The strongest soldier

Chapter 2380 Heavy Rain March

"I understand somewhat. If it is a primitive confrontation, they are definitely no match for us. In terms of individual combat effectiveness and force value, the people in the Veterans Club can defeat them. But when it comes to high-tech combat, we are a little behind, such as laser cannons. For example, bullet-proof armor, sky stone radiation that interferes with the brain, etc. Maybe there will be other new weapons put into the battlefield this time. Without information, everyone will be blind, deaf, and dumb. Our chances of winning this battle will be greater. "Xue Lian reacted and said with some excitement.

"I don't know exactly how to do it yet. I need you to observe the scene in person and tell me how to do it." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice. His brows furrowed a little deeper as he looked at the dense forest ahead. The enemy was so powerful and strange that it was hard to believe. Elusive and uneasy emotions lingered in my mind, and I couldn't calm down for a long time.

After a while, Luo Zheng saw that Tie Diao had dug a field marching stove and lit a fire. Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu came back with the cleaned wild boar and set it on the fire to roast. The fire was very strong, but there was no smoke. The canyon It's very deep and small. You can't see the bonfire in the distance, so you don't have to worry about being exposed. If the enemy comes up close to investigate, everyone is condescending and can detect it in advance and solve it.

Time passed by slowly, and the sky soon became completely dark. The visibility in the dense forest was no more than three meters. Cicadas, crickets, etc. began to make noises. The noises spread throughout the fields, occasionally mixed with a few birdsong and the wind. Blowing slowly, the leaves fluttered and turned with the wind, making a rustling sound, as if people were whispering.

Everyone lurked quietly, wearing tactical goggles and waiting patiently. No one relaxed their vigilance, looking around with sharp eyes, which were particularly bright in the dark woods, not missing any detail. Half an hour passed before they knew it, and the scene was clear. The pork was basically cooked. Everyone took turns to cut off a big piece and eat it. They returned to the top of the mountain and continued to lurk and observe, not daring to be careless at all.

On the battlefield, any negligence is fatal. No one is willing to make such a stupid mistake. Sanji came over with a large piece of meat and handed it to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng took it and started chewing it without any idea. I applied something on it, and the meat turned out to be very soft, with a sweet and salty taste. It tasted good in my mouth. I couldn't help but become curious, and I turned back to the iron sculpture to ask questions.

There are many wild boars in dense forests, but they are not an ideal food for survival in the wild because the meat is sour, hard and unpalatable. Luo Zheng prefers hares, pheasants and the like. Unexpectedly, the iron eagle can actually improve it, and there will be more choices in the future. I couldn't help but wake up, and quickly ate the whole piece of meat. Feeling that I was still unsatisfied, I ran down and got another big piece.

There was a lot of meat, so don’t waste it. Take advantage of the opportunity now to eat more and store more energy for your body. No one was polite. After ten minutes, everyone was full and full, and the remaining meat was shared with everyone to carry. No one A little, just in case of emergency, tidied up, buried all the marching stoves and disguised them, and the team continued on their way.

The sky was dark and the marching speed could not be increased. Fortunately, everyone wore tactical goggles with night vision function and lined up in a column. Xu Gang arranged for the brothers to take turns to clear the way ahead, clearing obstacles such as weeds, branches, wild vines, etc., and opened a path. A simple and walkable passage ensures the normal march of the team.

Luo Zheng followed the group and moved forward slowly, looking at the dark forest and meditating. He was not disturbed by the chaotic sounds of insects around him. There was Blue Star guiding everyone through the satellite, so there was no need to worry about going in the wrong direction. Everyone was silent. Walking through woods and climbing hillsides, high fighting spirit spread among the team.

In the middle of the night, a thunder suddenly sounded in the dark sky, and a pale lightning illuminated the dense forest, as if the scythe of death passed through, startling everyone. Then, the lightning disappeared, the dense forest returned to darkness, and the wind blew the leaves. The rustling sound became much louder, as if the devil was whispering, and invisible pressure enveloped him.

In this dark forest, everything was terrifying, and it would be unbearable for the faint of heart. Luo Zheng signaled the troops to stop and looked at the sky warily. Suddenly he felt a few drops of rain falling, and knew that it was going to rain. The frown deepened. It was not easy to walk in the dark jungle at night. There were no roads in the woods and there were bushes everywhere. It was difficult to walk. Plus the heavy rain made the road ahead even more difficult.

"The weather is really confusing. It looks like it's going to rain heavily. What should we do next?" Xu Gang trotted up and asked Luo Zheng in a low voice.

"Stab--" With a sound, another snow-white lightning exploded in the sky, dispelling the endless darkness around him. The whole sky was as bright as day, and it looked extremely weird. Luo Zheng then saw the bright light and saw Xu Gang's brows were frowning, and his face was serious. Shuang, full of worries, smiled understandingly and said: "So what if God doesn't do his best? Who are we? We are soldiers who will not bow down even if we are the king of heaven. We have sacrificed so much that we dare to make the sun and moon change the sky. What are we afraid of? Let's continue on our way." ."

"Okay, let's continue on our way." Xu Gang was infected by Luo Zheng's free and heroic aura, and he readily agreed. He turned around and looked at the unmoved column in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, continue on your way, the think tank is not afraid. , are you afraid?"

"Yes -" everyone responded in a deep voice, invisible murderous intent burst out, and the team continued to move forward.

Luo Zheng couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Xu Gang's words. What do you mean, "The think tanks aren't afraid, are you afraid?" Everyone didn't take his own strength seriously. When he thought about it carefully, Luo Zheng even smiled bitterly. A little strength may be useful in the Secret Bureau, but it is really insignificant in everyone's eyes. Luo Zheng knew that Xu Gang had no ill intentions and just wanted to encourage everyone to go on their way, although the method he used was inappropriate.

The team continued to move forward, and this march lasted all night. When the white fish belly floated in the east, a bright light dispersed the darkness, bringing a bit of light and a bit of life to this dark rainy world. The heavy rain fell all night and gradually stopped. The team came to a hill unknowingly and marched in the rain all night. Even though everyone was physically strong, they couldn't bear it anymore. Luo Zheng saw that the surrounding terrain was good and the woods were dense, which was suitable for hiding. He immediately asked the team to stop. Rest in hiding.

We marched in a heavy rain all night and had to keep clearing the road. We were really tired and found a place to hide. We took out the wild boar meat we carried and chewed it. Although it was already cold, at least it was food. We didn't have to choose. Compared with As for compressed biscuits, people prefer to eat jerky.

Luo Zheng also found a place to stop and rest, eating dried meat to regain his strength. He looked at the mist in the dense forest in front of him. Occasionally, a big bird emerged from the green leaves and flew away with a strange cry. The rain was continuous and it seemed that it would not stop for a while. I couldn't help but become anxious. This rain had been going on for a long time and seriously affected everyone's march. I hope none of them got sick, otherwise we would be in trouble.

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