The strongest soldier

Chapter 2411 All parties take action

The benefits of attacking the anti-government forces were the greatest, and Luo Zheng knew this best. He looked at the calm lake and meditated. The reeds on the lakeshore were swaying in the wind. Occasionally, a bird came out, plunged into the water, flapped its wings vigorously, and quickly lifted into the air. It stood up, and there was a small fish in its mouth. After the bird got it, it swooped into the reeds and disappeared, leaving only circles of ripples spreading on the lake surface.

Luo Zheng saw this scene and made a quick decision. He pointed at the lake and said, "Did you see that little bird fishing just now? The lake is like the current situation. It is calm on the surface, but there are surging currents. You must be like that little bird. Generally, we attack suddenly, hit with one hit, and then evacuate quickly. Remember, a living Sha Biao is more beneficial to us than a dead Sha Biao. Once the anti-government forces disintegrate, there will be one less force that can compete with the government forces."

"Understood, I will lead the team myself." Xu Gang said seriously.

"I'll go too." Tie Diao also said quickly.

"No, Xu Gang can lead the team, you stay." Luo Zheng said seriously, glanced at the darkening sky, and continued: "I'm afraid it won't be peaceful tonight, you stay to help Pu Xing, you are brothers, It’s easy to communicate, so be careful of the government forces’ sneak attack tonight, and especially be careful of people from the Dark Church taking the opportunity to infiltrate and assassinate you, you have to guard against this.”

"I understand." Tie Diao agreed seriously.

Xu Gang and Tie Diao hurried away, but Luo Zheng still wanted to stay where he was and think about countermeasures. The situation became more and more complicated. Luo Zheng found that he could calm down and think in this quiet lake. Time gradually passed, night fell, and the country was still Without a final decision, Luo Zheng could not decide on his next plan.

Suddenly, gunshots were heard in the distance. Luo Zheng was startled. He stood up suddenly and saw that the gunshots came from the mountains on one side. The mountains were steep and not conducive to climbing. To be on the safe side, Pufu still arranged a lot of secret sentries. Just in case, Luo Zheng immediately asked through the headset: "Who knows what happened?"

"Mastermind, it's me. I'm with Qi Puxing. The secret sentry found that someone was trying to infiltrate down the valley. On the west mountain ridge, Qi Puxing has left his troops and gone up. Do we want to go up?" Tie Diao's words rang in the headset. .

Luo Zheng looked around the valley. To the south was the exit canyon, and in the other three directions were towering mountains with dense trees, which were not conducive to walking at all. It seemed that what he touched was not an ordinary army. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face changed. He frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Inform Puxing to be careful at the entrance of the valley. The enemy may launch an attack overnight, and the sneak attack troops are left to us."

"Understood." Tie Diao responded in a deep voice.

"Brothers, get ready for battle. I'll be here right away." Luo Zheng continued to warn in a deep voice, while running quickly towards the wooden house. When he rushed to the wooden house, Luo Zheng found that Sanji and others were fully armed, and Luo Zheng also quickly After putting it on and checking the weapons, he was startled when he saw Pufu hurried over with a few people.

"I heard that you were going to help block the infiltrating enemies?" Pufu asked in surprise.

"Yes, we are eating and drinking here for free, so we have to do something?" Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Thank you very much. It's definitely not easy to touch. With your help, I feel at ease. Be careful and let me know immediately if you need anything." Pufu said gratefully.

"Xuelian is staying, is there any way to help them block the enemy's communications? If the enemy launches an attack overnight, communications are the best way to continue. As long as the communications are cracked, the enemies will have difficulty communicating with each other, and the chance of winning this battle will be greater, Sanji, Ji Wu, Gongsun Wu, come with me." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, looking at Xuelian.

"No problem, I'll take care of it." Xuelian replied confidently.

Luo Zheng didn't know what Xuelian would do, and he didn't bother to ask. Xuelian wouldn't act recklessly on such a big matter. He immediately rushed out of the wooden house with Sanji and others. When he saw the iron eagle running towards him, he ran up to it. After the two sides met, Tie Diao hurriedly said: "I just got the news. It is only a small group of enemies that have penetrated up, but their fighting power is very strong and they have already reached the mountainside."

"Small force? Then put down the big ones. Tell Puxing to let the secret sentry go up to the top of the mountain to block the enemy's retreat. Let go and let the enemy come down. Let's go up." Luo Zheng warned with a stern face, the small force meant Although there are not many in number, but the combat effectiveness is strong, such troops cannot be resisted by secret sentries, so it is better to put them down and fight again.

Tie Diao agreed with understanding, and hurried forward, and soon ran far away. Luo Zheng led everyone to follow, and went straight to the direction where the enemy had penetrated. There was no road on the ground, and it was all low bushes. Everyone wore high-quality clothing. Put on the explosion-proof military boots, ignore the thorns and stones on the ground, and run at full speed, like a tiger chasing its prey.

Soon, everyone came to the foot of the mountain. Luo Zheng took a look at the steep mountain. The ground was covered with shrubs and tall trees, which was good for hiding but not good for climbing. The enemy had already rushed through the mountainside and would rush down at any time. Inside the mountain forest. It was gray and the visibility was very low. Luo Zheng couldn't figure out who was coming. He was already rushing down after being discovered. This unit was definitely not simple. It might not be appropriate to stay under the forest.

Luo Zheng's face darkened when he thought of this, and he quickly said: "Brothers, spread out, retreat a hundred meters to find a place to hide, and let the enemy down before fighting. The terrain here is flat, and the enemy cannot hide when they rush down."

"Understood." Sanji, Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu agreed. Everyone quickly retreated and dispersed, each finding a place to hide. Just climb on any ground and the bushes would hide everyone. Plus, they were wearing digital camouflage combat uniforms. It is extremely camouflaged and concealment is not a problem.

At this time, Luo Zheng suddenly saw Tie Diao hurried over, followed by a tribal armed force, about thirty people, about 500 meters away from him. Luo Zheng immediately shouted through the headset: "Tie Diao, let the tribal armed forces come. The ground is hidden, don't come forward, the people coming are not good, they cannot resist it, you come up alone."

"Understood." Tie Diao agreed. Soon, the tribal armed forces spread out and hid themselves. They were hard to distinguish from the bushes. Tie Diao rushed up alone and saw a bush with his raised arms making a concealed gesture. Immediately understanding the gesture, he threw himself on the ground and quickly set up his sniper rifle.

"Brothers, don't act rashly, wait for my order." Luo Zheng lowered his voice and warned, while looking towards the direction of the mountain, he vaguely felt someone rushing down. The speed was surprisingly fast, and his face turned cold. There is no soldier who can reach this speed. They were special forces or above. Could it be that the most elite special forces of the government army came to make a sneak attack?

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