The strongest soldier

Chapter 2381 Weird Stronghold

The sky was gloomy, with bursts of water mist rising above the drizzling forest. The mountains were winding, and the woods were undulating with the wind, forming a quiet and peaceful landscape painting. On a hillside, Luo Zheng and others looked around vigilantly while holding on tight. It was time to regain physical strength. Everyone was a martial arts practitioner and their physical strength recovered quickly. Half an hour later, everyone was full of energy again. Luo Zheng saw that everyone was almost rested, so he continued on his way.

Not sleeping all night is not a big problem for everyone who has mastered martial arts. The marching speed is still very fast. Luo Zheng mixed in the team and saw that everyone's physical strength has returned to normal. No one is sick or weak. Even Xuelian is completely fine. Secretly he breathed a sigh of relief and gained a deeper understanding of everyone's strength.

At noon, the rain stopped and the sun came out. The warm sunshine fell on the green leaves washed clean by the rain in the vast forest. The droplets of water reflected the sunlight, and soon rolled down from the leaves, fell to the ground and disappeared. The sunlight penetrates the gaps between the leaves and falls on the ground, mottled and golden like butterflies dancing, beautiful and light, and the colorful beams of light in the sky are even more charming.

The forest is beautiful after the heavy rain. Everything is fresh and green. The air has become much fresher. The breeze is gentle and refreshing. However, Luo Zheng and others are not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery. Their eyes are alert and sharp, and their ears are erect, as if they are frightened. The cheetah never misses any detail.

The team came to a hill. The trees on this hill were tall and dense, which basically blocked the sun. Perhaps because the sun did not reach the ground all year round, there were no weeds on the ground. Leaves piled on the ground, and the rotten smell was mixed by the rain and After Qingfeng took them away, Luo Zheng immediately asked the team to stop and rest on the spot and eat dry food to satisfy their hunger.

Luo Zheng himself came under a big tree, leaned against the tree, took out compressed biscuits and chewed them slowly. They had no taste, but these compressed biscuits were specially made by the Equipment Bureau. They were rich in nutrients and could keep the body in good condition. In order to To stay alive, Luo Zheng ate seriously, not wasting a bit, while thinking deeply about something.

After a while, Tie Diao and Xu Gang came slowly, and Tie Diao asked in a low voice: "Should we rest here for a while or continue on our way?"

"Let's rest for a while." Luo Zheng agreed in a low voice, while asking through the headset: "Headquarters, after hearing the answer, how long is the journey until the destination?"

"According to your speed, we can reach our destination in four hours." Blue Star's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng looked at his watch. He saw that he could arrive at the destination in four hours at around 12 noon, which was four in the afternoon. He thought about it and told Xu Gang: "Rest where you are for an hour and arrive at the destination at five o'clock." That’s it.”

"Is it too late?" Xu Gang asked worriedly.

"Night attack." Luo Zheng said seriously.

Xu Gang's eyes lit up, he nodded and smiled, without saying anything else, he arranged for sentry duty and everyone rested where they were. Luo Zheng also leaned against a big tree and closed his eyes to rest, while using the breathing method passed down from his family to restore his physical strength. This kind of breath regulation In this state, your intuition is very sharp and you can sense danger in advance.

Time gradually passed, and the woods became sultry. The sounds of various insects, birds and animals were intertwined, and the noise was so loud that it was impossible to fall asleep. However, Luo Zheng still asked everyone to continue to rest and stay well on the battlefield. Good physical condition is the basic prerequisite for survival.

An hour later, the team continued marching. The further they went, the deeper the forest became, and the trees became taller and denser. The ground did not get sunlight all year round, and there were fewer weeds. The road became much easier to walk. Everyone shuttled quickly through the woods, and each one seemed to be walking. Like a cheetah, vigilant, agile, and restrained in murderous intent, he is like the king of the forest.

About four hours later, a towering mountain peak appeared in front of it. The surrounding mountains were connected and stretched into the distance. The peak was densely forested and there were sounds of birds and animals. Halfway up the mountain, mist curled up, like a thin veil, covering the entire mountain. The mountains are entangled and extremely beautiful.

Luo Zheng quickly stopped the team and dispersed the alert. According to Blue Star's prompts, the mountain in front was the stronghold and the destination of this operation. Luo Zheng quickly climbed up a tall pine tree, hid in the canopy and raised the Looking through the telescope, I found that the towering peaks were covered with firs. They were tall and straight. The trees were hard and had gray or dark gray bark. They were split into irregular thin slices and fixed on the trunk. The large branches stretched diagonally upward and were light brown-gray. Or brownish gray, the tall one seems to be about forty meters, and the short one is about ten meters.

Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw this scene. It is not easy to find so many firs elsewhere. This kind of tree is also very valuable. No wonder these drug dealers are hiding here. Even if they are not selling drugs, they can still make a living by selling wood. Luo Zheng looked carefully and found that on the mountainside There are more than a dozen wooden houses faintly visible, but no one can be seen.

There are wooden houses and people living in them, which means that they are looking for the right place. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless and continued to observe. He must not take action rashly without understanding the situation. According to intelligence, there are more than 200 drug dealers in this stronghold, more than a dozen A wooden house is not enough to live in, and no one can be seen on the surface. Where have these people gone?

Luo Zheng didn't believe that the drug traffickers would move or run away. It was not easy to find a stronghold. Moreover, this stronghold was only two days away from the Huaxia Kingdom and was very hidden. According to intelligence, there was a small river under the mountain peak. During the rainy season, You can sneak into China by boat, making it an ideal place for drug transshipment.

After observing for a while, Luo Zheng suddenly saw smoke rising from the wooden house. He raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was a little after five o'clock, just when he was finishing cooking. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. It would be nice to have someone. Suddenly, Xu Gang came from the headset. Voice: "There is indeed someone, a think tank, what should we do?"

Luo Zheng was startled, turned around and looked around, and found Xu Gang observing closely on a big tree not far away, so he whispered through the headset: "Don't worry, take a look first before talking, be sure to understand the enemy's situation. "

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on it." Xu Gang agreed in a low voice.

"Provide satellite intelligence support." Luo Zheng whispered through the headset.

"The woods are dense and the visibility is very low. It is difficult to judge the distribution of enemies in satellite aerial pictures. We can only vaguely distinguish wooden houses, but no enemies were found." Blue Star's voice sounded in the headset.

"Continue to observe." Luo Zheng whispered in surprise. What the satellite saw was consistent with what he saw. Where would more than 200 drug dealers hide? There are dense forests everywhere here, and you can hide anywhere. Luo Zheng didn't dare to be careless at all, and decided to find out first.

"Gah——" A sharp eagle cry sounded in the sky. Luo Zheng looked up and saw a huge mountain eagle passing through the sky, rushing towards the dense forest of the tall mountain peaks in front, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Luo Zheng looked at the strange mountain peaks and dense forests, feeling something was wrong, and his face became serious.

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