics, pounce on and bite slowly, and bleed slowly." , Even if you can't stop, you have to scare them to death even if you can't beat them to death. Pay attention to your own safety." With the ability of the members of the action team led by Xu Gang, their ability to survive in such extremely harsh conditions is much better than that of the Myanmar government forces, and there is no need to use too much force at all. Worry about safety issues.

"I understand, don't worry." Xu Gang's confident tone sounded in the headset.

"Head, it's completely dark within a two-kilometer radius of you, without any lights. Be careful, maybe those bastards are hiding." Blue Star's warning voice sounded in the headset.

"No, their top priority is to take the person away as soon as possible." Luo Zheng expressed his judgment in a deep voice and motioned for everyone to move forward.

In the dark woods, four people floated forward like ghosts, silently but swiftly. After ten minutes, the leading iron eagle suddenly raised his hand and clenched his fist to make a stop gesture. Everyone was keenly aware of it. At this gesture, they all stopped and looked at the iron sculpture.

At this time, Tie Diao took a few steps forward, squatted down to check, and then made a gesture to come forward. Everyone walked up vigilantly and saw a shoe on the ground. The shoe did not look like it had been left here for a long time. Zheng stepped forward to take a look and said in a deep voice: "These thousand-layer cloth shoes seem to be a custom of the Keqin people. Could it be that they were left behind intentionally by Gong Puxing?"

"Maybe it was intentional, maybe it was an accident, but this shoe is enough to prove that we are following the right route. It is impossible for anyone else to leave their shoes in this place. Shoes are very important to adult men of the Cochin ethnic group, or they are elders of the previous generation. It is a gift, either from a lover or wife, it is impossible to buy it outside, and it is impossible to make it yourself, so there is no possibility of throwing it away casually." Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

"You're right, let's leave quickly." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, carefully identifying the surroundings. Although the tactical goggles have night vision capabilities, they can only make a rough distinction in this extremely harsh environment. It was clear that not long after, everyone found a new clue, a twig that had been kicked off.

By drawing straight lines between the left shoes and branches, it was easy to determine the direction in which the target was escaping. Everyone was refreshed and continued to pursue them. Soon they found that the target had been walking along the mountain ridge. Mountain ridges are more conducive to walking than mountainside and valleys. , which shows that the target is eager to break away from the pursuit, and everyone speeds up involuntarily.

In the vast and dark forest, the sounds of various insects and birds were startled by the gunshots in the distance. The surroundings were as quiet as death and exuding a strange atmosphere. Luo Zheng and others gritted their teeth and kept on going, their bodies tense and their spirits high. Be on high alert. In addition to enemies in this terrifying dense forest, there are also beasts and poisonous snakes.

Perhaps it was because of the heavy rain that the common venomous snakes and hungry wolves were nowhere to be seen, but no one dared to be careless and stared at the dark front and pushed forward carefully. After walking for another half an hour, everyone discovered something again. A pair of thousand-layer cloth shoes, exactly the same as those found before, on a mountainside.

Everyone stopped and searched the surroundings, not daring to turn on their flashlights or speak. They were like silent ghosts. They relied on the night vision function of the tactical goggles to carefully distinguish the surrounding environment. Not long after, Luo Zheng discovered that the target should be going down the mountain. After walking down the mountainside for a while, I saw other traces, and I was overjoyed.

If it weren't for a highly recognizable object like shoes, everyone might have continued to push along the mountain ridge. They never expected that the target would choose to go down the mountain here. Luo Zheng looked calmly at the bottom of the mountainside, which was so dark that it looked like a dark abyss of hell. I couldn't see anything, the visibility was really low.

"If you don't be careful as the column moves forward, it doesn't feel good." Luo Zheng reminded in a low voice.

"I'll open the way." Tie Diao said in a low voice and went down first. Luo Zheng had no choice but to follow closely behind Tie Diao, holding the sniper rifle in his hand tightly and getting ready for battle. Sanji and Ji Wu behind him also felt Luo Zheng's reaction. Zheng was uneasy and prepared for battle.

Everyone advanced less than ten meters when they suddenly saw the iron sculpture in front of them stop and make a fighting gesture to spread out and hide. This is a gesture that is only used when the enemy is discovered. Everyone was shocked and quickly squatted down and tiptoed. They spread out to both sides, not daring to make a sound. They even took off their tactical goggles, raised their sniper rifle, and looked forward through the sniper scope.

The observation distance of the sniper scope was longer than that of the tactical eyepiece, but they still couldn't see anything in front of them. Everyone looked for a place to hide in confusion. They looked at the iron sculpture a little ahead, only to find that the iron sculpture raised its right hand and fired several shots in succession. Soon, everyone knew based on the gestures that there were six people in front of them. The number was completely consistent with everyone's previous judgment. They were resting against the big tree on the mountainside, and there was no hidden whistle.

Resting on the mountainside is a safer choice, because the pursuers generally don't pay attention to the mountainside except for the mountain ridges and valleys. Luo Zheng knew that this group of people was not simple and had rich combat experience, but why not arrange a secret sentry? Is it because you thought no one would catch up? This is not how an experienced special operations team should perform.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng tapped the headset twice to warn. This is the habit of the Mystery Bureau. Sanji and Ji Wu knew this rule. When Tie Diao saw that Luo Zheng was not moving, he did not move. He stared ahead and waited for Luo Zheng's decision.

The matter was so important that Luo Zheng did not dare to take it lightly. He raised his sniper scope and searched carefully just in case. Unfortunately, the visibility was very low and there was not even a shadow of the enemy. Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and risked being exposed as he walked out of the bunker and tiptoed. He slowly advanced forward, holding his sniper rifle flat on his shoulder, aiming straight ahead, ready to fire at any time.

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