The strongest soldier

Chapter 2366 The minister comes forward

As the director of the Crime Bureau, Luo Zheng naturally has to take into account his identity and influence, and will not really make the matter a big deal. However, Mr. Li said that if the matter is bigger, he has to behave appropriately. If the sentry comes and asks to move the car, Luo Zheng will not Move, a car is coming from behind, stop and ask why, how can the sentry know the specific situation? Seeing that Luo Zheng had no intention of moving the car, everyone had to walk in and go to work, leaving the driver waiting in line.

Soon, a large number of guards rushed up, preparing to forcefully push the car away. Some people even surrounded Luo Zheng, preparing to arrest him. Suddenly, an elegant middle-aged man rushed over and shouted loudly from a distance. : "What are you doing? Everyone spread out, no messing around."

The guards quickly stopped and dispersed after hearing the elegant middle-aged man's order. The middle-aged man ran up and said breathlessly: "Fortunately, we caught up. It's good that we didn't cause any trouble. Are you Luo Zheng?" A happy expression on his face.

"Uh." Luo Zheng replied noncommittally, feeling a little regretful. If the guards took action, he would have an excuse to make the matter bigger. It's a pity that this elegant middle-aged man would have been a minute later.

"Hello, I am the secretary of the minister. I have been ordered to come here to mediate. The minister is waiting for you in the office. Can you please move the car out of the way? It will be inconvenient for everyone if it is blocked, and it will not have a good impact if it spreads. Can you?" The man smiled kindly and reached out to shake hands.

Luo Zheng reached out to avoid hitting the smiling man. Seeing that the other party spoke politely, Luo Zheng couldn't continue the matter, but he had to obey Mr. Li's order. He thought about it and said, "Don't move the car for now. Let's solve the matter first." ."

"This?" The middle-aged man smiled helplessly and looked around. The guards were still on standby. There was a long queue behind the car, all waiting to get in. It was really unreasonable to continue such a fuss, but Luo Zheng did not move. The middle-aged man didn't want to force himself, so he thought about it and said quickly: "Please come with me."

Luo Zheng nodded and looked at Shi Feng. Seeing that the ministers and secretaries had come out, Shi Feng felt relieved and said with a smile: "Go in, I'll be waiting at the door. If you need anything, just call me." ."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Luo Zheng agreed and followed the middle-aged man inside.

Along the way, both of them remained silent. They quickly came to the lobby and took the elevator upstairs. After getting out of the elevator, the middle-aged man took Luo Zheng to the door of an office. He knocked lightly and got the permission of the person inside. He gently opened the door, took Luo Zheng in, and said respectfully to another energetic man in his sixties who was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper: "Here you go, minister."

This person was the top leader of the Ministry of Public Security. The minister put down the newspaper and looked at Luo Zheng with a calm expression. His slightly condensed eyes were a little more surprised and said, "I didn't expect it to be you. Please sit down."

Luo Zheng also felt that he had seen the other party somewhere, so he sat down on the sofa next to him unceremoniously. The secretary brought Luo Zheng a cup of tea. After the minister asked the secretary to leave, he looked at Luo Zheng with interest and said with a smile: "That's not true. It’s a bit interesting to think that the person involved is actually you, no wonder the chairman called me and asked me to deal with this matter seriously.”

"It has nothing to do with the chairman whether the matter should be dealt with seriously or not. I only ask that it be dealt with fairly." Luo Zheng said calmly.

"No matter what, I don't know the real situation very well. I can't just listen to their words. Please tell me." The minister said with a smile.

"That is to say, you haven't seen the original evidence?" Luo Zheng asked. Seeing the minister stunned for a moment, he knew that his guess was correct. He couldn't help but smile, smiled angrily, and said coldly: "It seems that they Not only does power crush ordinary people, but it also deceives you, hiding from the superiors, what a good trick."

"Original evidence?" The minister did not hide his surprise and asked in a deep voice: "Tell me about it."

"The original evidence is said to have been destroyed. This is not difficult to understand. If you want to confuse right and wrong, you have to destroy the real original evidence. Fortunately, I have a backup, otherwise jumping into the Yellow River will not be able to clean it up. There is no basis for saying this, or See it for yourself." Luo Zheng took out his mobile phone. The surveillance video had been processed by Blue Star and sent to Luo Zheng's mobile phone for ready use.

The video was quickly opened, and Luo Zheng handed it to the minister. The minister took it and checked it in surprise, his face turned ugly. The video was very short, only the scene of the young man crashing his car. After watching the video, the minister returned the phone to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng He took it and said in a deep voice: "I can send the video to you. You can check it with the technical department to see if I made it fake. Those motorcycles were called by a young man. There are phone records. You can ask someone to go to the telecommunications department to check. You’ll know it right away, it’s not difficult.”

"No need, I trust my eyes, and I believe you are not that kind of person. Fortunately, the chairman called me early in the morning, otherwise this matter would have become a big deal. See if this can be done. We will handle it internally and won't make it public. , it will have a bad impact on the image of our ministry if word spreads about it, but don’t worry, this matter will be dealt with seriously and we will give you a fair explanation." The minister said sternly.

The minister had already begged for mercy. Naturally, Luo Zheng couldn't say anything else. After all, there was a lot of cooperation between the Mystery Bureau and the ministry. It would not be good for everyone if there was a quarrel. He stood up and smiled and said: "Since the minister said so, I believe the minister, so I won't Sorry to bother you, I have to rush to work."

"Okay, thank you for your understanding. How will I inform you then?" the minister said gratefully.

"No need, I will know." Luo Zheng said with a smile. With the ability of the Information Engineer of the Crime Bureau, is it not easy to investigate one thing? With that said, Luo Zheng walked outside.

"Okay, your car was hit, and I will arrange for compensation for the repair costs." The minister promised, came to the door, and called the secretary in the office next door to take it down on his behalf.

Seeing that the two parties were having a pleasant conversation, the secretary didn't ask any more questions. He hurriedly took Luo Zheng down from the elevator and sent him to the door. More cars were parked at the door. The drivers got out of the car and began to curse. When he saw the secretary personally escorting Luo Zheng down, he But not everyone can get this treatment, so they all stopped cursing and got into the car, for fear of being spotted.

Seeing Luo Zheng come out unscathed, Shi Feng knew that the matter was resolved, so he came up to him and said with a smile: "Brother, are you okay? I'll go back first."

"I'll see you off." Luo Zheng smiled gratefully and motioned for Shi Feng to get in the car. Shi Feng thought for a while and agreed. Luo Zheng quickly started the car. The secretary asked the guard to open the door. Luo Zheng drove in, turned around, came out, and rushed forward. The main way.

"As long as it's okay, why don't we have a meal together at noon to calm your nerves?" Shi Feng asked with a smile.

"I'm afraid not. I really don't have time. I'll give it another day. I'll come back to you next time." Luo Zheng said gratefully. He was able to stand up for himself when things were unclear and regardless of the implication, Shi Feng was a trustworthy person.

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