The strongest soldier

Chapter 2395 Fierce Charge

Deep in the woods where the smoke was billowing, Luo Zheng hid behind a big tree, watching calmly as the wall of fire rushed forward. Although the fire was not violent enough, there were many dead leaves piled on the ground. When they burned, the black smoke filled the air and gathered together. The sight was completely blocked. If Luo Zheng hadn't been wearing tactical goggles, he would have been unable to see through the thick smoke the drug dealers in the trenches on the mountainside. The status of his brothers would ring in his ears from time to time.

After Xu Gang and Tie Diao set the wooden house on fire, more than twenty drug dealers rushed over to check. Five or six of them were shot dead by Xu Gang and Tie Diao. The rest were hidden and counterattacked, making it difficult to advance. Two more drug dealers rushed through the trenches. There were more than a dozen people, and the fight between the two sides was extremely fierce.

Luo Zheng was a little worried about whether Xu Gang and Tie Diao could block the attack, but he was not worried about their safety. If they couldn't be beaten, they could run away. No one could catch up with them in this forest, and he did not cast anxious eyes to the other side. , the infiltration action team was not in place yet, which made Luo Zheng worried.

Suddenly, a voice came from the headset: "Master, all the action teams are in place, please give instructions."

"Attack." Luo Zheng gave the attack order without hesitation.

"Yes." The members of the action team shouted in a low voice.

Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and raised his binoculars. He saw several grenades suddenly thrown down from the woods above the trench. They were in different positions, but they all landed accurately in the trench. The loud explosion was like an angry lion roaring, and the grenades were thrown down. All the surrounding targets were swallowed up, and the powerful red light filled the air with gunpowder smoke. Luo Zheng was so excited when he saw it.

"Bang bang bang -" Five members of the action team rushed out from five different directions, holding their guns flat on their shoulders, and fired rapidly at the enemies in the trenches down the mountain. Every shot hit the target. In an instant, there were more than a dozen of them. Zheng shouted excitedly: "Brothers, follow me and kill."

"Yes." Sanji, Ji Wu, Gongsun Wu and Xue Lian responded in a low voice. One by one, they rushed forward with weapons in hand and kept firing at the exposed enemies. Although they could not achieve headshots with guns, their accuracy was very high. It was high, but Luo Zheng was different. He used incendiary bombs, specifically shooting at crowded places. The incendiary agent exploded, killing a large area.

"Kill--" Seeing that the situation was great, the brothers roared excitedly, constantly changing their positions to shoot exposed targets. The drug dealers had trenches to support them, so it was no problem to attack downwards, but the concealment upwards was not enough, and they were completely exposed. Under the gunpoint of the action team members who rushed down from above.

The action team fought calmly and rushed to a stop about twenty meters away from the trench. They hid behind the big fir tree and confronted the drug dealers, competing for courage and marksmanship. The courage of the enemy and us may be similar, but the marksmanship of the drug dealers was obvious. It's a few levels worse. It relies on intensive firepower to hold down the position. If it is only targeting one side, the drug traffickers are fully capable. But the current situation is a two-sided attack, and they are shot at close range. The situation is different. The drug dealers are facing They quickly became unable to withstand the precise shooting and retreated back into the trenches.

No matter how ruthless a person is, no one can remain calm when faced with precise bursts of fire, coupled with the screams of being hit by incendiary bombs and the smell of burnt corpses from time to time. This group of drug dealers are not afraid of death when fighting, but that does not mean that everyone Everyone was risking their lives, and many people hid in the trenches in panic. As a result, the counterattack firepower was even weaker.

Under this situation, Luo Zheng and others pushed forward some distance again. The enemy and we were getting closer. The intensive gunshots from the other side made Luo Zheng worried. He turned around and saw that the enemy was about to attack. When they arrived at the wooden house, Xu Gang and Tie Diao faced the crazy attacks of dozens of armed men and were somewhat unable to stop them.

Luo Zheng's face turned cold when he saw this scene. When he saw that the enemies in the trenches had basically retreated, he roared through the headset: "Brothers, rush into the trenches, fight at close quarters, kill..." He said and grabbed it with his backhand The dragon tooth sword behind him was pulled out with a sudden movement, and he rushed forward wildly, with no chance of killing the incoming bullets.

When Sanji, Ji Wu, Gongsun Wu and Xuelian saw Luo Zheng charging forward, they also roared angrily and charged forward fiercely to fight back the targets emerging from the trenches. At this time, everyone no longer cared about accuracy, as long as the enemy Just retreat into the trench to avoid hurting the charging Luo Zheng.

After hearing Luo Zheng's order, the people in the action team also rushed out of the bunker, rushed forward and started fighting. The distance between the enemy and us was only twenty meters. For the people in the action team, this distance only took two seconds. Rushing down again, the speed was faster. In a flash, the members of the action team rushed forward, jumping directly into the trench like a tactic of soaring into the sky. The tiger-tooth saber was like a tiger's fangs, piercing into the target's vital points. The part was pulled out again, and a large amount of blood came out.

Luo Zheng was about thirty meters away from the trench. He didn't rush into the trench immediately. When he saw that the members of the action team had already gone up to kill him, he was overjoyed. He kicked his feet hard and rushed forward like a cannonball. Pulling out an afterimage in the void.

"Kill--" Luo Zheng rushed to the trench, rolled over, and rolled in along the trench mound. He could barely avoid a drug dealer's shot. His body's center of gravity was not stable, and the dragon tooth sword in Luo Zheng's hand cut into the opponent. He stirred his lower abdomen and pulled it out, bringing out a bloody arrow.

As soon as the move was successful, Luo Zheng pushed hard on the ground, his body bounced up, and the Dragon Fang Saber slashed forward, directly removing the arm of a drug dealer who had just hit him with a gun, and his hand and gun fell together. On the ground, blood spurted out wildly, and then the drug dealer let out a shrill scream, ah——!

Luo Zheng's face darkened, he kicked the opponent away, rushed forward, slashed the two drug dealers to the ground with two swipes, and suddenly saw a figure rushing over, punching one of them. On top of the drug dealer's head, sending him flying away, was none other than Sangji.

"Head, here I come." Sanji shouted excitedly, and oooh - he rushed forward like a tiger, slapping his hands constantly. No one could dodge Sanji's attack. As long as he was hit, everyone would fall. There was no movement on the ground.

"I'm coming -" Ji Wu waved the Emperor's Sword and rushed forward, followed by Gongsun Wu, who also held an Emperor's Sword. The two stood shoulder to shoulder and attacked from the other side. One attacked, the other In terms of defense, the moves are simple and crisp, and the cooperation is extremely tacit. No one can block the attacks of the two, and wherever they pass, there will be blood.

Luo Zheng saw the three people advancing quickly, with Sanji on one side and Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu on the other. They were like sophisticated killing machines that the drug dealers couldn't stop. At this time, Xue Lian rushed up and faced Luo Zheng anxiously. Said: "I'm afraid they can't hold on anymore?" As he said that, he looked in the direction of the wooden house.

There was Xuelian's lover in the direction of the wooden house. It was reasonable to be concerned. Luo Zheng glanced in the direction of the wooden house and said in a deep voice: "Tie Diao, Xu Gang, report the situation?"

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