The strongest soldier

Chapter 2357 Important Meeting

In the afternoon, an urgent phone call disrupted Luo Zheng's arrangements. The call was from the Ministry of National Security Strategy, asking Luo Zheng to go to the headquarters immediately to attend an emergency meeting. Luo Zheng had to say goodbye to his wife and leave. Fortunately, the overall framework had been determined. OK, the next thing to do is to determine the leaders of each group and assign the team members. Everyone can handle this kind of thing by themselves. Luo Zheng is not familiar with everyone and can't help if he stays. The master politely sends Luo Zheng out of the villa.

Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng drove to a certain military base. Luo Zheng came here more than once. Mr. Li worked in the courtyard of this base, but this meeting was not in the courtyard. It was in the conference room on the top floor of the office building. The guard at the entrance of the base was bigger than There were twice as many as before, and there were even more security personnel near the office building, all armed with live ammunition, as if they were facing a formidable enemy, a rare formation.

Luo Zheng parked the car with doubts and hurried to the office building. The guard platoon leader came up to check his ID and then let him go. Luo Zheng hurried to the lobby with curiosity and got on the elevator. He saw that the elevator required a card. Luo Zheng took his work permit. I swiped it tentatively and found that it worked. I couldn't help but be surprised. This was my first time in this office building. I didn't expect that my authority was quite high.

The elevator quickly went up to the top floor. When I came out, I saw many guards standing guard in the aisle. Someone came up to check. Luo Zheng handed over his ID again. The other party took the work ID and swiped it on a device. After confirming that it was correct, it was returned to Luo Zheng. Zheng, after saluting, he said solemnly: "Hello, Chief, please come with me."

Luo Zheng followed the other party down a passage and came to the door of a conference room. The other party opened the door and signaled Luo Zheng to go in. Luo Zheng adjusted his clothes. Although they were casual clothes, he should not mess up his appearance. This is the basic rule of a soldier. For etiquette, take a deep breath before striding in.

Inside is a large conference room with a long conference table in the middle. It is full of people. There are soldiers in general uniforms and elegant elders in suits. They all look extraordinary and are not ordinary people. , Luo Zheng saw the chairman sitting at the head, and couldn't help but be startled. From the corner of his eye, he saw a person gesturing to him, telling him to come over and sit down. When he looked closely, he saw that it was Mr. Li, so he hurried up.

This was a high-level meeting. Luo Zheng realized that the meeting was extraordinary. He sat down quickly and cautiously, and nodded to Mr. Li as a greeting, so as not to disturb the order of the meeting by talking. Suddenly he saw the head of state looking at him and smiling. He quickly nodded in greeting.

"It came very quickly." The head of state said with a smile.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was startled and immediately realized that everyone had been meeting here for a long time. He had attended on short notice. So, there must be something he needed to provide advice on. He immediately stood up and solemnly saluted the head of state. , looked at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "I'm late, please give instructions from the head of state."

"Sit down and talk, don't be so formal." The head of state smiled and made a gesture for Luo Zheng to sit down.

Luo Zheng was not polite. He sat down and looked at Mr. Li curiously. He saw Mr. Li looking at his nose and heart. He didn't know what he was thinking about. He knew that something must have happened. He couldn't help but look at the head of state. The head of state looked at him with a smile. He glanced at everyone and said: "Everyone, this is Colonel Luo. He is not high enough to attend this meeting, but I asked him to come because he is familiar with the content of this meeting. I want to hear his opinion, and everyone will listen too. Listen."

Everyone smiled kindly and turned to look at Luo Zheng. Unexpectedly, Luo Zheng was a colonel at a young age and was highly valued by the head of state. He was an extraordinary person. Everyone was curious, which army colonel was this? Have you ever seen it?

Luo Zheng was not well-known when he was in the army. After joining the National Blade Special Warfare Brigade, his identity was listed as highly secret, and few people knew about it. After taking charge of the Secret Bureau, he had little contact with everyone, so naturally he didn't know him. The elder with the rank of lieutenant general looked at Luo Zheng curiously and said, "Since you are a colonel, why don't you come here in military uniform?"

Soldiers must wear officer uniforms when participating in important occasions. This is a rule. Luo Zheng was dressed in casual clothes, and it was very casual and casual. It was incompatible with the dressing of everyone around him. The lieutenant general thought that Luo Zheng was from the military, and he questioned him with some dissatisfaction. , Luo Zheng smiled without answering and looked at the head of state.

Although the National Security Strategy Department all have military ranks, it is not under the control of the military. It is a force directly under the chairman. Luo Zheng is the director of the Crime Bureau. His superior, Mr. Li, didn't say anything. Luo Zheng naturally ignored the lieutenant general's questioning. When the lieutenant general saw that Luo Zheng didn't answer his question, his face darkened and he couldn't stand it anymore.

Seeing that the lieutenant general was about to get angry, the head of state quickly came out and said: "You can't blame him for this. I heard that he was on a mission and wore casual clothes for work needs. He didn't have time to change clothes. It's understandable. Okay, Colonel Luo just arrived. That's not the case. I understand very well, could you please comrades from the General Staff Department re-introduce the situation, simply and concisely?"

"Yes." Another elder with the rank of Major General said in a deep voice, and glanced at Luo Zheng in surprise. The Yuan Dynasty's defense showed that the other party's identity was not simple. He put away his contempt and continued seriously: "The Yuan Dynasty Capital Dear comrades, Colonel Luo, Myanmar is the strategic breakthrough point for our country to break through the island chain and move towards the ocean. The overseas conflicts have been very serious some time ago, which makes it difficult to implement the strategy that our country has finally implemented."

The Huaxia Kingdom looks very big, but it is surrounded by many countries. These countries are connected in a circle and form an island chain that tightly blocks the country, making it more difficult for the country to become a maritime power. Koryo and Japanese pirates in the east, and the Philippines in the south , Vietnam, Burma in the west, etc., have blocked the country's maritime development.

An important breakthrough point in the national strategy is to form an alliance with Myanmar and build deep-water terminals, railways and roads in Myanmar, so that the country can go directly to the sea from the west and enter the Strait of Malacca, the Indian Ocean, etc. However, Myanmar is experiencing civil strife and anti-government armed forces. The emergence of the epidemic makes it difficult to implement this national strategy, which will seriously affect national development.

After hearing this, Luo Zheng basically understood what was going on, and heard the staff member continue: "The country also has a strategic route to break out of the cage, which is to go from the northwest through friendly brother countries to Europe. One is the sea route. One is the land route, and the two-pronged approach ensures that the country breaks out of the blockade. However, after the Sam Country counter-terrorism in our friendly country and killed the world's number one terrorist, it has more and more influence on that area, faintly forming two forces, one continuing. Close to us, another force composed of new youths is pro-Sam State. This force is called the Youth Freedom Army. It has a small number of people but a lot of energy, which has a great impact on the implementation of our strategy."

After the staff member finished speaking, he looked at Luo Zheng, his eyes full of curiosity.

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