The strongest soldier

Chapter 2367 Chasing clues

In the clean and tidy office, Luo Zheng sat quietly reviewing various documents. After sending Shi Feng back to the office, Luo Zheng went directly to the headquarters office to process the documents, leaving the young man's affairs behind. Since The minister promised to handle it, and there would naturally be a fair result. There were too many affairs in the Mystery Bureau, and Luo Zheng had no time to take care of such a trivial matter. It was lunch time before he knew it.

Lan Xue brought lunch, and the two of them shared it in the office, saying thoughtful words and occasionally exchanging a few opinions on work. The days were going smoothly, and Luo Zheng wished he could just go on like this, without smoke, without war, just plain and simple. , no fight or desire.

Luo Zheng knew very well that this kind of beautiful day would not last long, so he cherished it. After lunch, the two chatted for a while and then started to work on their own work. Two hours later, Luo Zheng completed the review of the last document. , stood up and stretched, poured himself a cup of tea, sat down, turned on the phone and tuned to the news channel, and rested while watching the news. I felt that this kind of life was very comfortable.

Suddenly, a piece of news popped up. It was about the civil war in Myanmar. Anti-government armed forces massacred border villagers. The situation in our country was affected. A large number of Myanmar residents fled into the country. Some scenes of the fighting between the two armies were also broadcast. The scene The reporter reported the situation at that time, which made Luo Zheng frown and think deeply.

Judging from the news, the situation is already very bad. If we don't take action, it will be even more troublesome. Thinking that the top leaders of the country are already meeting to study, I believe there will be specific countermeasures soon. Luo Zheng sighed helplessly and suddenly saw his mobile phone. It vibrated on the coffee table. I immediately picked it up and saw that it was Master's personal mobile phone number.

Luo Zheng quickly answered the call and asked in surprise: "Brother, what's going on?"

"Xu Gang has captured Kasiva. After interrogation, Kasiva does not know the tentacle monster. It is initially suspected that the tentacle monster had a single-line contact with a high-level KGB executive. The high-level command commanded Kasiva to lead the operation. If this is the case, then it will be difficult for us. I have determined who has a single line of contact with the tentacle monster, and I would like to hear your opinion." Master said.

"Don't know? Are you sure?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"I'm sure, I know Xu Gang's ability. He is a good interrogator and can make no mistakes. Kasiva is just a member of the action team. This kind of person acts according to orders and will not be exposed to more secrets. Maybe he really doesn't know. Xu Gang asked me to ask what you mean, and also, do you want to keep Casiva?" Master said quickly.

"Kill him. There is no point in keeping this kind of person. On the contrary, it will expose our whereabouts. Do it cleanly. It seems that the only way is the last one." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"What can I do?" Master asked in surprise, but he didn't expect Luo Zheng to have another way.

"After the plane crash, the agents killed many Black Widows, but there must be survivors. They should be imprisoned in a certain prison. I will find a way to see them. Tie Diao once said that they are somewhat related to the leader of the Black Widows. I want to ask them if there is any way to make the leader of the Black Widow trust me? Find them and figure out why they came to save people, maybe we can find out something." Luo Zheng said thoughtfully.

"That makes sense, just wait a moment." The master said appreciatively.

Luo Zheng waited for a while, and Xue Lian's voice came from the microphone: "It's me, the think tank. I have a good relationship with the leader of the Black Widow. I won't go into details. When you go to see her, wear a Tang suit and a silk flower on your left breast. Make snow lotuses and tell her you came from Kunlun, looking for Tianshan."

"Remember it, the snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain is quite mysterious, hehe." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"If you can, rescue her. She is also a poor person. Her husband and three children were killed in the bombing, leaving only one person. Anyway, there is no conflict of interest with us. It is also beneficial to our country to make her uncomfortable with polar bears. Xuelian said with a heavy voice.

"Okay, remember." Luo Zheng agreed and was about to hang up the phone.

"Wait a minute." Xuelian said in a deep voice: "I have traced the background of the tentacle monster. His parents died in the battle. The situation was critical at that time, and the body was not taken away. When I returned to look for it afterwards, they could no longer be found. Could it be that he blames the team for this?”

"Is there such a thing? How old was he at that time?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"About ten years old. He has been raised by the club." Xue Lian quickly replied.

"The possibility of revenge is unlikely, so continue the investigation." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It's been checked. There's no problem with his father's identity, but there's something wrong with his mother's identity. It doesn't seem like he's a nationality. I'm not sure now. I've arranged for people to trace it." Xue Lian said quickly.

"Ah?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He didn't expect that there was really a problem. He said in a deep voice: "If it's not a nationality of your own country, then the situation will be complicated. Of course, maybe there is nothing wrong. Try your best to trace it. I don't feel good."

"Okay." Xue Lian agreed in a deep voice and hung up the phone.

After a while, Luo Zheng used the internal phone to contact Blue Star. After getting through, he asked: "Can you find out where the Black Widow is being held? She is the mastermind of the last terrorist attack in Britain."

"It must be in Britain. I'll check it out and let you know immediately if there's any news." Blue Star promised.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng pondered. If Black Widow didn't know about it, then who else knew about the tentacle monster? If the mother of the tentacle monster is not a native of the country, there are two possibilities. One is a pure love union, which is okay. If it is specially arranged by someone with intentions, then the situation will be complicated. Luo Zheng suddenly thought of the Dark Church and couldn't help but blush. Change, it couldn't be someone arranged by the Dark Church to break into the Veterans Club, right? The two organizations have been fighting for nearly a hundred years, and anything is possible.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng became restless. If the tentacle monster's mother was arranged by the Dark Church to break in, are there any other undercover agents in the Veterans Club? Could it be that the tentacle monster knew the truth about his mother's identity and was forced by the Dark Church to betray him? Or maybe the tentacle monster is being used by the Dark Church? Didn't you mean betrayal per se? Everything in this was weird, and Luo Zheng was quickly shrouded in endless mysteries.

Suddenly, the intercom phone at the office desk rang. Luo Zheng stepped forward to pick up the phone and heard Lan Xing's voice: "It's been found. He's being held in the British Ministry of Internal Affairs. It's been found that there are five survivors, maybe more. I Trying to find out the exact location."

"Great, arrange for me and Shi Qian to go to Britain immediately." Luo Zheng shouted in surprise.

"Ah? Okay, what's your identity?" Lanxing asked quickly.

"I am a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is useful." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his eyes slightly focused, shining with wisdom, and a plan came to his mind.

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