The strongest soldier

Chapter 2422 Angry attack

Dong-dong-dong - A heavy metal collision sounded. Three sniper armor-piercing rounds hit the base of the Black Hawk helicopter's propeller. The propeller began to slow down. Luo Zheng was overjoyed. As long as the helicopter could not run away, the success rate of the rescue would be greatly improved. Look. People who came near Black Eagle looked for places to hide and quickly entered combat mode. They knew that the coming team was not simple. As for the government troops, they also looked for places to hide, but their reaction was much slower.

"Don't move, just wait and see." Luo Zheng lowered his voice and warned. The biggest threat to snipers is concealment. Like ghosts, they suddenly erupt when the enemy is unaware, harvesting lives and creating panic. Once exposed, they will be attacked. Firepower was fully suppressed and even pursued.

Sanji and Ji Wu had been trained hard at the training base, so they naturally understood this truth. After hearing Luo Zheng's order, they lurked, stopped looking at the gun, let the rain hit them, and stared motionlessly ahead, with a sharp and murderous gaze. Gradually become more introverted, not exposing any aura, and integrating yourself into the surrounding environment.

The silent sniper is the most feared thing, because no one knows when or where a bullet will be fired. The propeller of the Black Hawk helicopter soon stopped rotating completely, and there was no movement. The people lurking on the ground He didn't dare to move at all, for fear of getting into trouble.

Boom - Another huge thunder exploded in the dark sky, followed by a thick lightning tearing through the night, illuminating the sky. The downpour was clearly visible. Luo Zheng used the bright light to clearly see the situation of the enemy camp in front. Letting the rain wet his body, he lurked motionless.

The rain hit the helmet, flowed down, flowed over the brow and face, and fell to the ground. The cold rain and the body temperature merged together to form a mist, wrapping the whole body, but it could not withstand the heavy rain. Pouring, it is difficult to detect until you are in front of you. Luo Zheng's sharp eyes were fixed on the front, thinking about the rescue plan in his mind. Next to him, Sangji lowered his voice and asked: "Head, do you want me to go around from the side and hit him?"

The lurking enemy did not have a good shooting angle due to the height difference in the terrain. Luo Zheng had to wait patiently. When he saw many people rushing out of the enemy camp and shooting randomly at the surroundings, this was a fire reconnaissance tactic. Luo Zheng quickly calmed down. The voice warned: "Don't worry, the enemy is conducting fire reconnaissance, don't move, don't touch that brow, just keep an eye on the team coming over on the Black Hawk helicopter."

"Could they be the elite biological warriors of the Dark Church? How about replacing dragon tooth bullets?" Tie Diao reminded.

"Unlike, with the speed of biological warriors, they will definitely not lurk and stay still at this moment, but rush forward directly. We can't effectively lock on at all. Not moving means we are not sure. This is not the combat style of biological warriors. I doubt it. It's a special team from the Sam Country. If they can afford to wait, so can we." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, thought for a while, and asked through the headset: "Headquarters, where is Xu Gang?"

"Head, be in position immediately, please give instructions." Xu Gang's voice rang in the headset. The annunciator can be linked through Bluetooth signals within five kilometers. Beyond this distance, it can only be relayed to the headquarters.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he heard Xu Gang's words. With the assistance of the action team, the chance of success was a little higher, and he immediately said: "infiltrate up and make some noise for me. It's best to behead them and destroy their headquarters. Black Leave the Eagle fighter team to me, move quickly, the enemy seems to be making some moves."

"Understood." Xu Gang responded in a deep voice.

"No, the enemy camp is moving." Tie Diao hurriedly reminded.

Luo Zheng turned around and saw that the patrols on the periphery of the enemy camp were shooting randomly with fierce firepower. However, a large number of troops in the middle of the enemy camp suddenly rushed out of the tent and rushed towards the black shadow helicopter. Luo Zheng was shocked and couldn't do anything. Knowing what these people want to do, could it be possible to use a large sea of ​​people to cover their retreat?

The situation of the enemy was unknown, so Luo Zheng did not dare to fire randomly. After waiting patiently for a while, he found that a large number of soldiers rushed to the vicinity of the Black Shadow helicopter to build up defensive firepower. Many people even rushed to the place where Pu Xing was tied up and pulled the people from the wooden stakes. Luo Zheng was shocked when he took it off. Sangji next to him said eagerly: "Boss, is the enemy going to abandon the camp and retreat? What should we do?"

"Yes, they are going to abandon the camp and evacuate with Ge Puxing and the others." Ji Wu also said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng did not answer and continued to observe. He found that the enemy had untied Pu Xing and dragged him aside. He did not know who gave the order. Many people fired coldly at the other tribesmen who were tied to the wooden stakes. Crazy bullets are like demons devouring everyone's lives.

"Ah——?" Luo Zheng was horrified. He didn't expect these people to do such a crazy thing. He made it clear that he wanted to take Pu Xing away. He was worried that the other armed members of the tribe would hold him back, so he simply shot them all. Such a cruel method. This is still Government troops? How is this different from the devil?

"Bastard - kill -" Luo Zheng was angry, completely angry, his eyes were red with only overwhelming murderous intent, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Use incendiary bombs, kill -!"

Incendiary bombs are somewhat inhumane. Normally Luo Zheng would not use them. However, the enemy has turned into a demon and ruthlessly shot and killed prisoners of war. They are no longer human beings. Luo Zheng will never be soft on such people and quickly replaces the sniper incendiary bombs to aim at them. , and pulled the trigger without hesitation in a crowded place.

"Beasts, bastards, go to hell -" Tie Diao, Sanji and Ji Wu beside them also roared angrily, with murderous intent surging in their eyes, as if they were pulling the trigger from an erupting volcano crater.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" One after another, the sniper incendiary bombs whizzed out of their chambers, shooting towards them with endless murderous intent. They drew terrifying flames in the heavy rain, like meteors, hitting the target hard, and the incendiary explosives exploded. Open, splashing out, the flames were not affected by the heavy rain, attached to an individual, and burned.

"Ah——" The sudden sniper incendiary bomb attack caused the enemies to scream and roll over one after another. Others fell to the ground and fired fiercely in the direction of Luo Zheng and others. Although the incendiary bombs attacked the enemy, they were still venting their anger. He was angry, but also exposed his position.

However, Luo Zheng did not regret it, and continued to look for targets and shoot, while shouting angrily: "Xu Gang, the enemy is crazy and shoots prisoners of war. Dozens of them are dead. Kill these beasts, don't leave them alone." Hands, I will make them pay with blood, kill them——!”

"Boohoo!" Luo Zheng roared angrily, and kept pulling the trigger to kill visible targets. An invisible murderous aura rose into the sky, as if it was about to pierce the night sky.

"Kill - hoo hoo hoo -!" Sanji and Ji Wu also roared and pulled the trigger desperately.

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