The strongest soldier

Chapter 2307 Arrange actions

There is a method in Sun Tzu's Art of War called "attack in the east and attack in the west". Luo Zheng's arrangement is no longer as simple as attacking in the east and in the west. If the tactic is successfully implemented, it can not only attract the attention of the authorities, but also paralyze the city's traffic. When everyone's attention is attracted, Everyone's success rate in capturing the convoy has greatly increased. This is not the most outstanding thing. The most outstanding thing is that after controlling the missile, it threatens the authorities' troops.

When something goes wrong in a department store, how many people pay attention? Important leaders of the authorities must be present. When the time comes, direct missiles will be aimed at the target and threaten the other party to release them. All the people in the department store will become hostages. In order to avoid death, in order for the expo to be held as scheduled, in order to cover up the fact of being attacked, it will further increase the risk of the old empire. To save face, the authorities can only compromise and have no second choice.

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng with shock on their faces, and Scud even said in a deep voice: "Now I finally know why big brother trusts you so much and lets you take command. We are so bold. Compared with you, we are like newly learned people." A walking kid, but I like this crazy plan and I’m going to do it.”

"Yes, I did it." The others were not afraid of trouble, and they all agreed.

"I will be responsible for the attack on the department store. How many days will it take to prepare?" Luo Zheng looked at Shi Qian.

Shi Qian nodded knowingly, knowing that Luo Zheng wanted to use poisonous smoke. After thinking about it, everyone saw that it was Shi Qian again. Their interest in Shi Qian greatly increased, but they did not dare to say anything to disturb Shi Qian's thinking. They all waited curiously. After getting up, after a while, Shi Qian said seriously: "Give me three days to prepare, but I need enough materials and a quiet residence where no one can disturb me. It is best for this residence to be remote."

"It's simple. There is a villa on the outskirts of the city. I usually live there. I guarantee that no one will disturb me. If you need anything, give me a list. I will prepare everything for you no matter where you are." Liu Xuanyi immediately agreed.

"Yes, as long as there is something in this world, we can find it for you, and it will take three days to transport it." Huang Can said seriously.

"That's no problem." Shi Qian said with confidence. Everyone was curious, but if Shi Qian didn't say anything, it was hard for everyone to ask too many questions. After all, who doesn't have some secrets?

Seeing Shi Qian nodding, Luo Zheng felt relieved. He looked at everyone and continued: "Now there is no problem in attacking the mall, and the basic plan for the ambush has been determined. All that's left is to investigate and confirm, and there are still hiding places that need to be found. How to allocate it? Everyone has different abilities, should you discuss this among yourselves? "

"I'm responsible for monitoring the base." Scud Ye Tong said solemnly.

"Who will follow me to find a hiding place?" Wuying Legs Huang Can said in a deep voice.

"Me, me," several people quickly raised their hands, Wuying Legs Huang Can immediately called several people's names.

"I will go personally to inspect the ambush point." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, and glanced at Shi Qian. Shi Qian knew that Luo Zheng asked him to accompany him, and immediately nodded to express that it was no problem.

"I'll go with you." Thunder Runner Xu Gang said quickly.

"That's fine. We will choose the shopping mall where we will start after inspecting the ambush point. Xiaoyi, you are responsible for collecting the things. If you need help from anyone, coordinate it yourself. You must have the things ready within two days. The production will take some time. One week after the expo Let's start, that is to say, we only have less than a week to prepare." Luo Zheng solemnly warned, glanced at everyone, and added: "Those who don't have any tasks should rest in the hotel and wait."

"Understood." Others agreed.

"Are all the weapons and equipment in place?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Everything will be delivered tomorrow, where will it be shipped?" Liu Xuanyi said quickly.

"After finding the hiding place, just transport it there. Do you have any questions?" Luo Zheng replied.

Everyone pondered and felt that the matter was basically confirmed. The remaining details would be discussed after the on-site inspection. They all shook their heads. Luo Zheng thought for a while and added: "According to the information I have, the KGB may be involved in robbing people. The specific details. I don’t know yet, anyone with information channels should ask around.”

"The boss has already informed us about this, and we will all pay attention. These little reptiles actually jumped up and caused trouble. We just let them be the vanguard and charge for a while. We are watching from behind. If they succeed, we will just sit there and be the fishermen." Thunderhand Xu Gang said indifferently, not caring about the KGB.

Luo Zheng knew that these people looked no different from ordinary people, but they were different when fighting. Each one had advanced internal martial arts skills and rich fighting experience. Everyone present could easily handle themselves. The strong had the dignity of the strong. He was proud, and it was reasonable to look down on the KGB. He smiled lightly and said nothing.

"Uncle Master, do you think there is anything else you need to explain?" Liu Xuanyi asked.

"Everyone, be careful and don't expose yourself, so as not to alert others, let's have lunch at the hotel." Luo Zheng warned, as for the rest, Luo Zheng believed that everyone knew what to do and didn't have to worry about it.

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements." Liu Xuanyi agreed, and everyone stood up one after another, said goodbye to Luo Zheng one after another, and went back to their rooms.

The bustling first meeting ended smoothly, and it started well. Liu Xuanyi also went back to the back room to arrange things. Luo Zheng glanced at Shi Qian and asked in a deep voice: "Ambushes and commercial building attacks require poisonous smoke, is that okay?"

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart. It doesn't take too much time to recreate it, as long as the materials are complete. However, with their strength and ability, getting the materials is not a problem. I will make more backups to avoid mistakes. But you, you can do it all at once. I have gained everyone's trust and admiration." Shi Qian said sincerely.

"Thanks to you for telling me the temperament of people in the world, otherwise I wouldn't know how to talk to you. The start is not bad at all. As long as everyone obeys the command and does their best, rescuing people is not a big problem. I will go back to the room and call the headquarters. Let me call you and write a list to Xiaoyi." Luo Zheng said as he stood up and walked towards the back room. Shi Qian agreed and went to find paper and pen.

Luo Zheng returned to the room, took out his phone and dialed the Blue Star number. After he was connected, he said, "It's me. What's going on with the plane assassination? Has your home been attacked?"

"We've checked it out. We'll leave this matter to the local government so we don't have to intervene. The situation is basically consistent with your analysis. On the contrary, there have been some unusual situations near the headquarters recently, including bicycle teams, hiking teams, seniors' outing teams, and various other things. There are a lot of people in the name, and they all come to hang out nearby." Lan Xing said quickly.

"These are just pretexts used for investigation and to carefully investigate the mastermind behind it." Luo Zheng's face became solemn and he shouted in a deep voice: "If you find the target, kill him without hesitation. You must shock the opponent with thunderbolts, otherwise it will be more troublesome. Tell Hong Plum Blossom just said it was what I meant."

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