The strongest soldier

Chapter 2421 Take action to stop

The leader's shout reminded Luo Zheng that the rescue operation was no small matter. Although the leader was not slow in running in the jungle, his combat power was not enough. Following him would only be a burden. Luo Zheng immediately reminded him through the headset: "Senior, please trouble you. Explain to the leader and ask him to go back, or stay where he is and wait. If we don't come back, we can go back on our own after dawn."

"Understood." Pufu knew that Luo Zheng didn't want to be burdened, so he agreed.

The guide was very dissatisfied after hearing Pufu's explanation, but when he saw that Luo Zheng and others were able to drive in the heavy rain without a bright flashlight, they quickly disappeared and he could no longer catch up. He was annoyed, but he had no choice. I couldn't see the road and couldn't rush up, so I had to find a place to hide from the heavy rain.

The visibility of the tactical eyepiece was also very limited. Luo Zheng and others did not walk very fast, but also walked very carefully. They slowly descended the mountainside. After climbing over a small hill, a forest appeared in front of them. Through the forest was the valley, where the enemy camp was. In the valley, everyone continued on their way in silence, while getting in touch with the headquarters to learn about the deployment of the enemy camp. It was too dark, and the satellite could only monitor the situation roughly.

The heavy rain gradually became lighter, the dark clouds dispersed, and the sky became gray. The visibility of the tactical eyepiece increased by about three meters. Everyone's speed was a little faster. While walking, Luo Zheng felt that he was soaked all over. If it hadn't been for The tight-fitting clothes were tight-fitting to protect the body. It was necessary to catch a cold or have a fever. After wiping the rainwater, I saw that the destination was not far away. I was overjoyed and told everyone to continue moving forward quickly.

After a while, everyone came to the edge of the woods 200 meters away from the enemy camp and lurked. Ahead was an open flat land, overgrown with low weeds and without any tall trees to block it. There were many tents crisscrossing the open area, and the tents were two feet high. It is about meters wide and large. There are bonfires burning in some tents, and figures are flashing. There are several teams patrolling outside, carrying guns and wearing raincoats, but they are all listless.

Normally, no one would go out on such a rainy night, but Luo Zheng is a person who likes to play cards contrary to common sense, so he just brought everyone here. Luo Zheng carefully observed the camp, combined with the satellite monitoring information provided by Blue Star, estimated that There are at least three hundred people in this camp.

"There are many patrols and they seem to be heavily guarded. What should I do?" Sanji walked over and whispered.

"Don't worry, let's take a look first." Luo Zheng whispered. Suddenly he saw some wooden stakes in the open area in front of him. People seemed to be tied to the wooden stakes. He was startled and quickly picked up his telescope to observe. There was a bonfire in the enemy camp. , there was a lot of light. Using these bright lights, Luo Zheng discovered through the telescope that the people tied to the wooden stakes were all armed members of the tribe. He was immediately overjoyed and carefully identified them, not letting anyone go.

Soon, Luo Zheng saw Qi Puxing. In the crowd, both parties were tied behind their backs. They were holding their heads high and letting the rain wash over them. They had a stubborn expression on their faces and their whole bodies were already soaked. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and whispered: "Look. We've arrived in Puxing, he's still alive and fine, we'll start the rescue immediately."

"Great, thank God, please." Pufu's voice sounded in the headset, extremely excited.

Luo Zheng understood Pufu's mood and looked at the enemy camp in front of him in deep thought. An idea soon came to him, and he immediately continued through the headset: "Headquarters, immediately judge the enemy camp's headquarters camp."

"This will take some time. On a damn rainy night, the visibility is too low to see clearly. Fortunately, there is a bonfire lighting in the camp." Blue Star explained quickly in annoyance.

Luo Zheng agreed in understanding and waited patiently. After a while, Lan Xing said excitedly: "Locked two suspected targets, very close to each other, in the middle of the enemy camp, with the largest tent, the brightest bonfire, and the most soldiers. Such specifications can only be enjoyed by the command headquarters and the officers in charge."

"That makes sense. Give the coordinates to Xu Gang. Where are Xu Gang and the others?" Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"In the mountains and jungles opposite, we expect to be in position within ten minutes." Blue Star quickly explained.

"Very good, tell them to go straight to the enemy camp after they are in position, behead them, and run away after the fight. Fight quickly and provide us with a chance for rescue." Luo Zheng warned, and suddenly saw an armed helicopter roaring towards them. The violent flyers in the heavy rain were getting closer and closer, as if they were not disturbed by the weather.

"Wait a minute." Luo Zheng looked at this scene in surprise and shouted. His eyes were shining and he locked on the armed helicopter. Soon, Luo Zheng discovered that it was a Black Hawk armed helicopter. He couldn't help being shocked. This is something from the Sam country. Could it be that Sam Has the country openly entered the war? This was important news. He quickly said through the headset: "Headquarters, if you find a Black Hawk helicopter gunship, please report this situation to your superiors immediately, who will make a decision."

"Understood." Lan Xing's voice sounded in the headset.

Whether the Sam Country openly joins the war will affect major domestic decisions. Luo Zheng did not dare to delay and told the headquarters to report the truth. The decision was made by the upper level. With a cold expression, he watched the black hawk slowly land and stop in the open area. Several heavily armed soldiers jumped down from the top, and these people quickly dispersed after coming down.

Some officers from the enemy camp came out to greet them. The leader was a colonel, and they talked in a low voice with a second lieutenant officer who got off the Black Hawk. The sound was muffled by the propeller, and the distance was so far that Luo Zheng couldn't hear the conversation at all. He felt vaguely Feeling uneasy, his face darkened and he said, "I'm afraid things may have changed. Prepare to fight."

"Understood." Sanji and Ji Wu agreed in a deep voice, quickly raising their guns and aiming at them.

"This group of people may be here to take away Pu Xing. Pu Xing's identity may be exposed. He must be stopped. There is no time to prepare. Follow my order and kill the enemy's armed helicopter. Then, use armor-piercing bullets to attack the propeller position. The second shot Use incendiary bombs to attack the cockpit position and prepare." Luo Zheng ordered in a deep voice, quickly pushing an armor-piercing bomb up and aiming at the base of the propeller that was still rotating.

The Black Hawk helicopter arrived in the rain and something must have happened. The propellers were not stopping, indicating that they were ready to evacuate at any time. There was a high possibility of escorting people away. Luo Zheng did not dare to take risks. He ignored the risk of exposure and quickly locked the target position. He coldly He said: "Get ready, kill——"

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" Three armor-piercing bullets whizzed out of their barrels almost at the same time, heading straight for the base of the Black Hawk's propeller. The fixed target was only 300 meters apart. This distance was not difficult, especially for Luo Zheng, the bullets It roared away with everyone's deep worries, cutting through the rainy night, leaving a stream of air behind.

The sound of heavy rain and propellers covered up the sound of bullets coming out of the barrel. The bullets pounced silently like ghosts, carrying a cold murderous intent.

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