The strongest soldier

Chapter 2308 Observing the terrain

Nothing should happen to the headquarters at any time, and thunderbolt measures can act as a deterrent. Luo Zheng knew that the KGB was very difficult to deal with, so he could only use violence to stabilize the situation, and wait until he returned to deal with it. After explaining a few words, he hung up the phone and listened. When he went outside to call for dinner, he walked out of the room and went to the living room. He saw the waiter setting up the meal. He went up and waited for a while. After the waiter left, Luo Zheng habitually took out the small silver knife to test it. Liu Xuanyi looked curious. Incessantly.

The food was not poisonous. Luo Zheng put away the knife and ate it without any explanation. After eating, Liu Xuanyi asked the waiter to come up and clean up the mess. Everyone made preparations. Luo Zheng asked Liu Xuanyi to inform Xu Gang to meet him downstairs and bring him with him. Shi Qian went downstairs first.

The two of them came downstairs and sat down on the sofa in the hall. There was no one around. Shi Qian whispered: "Boss, tell me the truth. How sure are you of this operation?"

"If they all carry out their mission seriously, I'm 80% sure. However, my biggest worry is not this, but that I don't fully understand them. If there are traitors among them, things will be troublesome, so be careful in everything, Xuelian The operation was secretive, why was he targeted by the KGB, and why was he robbed by another force? Have you thought about this problem?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, frowning.

"Ah?" Shi Qian was shocked. He really hadn't thought about this problem. Jing Luo Zheng became nervous when he said this. He lowered his voice and asked, "If this is really the case, then you shouldn't have said it publicly just now." Plan, if there is really a traitor, wouldn't it expose the entire plan? What should we do? With your wisdom, you will definitely have a back-up plan, am I right?"

"There is a backup plan, but it's not mature enough. I need to observe it for a while before looking at it. You should also be careful and pay more attention to everyone. It's best not to have this situation happen. If there is a traitor, I don't mind bringing him out to Tiediao. Brother Tie Diao took revenge. Brother Tie Diao risked his life to save Shan Diao and other brothers. He is the great benefactor of our mystery bureau and also saved my life. His business is my business." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his eyes There was a flash of murderous intent.

"He is also my savior. All of us in the Crime Bureau are united and share the same hatred." Shi Qian said in a deep voice.

"Well, they are here. Don't reveal this. In case there are no traitors, our speculation will affect our unity." Luo Zheng warned in a low voice, got up and walked up.

When Shi Qian saw Liu Xuanyi and Xu Gang coming out of the elevator, he agreed knowingly and followed him. After everyone met, there was no nonsense and they walked outside in a tacit understanding. They came to the parking lot and got into Liu Xuanyi's red Ferrari. Liu Xuanyi drove, Luo Zheng sat in the passenger seat, and Shi Qian and Xu Gang sat in the back.

Liu Xuanyi drove forward quickly. The road looked very familiar. Luo Zheng didn't ask any questions. He carefully observed the surrounding terrain and verified it with the map to make sure he remembered the surrounding terrain. He rushed out of the city unknowingly and followed the suburbs. The road goes north, and the terrain is fairly flat. The wilderness is covered with dead grass, and occasionally some trees can be seen. The rolling hills are not high, so hillsides are more suitable. Independent wooden villas have been built on some hillsides, with doors at the entrance. A small garden, enclosed by a white fence, looks very beautiful.

Everyone was silent along the way, thinking about their own concerns. Luo Zheng looked at the surrounding terrain and thought about something. Seeing that everyone was silent, Liu Xuanyi also concentrated on driving. Unknowingly, he came to a wilderness. Liu Xuanyi saw Luo Zheng refused to stop and continued to drive forward.

About an hour later, there was a fork in the road ahead. There was a sign at the intersection that said military restricted area, no entry. Luo Zheng suddenly shouted: "Stop."

"Creak -" A sudden brake sound sounded, and the Ferrari stopped quickly. Luo Zheng got out of the car to check the surrounding terrain. Shi Qian and Xu Gang also got out of the car one after another. Everyone pretended to exercise to relieve their fatigue while observing secretly. After a while, Luo Zheng looked around and said: "The view here is wide, which is not conducive to concealment and is not good for us."

"What's more important is that it's not conducive to grasping the direction of the wind." Shi Qian said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng knew that the wind direction Shi Qian mentioned was the control of the poisonous smoke. He frowned and thought for a while, then said: "There is a section of mountain road where we passed. The mountain road is winding and difficult to walk. One section is a concave U-shaped bend. The curve is large and long, enough to accommodate a dozen vehicles. If the front is blocked, the convoy will not be easily spotted in the inner curve, so it is an ideal choice."

"Indeed, the gunshots and explosions there will not spread too far, and it is not easy to see in the distance. It is blocked by the mountains on both sides. I think that is the most suitable place along the way." Shi Qian also said in a deep voice. .

"Let's go back and take a look." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice before getting in the car.

Everyone got on the bus one after another. When Liu Xuanyi learned that they were going back, he didn't ask any questions and immediately turned around and rushed. Not long after, everyone came to the inner bend. Luo Zheng asked Liu Xuanyi to stop and got out of the car to observe the surrounding terrain. The road is halfway up the mountain. It has a big curve. It bends into the mountain, like a widened U shape. The hillside is not high, but it is steep. It is not easy for people to rush up. It is also very steep below, with bushes coming out, and there is no road. Can go.

What's more important is that there are mountain peaks at both ends of the bend, which just blocks the view. This inner bend cannot be seen from the outside. It is indeed the best ambush point, and it is the only way to go. Luo Zheng smiled with satisfaction. , looked at the mountains, and said to everyone: "Wait a moment, I'll go up and have a look." Then he rushed up the hillside.

Shi Qian and Xu Gang couldn't bear to wait and rushed up. Liu Xuanyi stayed to look at the car. Luo Zheng rushed up the hillside and stood at the commanding heights to observe the surroundings. They found that the view above was very wide and there were no blind spots in the curves below. If it were buried A troop here, with enough grenades, can definitely clear out all the convoys in a short time. It is indeed a good ambush point. The only weakness is that it is bare and easy to be discovered by satellites.

However, Luo Zheng is not worried about the satellite problem. There are many ways to solve this problem. For example, choosing to do it when the satellite is not in the sky, or wearing a camouflage to prevent infrared detection, and placing satellite detection electronic jammers can also solve the problem. These equipments are useful to everyone. Not a problem. As for the enemy's ground support troops, they only need to blow up the road in the direction of the enemy's base.

After knowing the case, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and said to everyone: "Okay, let's stay here for the time being. Let's go back first." After saying that, he walked down and soon came to the road, got into the Ferrari, and others got out of the car. , Liu Xuanyi immediately started the car and walked forward.

On the way, Luo Zheng remained silent and continued to observe the terrain. When he passed a canyon, he secretly noted the terrain and regarded this as the second preparation ambush point. Luo Zheng already suspected that there were traitors among these god-level soldier kings, so naturally he would not Putting eggs in one basket, I thought to myself, should I set up a trap to find the traitor?

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