The strongest soldier

Chapter 2412 Meeting old enemies

I don’t know when the moon came out, and its water-like brilliance fell on the gray mountains and dense forests. It was quiet and peaceful, but the rustling sounds in the dense forests added a bit of terror to the forest. Several frightened birds flew out, After flying far into the sky, the open, flat land below the mountains was covered with low bushes. In one relatively dense bush, a pair of cold eyes stared straight ahead, like a cheetah, in the gray sky. The moonlight was particularly bright, it was Luo Zheng.

There was deathly silence all around. You could hear the sound of wind blowing slowly. The low bushes were blown down by the breeze. The air was fresh and the moonlight was like a flower. It was such a beautiful and quiet night. Suddenly, in the dense mountains and woods, A black shadow emerged, and it rushed out like a tiger descending from the mountain. It was so fast that it was difficult to see with the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, the tiger pounced on the ground and hid in the bushes.

Luo Zheng's face changed drastically when he saw this scene. This speed was already as fast as his own. This was definitely not an ordinary special forces soldier. Even the Jarhead of Sam Country couldn't reach this speed. No wonder he dared to do it even though his identity was exposed. Choosing to continue the attack is indeed the qualification to attack, and the person who comes is not evil.

"It's so fast. Do you want to hit your head?" Sanji's voice sounded in the headset. The sound was weak, but it was clearly audible in this quiet wilderness.

"Observe first." Luo Zheng said in a low voice. Suddenly, he saw another black shadow rushing out of the woods. In the blink of an eye, it rushed up more than ten meters. It turned on its side and hid in the bushes. It was the same as the previous one. The people are arranged one on the left and one on the right, forming an angle. This is a formation to cover the people behind.

"Something's wrong, these are not ordinary special forces." The mountain eagle's deep voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng also saw something was wrong and couldn't help but raise the telescope. The telescope had a thermal imaging function. He ignored the low bushes in front and directly saw the lurking target. He was lying motionless on the ground with his weapons set up and separated from each other. It was only a hundred meters away. This distance was very dangerous. Luo Zheng was not sure whether the enemy had discovered him. He was about to issue an attack order when he suddenly saw three more black figures rushing out of the dense forest on the mountain. They were also very fast. The three of them breathed He rushed forward for about twenty meters, and a shadow stretched out in the gray moonlight. He quickly fell to the ground and hid himself.

As a result, the enemy and we are only eighty meters apart. For experts, it takes less than ten seconds to rush over at this distance. It is a very dangerous distance. Luo Zheng's face darkened and he was about to give the order to fire when he suddenly saw the first one rushing out. The two people suddenly stood up and rushed forward. The three people who appeared behind did not move and lay on the ground to hide. This was an alternating cover charge tactic.

"There's something weird." Tie Diao's deep voice sounded: "I'll go up and fight in close quarters to slow them down. Brother, you have good marksmanship and will be responsible for long-range sniper cover."

Luo Zheng knew that the iron eagle's speed was very terrifying. Not only could he compare with it, but he was also faster than the people rushing up to him. If the iron eagle rushed up to fight the enemy in close combat, it would indeed be able to slow down the enemy and create opportunities for him to snipe. It's too dangerous, but if you don't do this, the enemy will rush up soon. Once you get close, the results will be unpredictable, and you will lose the opportunity. He couldn't help but replied in a low voice: "Go ahead, be careful."

"Understood." The iron eagle responded in a deep voice, stood up suddenly, raised the weapon on his shoulder, hunched his body and rushed forward, like a large hunting eagle, never forgetting to change direction and route while running, to avoid Locked by the opponent.

Luo Zheng was secretly surprised when he saw Tie Diao rushing forward as fast as a bolt of black lightning. Unexpectedly, he underestimated Tie Diao's speed. He immediately became energetic and raised his sniper rifle to aim at it, ready to fire. While whispering through the headset: "Brothers, prepare to fight."

"Brother Tie Diao is alone and weak. My marksmanship is not good and it is difficult to lock on a target at this speed. How about going up to help?" Ji Wu asked in a low voice.

Luo Zheng thought it made sense. Sanji, Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu had limited marksmanship. It was indeed difficult to lock on a target at such a speed. If they fired, it would be easy to accidentally injure the iron eagle. He couldn't help but have an idea and whispered: "You guys come in, I'll snipe and cover." , remember, when Sanji goes to help Brother Tie Diao, Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu are a group, so be careful."

"Understood." The three men responded in a low voice. They simply put down their weapons, drew out their cold weapons and rushed over. One by one, they rushed forward from all directions as if they were firing cannonballs. While running, Ji Wu pulled out the Emperor's Sword, He split it in two and threw the other one to Gongsun Wu who was running up not far away. What Sanji pulled out was the Dragon Tooth Knife. It was a cold weapon that came standard with the Mystery Bureau. Sanji also fell in love with this weapon.

For some unknown reason, the infiltrated enemies did not fire, but rushed out of the bunker one after another, charging towards everyone, howling and screaming, looking angry and confident. Luo Zheng was startled, where did these people come from? Great confidence? Who is he?

The iron eagle that rushed forward roared angrily, pounced on an enemy, and punched the opponent directly. This punch meant that the iron eagle wanted to establish its power, and also wanted to fight quickly. It tried its best, but it collided with the opponent's fist. After they came together, I suddenly felt an overwhelming force coming back. I couldn't help but be shocked. My body suddenly retreated. I took five or six steps back before I could stabilize myself. Qi and blood surged up, making it difficult to breathe.

On the other hand, the opponent also took five or six steps back before he stabilized himself. This made the iron eagle even more furious. He let out a strange scream, kicked his feet hard, and rushed forward again, as if he was an extremely angry giant. Iron Eagle, this scene also fell into Luo Zheng's eyes. Luo Zheng did not expect that there were still people who could withstand Iron Eagle's full blow. What are the backgrounds of these people?

At this time, Tie Diao and the opponent fought again. This time Tie Diao was smarter and did not fight with the opponent. Instead, he used his fist as a claw and grabbed the opponent's arm as fast as lightning. Tie Diao was confident in his own strength and calculated the opponent's strength. Even steel can be scratched to pieces. When his fingers exerted force, he suddenly felt that the opponent's arm was harder than steel. He suddenly thought of something, his face changed drastically, and his body retreated, barely avoiding the opponent's flying kick.

"They are the biological warriors of the Dark Church." Tie Diao quickly warned with a shocked face.

When Luo Zheng heard that he was from the Dark Church, all his doubts disappeared. Only these biological tactics had such speed and ability, so they dared to continue to choose to attack despite being exposed. The enemy was in front of him, furious, and Luo Zheng was furious. He shouted in a deep voice: "Be careful, fight them, and leave them to me."

"Yes." Sanji, Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu were rushing forward to prepare for a thrilling battle. Unexpectedly, the opponent was a member of the Dark Church. After hearing Luo Zheng's order, they quickly changed their tactics, avoiding the opponent who was attacking from the front, and The opponent started to swim, hoping to slow down the opponent and provide Luo Zheng with an opportunity.

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