The strongest soldier

Chapter 2358: Restraining Bullets

"Oil." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. He glanced at everyone who was listening to his speech carefully. He couldn't help but feel proud and confident when speaking. He continued to explain: "If there is an oil crisis, oil prices will rise. Mijin It will appreciate. Aren't they forcing our currency to appreciate? We will force them to appreciate."

"Nonsense, the oil war will also bring us huge loss of profits." A senior official said dissatisfied.

Luo Zheng glanced at the other person, not knowing who he was, so he stopped to look at the host and said with a smile: "It's a retreat. It doesn't matter if you are wrong. You can continue."

"Yes." Seeing the chairman's support, Luo Zheng ignored the official and continued: "The national oil price is indeed a bit high. Although there are various reasons, it is not impossible to solve. You are more familiar with the details than me, so I won't Let’s talk more about this issue. If we find a big oil country to cooperate, it will not be difficult to raise oil prices. Economic warfare is not my area of ​​expertise. Please let me know how to do it specifically.”

"You are self-aware, yes, continue." The chairman smiled.

"If there is no cooperation from oil countries, then we will find oil-producing countries with close relations with Sam and go to them to fill in the trouble, causing the oil price to rise. I am relatively good at this kind of military action. If the country needs it, I am willing to take it. If you take this mission, you will definitely complete it." Luo Zheng replied seriously.

"Well, now is not the time to vote. Let's talk about your second method." The chairman smiled.

"The second method is simpler. For Myanmar, military means can be used to support the new military force. The reason why the Myanmar government troops are retreating steadily and even not resisting is that in addition to the Sam country supporting the anti-government forces, I guess there must be other reasons. The government has been promised many benefits, which is to jointly stage a play, and the target is us, then we will support the new military force, not only to attack the government forces, but also to attack the anti-government armed forces, completely messing up the situation, because this force is us If we support ourselves, once they come to power, it will be good for us." Luo Zheng analyzed.

"Well, this idea is a bit new, but the results are slow. In what name and what force to support is also a problem." The lieutenant general who claimed to be the chief of staff took over the topic and said.

"This is not difficult. We can also get him a Youth Freedom Army, a National Renaissance Army or something like that. It is just a status. From the perspective of the interests of the country of Myanmar, no one can say anything. As for the shortcomings of slow results, this is not Difficult, we can deploy our soldiers to pretend to be Burmese freedom fighters. As for the brotherly countries, I propose to use cultural warfare, such as holding theme conferences, sharing the same origin, and friendly exchanges. We can bring funds and gain pro-our power through economic cooperation. Support. As for the Youth Free Army, they just admire the civilization of Western countries. Let them come to our country to study, communicate and so on. By disintegrating them internally, the problem should be solved. I don’t know how to do it specifically. I am just a pure soldier. ." Luo Zheng said quickly.

"Hahaha, you are not just a soldier. You also know how to engage in cultural warfare and economic warfare. It's a bit interesting. You can make people who are hostile to us fearful and let those who are close to us benefit. You can both show The toughness of a big country can also reflect the tolerance of a big country, which is a bit interesting." The chairman said with a smile, looking at Luo Zheng with eyes full of admiration.

Mr. Li also looked at Luo Zheng with a smile and nodded happily. Luo Zheng didn't know how the chairman made the decision. This kind of matter has come to an end. It's useless to talk more, so he took the topic and said humbly: "More compliments from the chairman."

"Well, this is not a compliment. Go back and wait for the mission." The chairman smiled.

"Yes." Luo Zheng knew that he was not suitable to participate in the following meeting. Everyone should make the final decision. He stood up quickly, saluted and left. There was a hint of worry in his eyes. There will be a new task so soon, brother. We haven't gotten along enough yet.

However, the country's military orders were overwhelming and there was no room for sloppiness. Luo Zheng walked out of the office building and drove away. It was still early, and the people in the Veterans Club were still discussing things. It was too late, but Luo Zheng thought about it again and wondered what the country would eventually do. Which method to choose, it is better to go back and discuss it with everyone as soon as possible.

Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng drove to the headquarters base, parked the car, and hurried to the office. As soon as he sat down, he saw Lan Xue running towards him with an excited face, and said happily: "I heard from the sentry outside that you are back. Yes, I didn’t expect it to be true. Just in time, Dongfang Ling’s research results came out. Let’s go and take a look.”

"What research results?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"It's the bullet that defeats the bullet-proof armor." Lan Xue explained excitedly.

"Oh? Great, let's go and have a look." Luo Zheng was overjoyed and walked out. Bullet-proof armor is the enemy's magic weapon to win, and it is also the biggest problem that hinders everyone from completing the mission. If it cannot be overcome, it will be defeated on the battlefield. However, now that the enemy had a way to defeat it, Luo Zheng became excited and couldn't help but move faster.

The two hurriedly came to a laboratory. Dongfang Lingzheng directed one person to put the bulletproof armor on the mannequin. The mannequin was made of rubber, life-size and very strong. When he saw Luo Zheng and Lan Xue coming, he greeted them with a smile. , said: "The head is back, you should try this first shot." He took out a bullet.

Luo Zheng took the bullet and looked at it. It was a large caliber of 12.7 mm, but the bullet head was obviously changed. There were some cutting edges on it, like a drill bit. He couldn't help but look at Dongfang Ling in surprise. Dongfang Ling explained: "The bullet came out The back of the barrel will rotate at high speed. This kind of warhead is specially made. It is very hard and has a sharp edge. It rotates like a high-speed rotating drill bit and can cut through bulletproof armor."

"Will the bullet deform after cutting the armor?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"It's not sure yet. You need to shoot and test it yourself to know. In theory, it will not deform because the material composition of the warhead is very special. It is imitated based on the material of Tianwai Flying Stone. There is currently no such metal material on the market. Manufacturing It is difficult to mass produce on a large scale. I plan to leave a space in the middle of the warhead and fill it with a liquid that can restrain the enemy's medicine. Once the bullet enters the body, the liquid spreads and can bring a fatal attack to the enemy. It actually requires experimentation." Dongfang said. Ling quickly explained.

"The idea is good, then come on, let us see how powerful your results are." Luo Zheng said with appreciation, took a sniper rifle, pushed the bullet, looked at Dongfang Ling and asked: "How many meters Distance test?”

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