The strongest soldier

Chapter 2396 Scene Control

In the tactical arrangement, Xu Gang and Tie Diao were responsible for burning the wooden house to attract the enemy's attention and attract the drug dealers to send people to intervene. In this way, the firepower of the drug dealers in the trenches was divided and weakened, and the pressure was not so great when attacking from above and below. As the war situation developed, everything was according to Luo Zheng's plan. The members of the action team plus Sangji and others were like tigers among sheep, constantly chasing and killing the drug dealers in the trenches, and the war situation was one-sided.

But Xu Gang and Tie Diao were under great pressure. Without support, something would definitely happen. Luo Zheng looked towards the direction of the wooden house with concern. A fire was burning there. The two sides were fighting fiercely. There were still more than 20 drug dealers, and the others were already lying down. On the way to the charge, they were all killed by Xu Gang and Tie Diao, but the remaining drug dealers had already charged forward. With the wooden houses as cover, the threat increased greatly, and Xu Gang and Tie Diao had to retreat while fighting.

When Luo Zheng saw that these drug dealers didn't return to the trenches to help, wasn't he afraid that the trenches would fail? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng looked at the trench ahead in surprise. Suddenly, a member of the action team shouted in the headset: "Mastermind, the trenches are connected by tunnels. These bastards got in, what should I do?"

"Blow up the tunnel and block their way out." Luo Zheng saw that there was indeed a tunnel in the trench. Just as he had guessed, he gave the order to blow up the tunnel without hesitation. As long as the tunnel was blocked and the drug dealers could not get out, the war situation would be in danger. It's basically settled. After the remaining enemies outside are eliminated, there are many ways to deal with the drug dealers below the tunnel.

"Yes." Everyone responded in a low voice, and soon there was a dull sound of grenade explosions.

Luo Zheng knew that everyone was bombing the tunnel, so he didn't look in the direction of the wooden house. The drug dealers had already rushed into the wooden house complex, and there was no trace of them. He didn't care at all that the tunnel was being bombed. How could they go back without the tunnel? Don't they know that they were caught and abandoned in the tunnel?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng quickly asked through the headset: "Xu Gang, Tiediao, answer the question after hearing it."

"I'm Xu Gang. I can handle this asshole. Don't worry, the battle will be over soon." Xu Gang's voice sounded in the headset.

"There are only a dozen left. The battle will be resolved soon. How are you doing over there?" Tie Diao's voice sounded in the headset.

"As long as you can solve it, be careful. The battle situation like mine is basically stable. It's up to you." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Looking around, there were constant dull sounds of grenades exploding tunnels. Sanji, Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu walked over slowly, with an excited look on his face, as if he hadn't had enough.

"Is everything okay?" Luo Zheng asked with concern.

"It's okay, what does this little scene mean?" Sanji smiled nonchalantly, not taking this matter to heart.

"I found three tunnel entrances here, which have been blown down. All the drug dealers who were alive got into the tunnels, but we killed most of them. What should we do next?" Ji Wu asked in a low voice in surprise, okay? It's easy to seize the trenches and find the tunnel entrance and then blow it up. What a pity. How to attack the drug dealers in the tunnel?

"Don't worry, these bastards are rats. It's hard to deal with them underground. Don't worry, kill the enemies on the ground first. Then go help Xu Gang and the others." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"No need, we've basically solved it here, come over right away." A voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng was startled and looked in the direction of the wooden house. He saw more wooden houses being set on fire. Fires were rising into the sky. Thick smoke was billowing. No one could be seen. However, Luo Zheng believed that Xu Gang would not take this kind of issue as a joke. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said through the headset: "Brothers from the action team, please pay attention. All the tunnels have been blown up. Just leave one. Then look around to see if there are any exits. I found that one has been blown up one by one. I want to see these bastards." How do you live underground, be careful."

"Yes." The members of the action team agreed quickly.

Sanji and others had nothing to do, so they went to help. There were many exits underground, but it would be different if they were all destroyed. People need oxygen. If all the exits are blocked, how can they survive without fresh air? Luo Zheng was afraid of the complicated tunnel network underground and did not dare to let everyone take risks, so he simply blew them all up.

The battle was basically over, and all the drug dealers on the ground were eliminated. Xu Gang and Tie Diao hurried over, with excitement on their faces. Xu Gang said with a smile: "We found two tunnel entrances, and they were all blown up. There should be no third one. Then It won't take long for all the side cabins to burn down, and under the high temperature, even if there is a third tunnel entrance, no one will dare to come out and die. This battle is very enjoyable."

"These opponents are too childish for you." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"The opponent is indeed a bit weak, but relying on the tunnel is very troublesome. If you hadn't used a good method to drown most of it in one night, this battle might have been difficult to fight." Xu Gang said seriously.

"If we don't talk about this anymore, what should we do next?" Tie Diao asked from the side.

"Leave an exit and see what they do." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"A good idea is to close the door and beat the dog." Tie Diao smiled, looked around, and added: "I will also help look for it. There may be other ventilation holes or entrances and exits. These bastards must have been operating here for a long time. The tunnel is huge and there must be many exits." He said and walked to the side.

"I'll go take a look too." Xu Gang smiled and left in a hurry.

"Head, there is an exit here." Sangji shouted in a deep voice from the trench not far away.

"Okay, come right away." Luo Zheng agreed in surprise and hurried over. Sure enough, he saw a tunnel in the trench. He asked out of curiosity: "Why didn't you see it just now?"

"It was blocked by several corpses. I just re-examined it and saw it accidentally." Sanji explained.

"Great, let's continue the inspection. I'm watching here." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. He looked carefully at the entrance of the tunnel and found that it was enough for one person to climb out easily. He immediately whispered through the headset: "Keep this one in front of me, and the others." Blow it up." The fact that it can lead to the trench shows that this tunnel has a high status and can be kept for use.

"Understood." Everyone agreed in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng waited patiently at the entrance of the tunnel. After a while, he heard the warning sound and the sound of explosions that someone had discovered the entrance of the tunnel. Then there was another explosion. Luo Zheng listened carefully for a while. After more than ten minutes, there were five explosions in total. , which meant that five tunnel entrances had been discovered, and he secretly sighed that the tunnels under the ground were too complicated and huge, and he didn’t know how long it would take to dig them out.

The huge and complex tunnel network made Luo Zheng curious. This stronghold must not be simple, otherwise how could there be so many tunnels? Luo Zheng thought about it, what secrets were hidden under the ground? Why are these drug dealers so unafraid of death? Why are you so tactically literate?

What's going on here?

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