The strongest soldier

Chapter 2317 Secret deployment

When he returned to the commercial building again, the flow of people and traffic in the surrounding streets was obviously less. Luo Zheng got off the car and watched the taxi leave. He was about to catch a taxi and go back to the hotel. He couldn't help but glance at the towering commercial building with the corner of his eye. Seeing a familiar figure, I couldn't help but be startled. I took a closer look and saw that it was Shi Qian, who was coming out of the commercial building and walking towards the roadside. Luo Zheng was surprised and hurried across the road to catch up.

When Shi Qian came to the roadside and waited for the bus, he saw someone trotting up. He couldn't help but was startled. He turned around and saw that it was Luo Zheng. He was also surprised. When he saw Luo Zheng's gesture, he swallowed what he said and held back. Out of curiosity, he continued to wait for the bus on the side of the road. Luo Zheng walked up and looked around calmly. He breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that no one was paying attention.

At this time, a taxi came over. Shi Qian opened the door and got in. Luo Zheng also quickly got in. Shi Qian reported the address of the hotel. After the taxi started to leave, he looked at Luo Zheng curiously. Luo Zheng waved his hand to indicate that he didn't want to. After speaking, he nodded knowingly and fell into silence. Many taxi drivers were informants of the national intelligence agency and had to be on guard against them.

Along the way, the taxi driver kept complaining about all kinds of injustices, such as discrimination against black people, corruption, election nonsense, etc. Luo Zheng and Shi Qian did not answer the conversation. The taxi driver was bored and stopped to concentrate on driving. Arriving at the hotel entrance, the taxi was very good. Luo Zheng and Shi Qian paid the fare and walked towards the hotel in tacit understanding.

Arriving at the hotel lobby, Luo Zheng suddenly pulled Shi Qian to the cafe in the corner of the lobby, asked for a quiet corner to sit down, and ordered two cups of coffee. Shi Qian motioned to the waiter to leave and looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, knowing Luo Zhengla must have something to say when he comes here.

Luo Zheng took two sips of coffee and signaled Shi Qian not to ask questions yet. Instead, he closed his eyes and meditated, but his mind was racing with many possibilities. Did the KGB have the same intentions as him in targeting the commercial building? If that were the case, how would the KGB attack the commercial building? Why do you want to attack the west? Could it be that they also have a way of quietly putting down the customers of the shopping mall?

What Luo Zheng couldn't figure out was the purpose of the KGB. If it was for Xuelian, the situation would be complicated. If not, what was their purpose? The purpose of the assassination and hijacking on the plane was to save Chenkov. Chenkov was arrested while following Xuelian. From this clue, it is very likely that the KGB came for Xuelian. However, why did the KGB take action at this time? Could it be that the KGB already knew the target of his operation and wanted to take action before he did it?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's heart trembled. If the KGB knew the target of their operation, how did they know it? Is it a coincidence or premeditation to choose the same commercial building to attack? How do they know when to act? This series of questions made Luo Zheng troubled, as if a heavy fog enveloped his mind.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng had an idea and thought of a possibility, that is, a traitor. Although Luo Zheng did not want to believe that there was a traitor within the Veterans Club, he had to guard against it. If there really was a traitor, all these troubles would have a reasonable explanation. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng felt as if the fog in front of his eyes was torn apart by lightning, and he suddenly became enlightened.

After thinking along this line of thought for a while, Luo Zheng had some thoughts in mind. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Shi Qian looking at him eagerly, so he lowered his voice and said, "The KGB is also planning a commercial building."

"Ah?" Shi Qian knew that Luo Zheng was chasing the beautiful woman who was taking the photo. He didn't expect to get such important information. Shi Qian believed Luo Zheng's words and asked in a low voice with a calm face: "Is it possible that the KGB is the same as us? , is it a tactic of attacking in the east and attacking in the west? It can’t be such a coincidence, right? What should we do?”

"It's easy to see through whether it's a coincidence." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"How to break it?" Shi Qian asked in a low voice in surprise.

"Announce the specific time of the operation. If the KGB takes action in advance, it means that they know our plan very well. There are traitors within us. If we don't take action in advance, we have to guard against them taking advantage of others. There is no such coincidence in the world. Why did the KGB suddenly Are you interested in a commercial building? Why do you suddenly come to rob people? Why do you use the same tactics as us? This is all a mystery." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"It makes sense. Just give it time and wait and see what happens. However, in this way, the people in the Veterans Club cannot be trusted, but they are the main force in this operation, and it is not appropriate to openly doubt. After all, most of them are Those who sincerely come to save people must pay attention to influence and unity." Shi Qian reminded.

"Well, there are two ways. The first is to announce the time later, and we take action in advance. The second is to announce the time earlier, so that the KGB does not have enough time to prepare, forcing them to rush into action, and the chance of success will be lower. It is much smaller. It is difficult for the latter to find out who the traitor is, but the former has a greater chance. After all, if we suddenly take action in advance, the KGB will be caught off guard and even doubt the traitor's intelligence. Then the KGB will take action against the traitor. What do you think?" Luo Zheng? He said in a low voice.

"That makes sense. Will letting the KGB take action first affect our actions?" Shi Qian asked in a low voice.

"No, let them take action, completely muddy the waters, and then let us reveal some information to the local government so that they cannot succeed. When we take action, the local government will only direct their hatred towards the KGB. What a good scapegoat. ?" Luo Zheng said coldly, with a confident expression on his face.

"The KGB also knows this. Will they take action in advance? Why not just reap the benefits? If it were me and I had accurate information about the traitors, I would definitely not take action first." Shi Qian reminded.

"Your analysis is correct, but this time the opponent is different. It is a master of the Veterans Club. If we take action first, the KGB will have no chance to be a fisherman. It will be like pulling a tooth out of a tiger's mouth, rather than a fisherman's advantage. They are bound to gain it, no matter Dare to take this risk, otherwise there is no need to go to the commercial building to investigate, obviously I want to use the same plan to act first." Luo Zheng explained in a low voice with a confident look on his face.

"That makes sense, what are you going to do?" Shi Qian whispered.

"Throw out a fake plan to test the waters and find the traitor. As for rescuing people, I have another plan. Don't worry." Luo Zheng said with confidence, took out his mobile phone and sent Hongmeihua a message. The long message explained the problem of guns. The new rescue plan was inseparable from the skinheads. Winning over the skinheads would also be of great benefit to the intelligence work of the Secret Bureau. Why not do it?

With Hong Meihua's method, it is not a problem to arrange a batch of weapons in a short time. At the worst, they can go through diplomatic channels. Diplomatic supplies do not need to go through security inspections. Luo Zheng was relieved to leave the matter to Hong Meihua and sent another message to Blue Star. The information allowed Blue Star to track down how many people had infiltrated into Britain to participate in the robbery.

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