The strongest soldier

Chapter 2316 Abnormal Situation

On the battlefield, there are only distinctions between enemies and our own people, there is no distinction between men and women. Anyone who takes up arms is an enemy. You must be ruthless and ruthless towards your enemies, otherwise you are seeking death, especially when a beautiful agent trained by the KGB kills someone. This kind of person He would not be lenient in killing people. Luo Zheng had just fought against two beauties and knew how powerful they were. If the person in front of him was so powerful, he would be able to seize every opportunity to fight back and not be careless.

Seeing that Luo Zheng was not moved at all, this beautiful woman knew that she had met a master, and it was not an easy master, so she did not dare to play tricks. She put her head in her hands helplessly, faced the wall, did not dare to move, and asked unwillingly: "What do you want? I promise you anything, as long as you don't kill me."

"That's a good note." Luo Zheng asked coldly, "Tell me your identity."

"I am the department manager of this bar." The beauty quickly replied.

"Pfft -" there was a gunshot, and the bullet came out coldly, and unceremoniously sank into the beauty's shoulder. A blood arrow spattered, and the bullet penetrated the shoulder muscle and sank into the wall.

"Ah——?" The beauty didn't expect Luo Zheng to suddenly take action, without any warning, extremely cold, she screamed, her whole body trembled in pain, and she squatted down.

"Stop pretending, be honest, fight well, and don't move. This pain doesn't matter to you, otherwise I won't mind hitting you in the face with the next shot." Luo Zheng shouted coldly.

When the beauty heard Luo Zheng's shout, she stood up quickly, stopped pretending, her face turned cold, and she said coldly: "Who are you? Why do you know so much about my situation?"

"I won't ask you my question again. I'll give you one last chance to say it." Luo Zheng said coldly. Facing such a well-trained agent, he can only be more ruthless and determined than the other party. Be more decisive and never be soft-hearted.

"I'll die if I say it. Why do I say it?" The beauty retorted coldly: "Come on, if you have the ability, shoot."

Luo Zheng is very aware of the ruthlessness of the KGB intelligence organization. It is not only ruthless towards its enemies, but also towards its own people. Once it is known who has betrayed the organization, there is only one outcome, and that is death. They will be hunted all over the world with nowhere to escape. Luo Zheng Knowing that what the other party said was true, it was impossible for a person without a choice to compromise. He had an idea and said in a deep voice: "You go back injured and no one will know that you betrayed the organization. Besides, I don't want to know much."

The other party was silent. Luo Zheng was not in a hurry and waited patiently for about a minute. The other party suddenly said: "Tell me, what do you want to know?"

"What is your identity? What is the purpose of taking pictures in the commercial building?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"You should be able to guess my identity. I am a KGB intelligence officer, responsible for intelligence collection. The purpose of taking photos in the shopping mall is ominous. I have no right to know such high-level secrets. Those who know have been killed by you. This man beside me, and two others I personally know that the two female secretaries next to the bar owner are also my superiors. Is this a satisfactory answer?" The other party hesitated and said in a deep voice.

After Luo Zheng confirmed the other party's identity, his face changed slightly, and he asked in a deep voice: "Where's the one in the toilet?"

"Both of them are KGB agents, with a higher status than me. They should know the specific tasks of this operation, but they were killed by you." The beauty quickly replied.

"Since the KGB asked you to come, how could you not reveal any information?" Luo Zheng said coldly.

"If you don't believe it, there's nothing you can do. I don't dare to make it up. If you get hold of some information and what I say is not correct, wouldn't it be asking for death? I don't want to die. The above just told me to take pictures of traffic routes, maybe to arrange an attack. Or evacuate, maybe the higher-ups want to take advantage of the commercial building, otherwise there is no need to take these photos." The beauty quickly explained, with a bit of urgency in her words, for fear that Luo Zheng would suddenly shoot again, just like before.

Luo Zheng saw that the other party might not know much about what he was talking about. He thought about it and asked, "How long have you been here? What are your specific responsibilities?"

"I went to school here. My mother is a local and my father is from the polar bear country, so I was developed into an intelligence officer for three years. I am specifically responsible for intelligence collection. I am asked to collect whatever the superiors want. I am not allowed to participate in specific tasks. ." The other party said quickly.

"Don't move. I'll take your phone and tell me where it is?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Since he couldn't ask anything, he simply stopped asking. After getting a clear answer from the other party, Luo Zheng took it out of the small bag next to him. A mobile phone came, dialed himself, okay? Then he put it back and said coldly: "All your answers just now have been recorded and taken. There is only one chance of survival. Lie on my back and I will contact you." As for how to explain this, that's your business." As he spoke, he stepped forward, raised the knife in his hand, and knocked the opponent unconscious.

After knocking the beauty unconscious, Luo Zheng quickly searched her body and found nothing of value. There was a delicate small pistol in the handbag. He searched the two men again and found nothing on them to prove their identity. They only had some cash and a pistol. The real agents It was impossible to carry something to prove his identity. Luo Zheng reluctantly gave up, took a look around, picked up a piece of cloth and wiped the places he had touched, clearing all traces, and quickly evacuated after confirming that there was no problem.

When he came out of the private room, no one was paying attention outside. Luo Zheng lowered his head and evacuated quickly, and soon came to the lobby. The heavy metal music in the lobby was crazy, and his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily. There were obviously many more diners than before, and the crowd was crowded. There was no movement, there was unbridled laughter everywhere, and scantily clad women walking around.

Luo Zheng looked around unintentionally, lowered his head and left quickly. He left the hotel and went to the street outside. Some bald men were wandering outside. They were a little surprised to see Luo Zheng, but no one came up to ask. Maybe they were shocked by Luo Zheng's ruthless methods. , Luo Zheng had no intention of understanding these people and left quickly.

When he came to the street, Luo Zheng saw that the taxi was still waiting. He couldn't help but smile. He immediately walked up to it, opened the door, got in and sat down. He smiled at the shocked taxi driver and said, "You've been waiting for a long time. Let's go. Just go to the commercial building that brought me here." This taxi driver looked very simple, so Luo Zheng had to be more cautious and did not tell his real address, planning to change taxis when he arrived at the commercial building.

"Understood." The taxi driver quickly agreed, started the taxi, and said with admiration: "You are the first person I know who can come out of the skinhead territory. You are awesome. The original toll price is fine. For those who have the ability, I always respect people, so I won’t charge too much.”

"Drive hard and hurry up." Luo Zheng said, feeling heavy. The KGB was involved in the commercial building, and in the same commercial building, there must be something wrong here, and we had to take precautions. It seemed that the rescue plan had to be readjusted.

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