The strongest soldier

Chapter 2276 Opportunity to counterattack

After running for a distance, Tie Diao thought he was safe for the time being, so he threw Luo Zheng to the ground and shouted in a deep voice: "Boy, wake up for me. Brothers are waiting for your orders. You have no right to be passive. You have no right to give up, cheer up, what to do next? Give the order quickly, don't let me look down on you."

"Pa—" Luo Zheng slapped himself hard, stood up slowly, and looked towards the enemy's base with a cold murderous look on his face. His eyes were filled with hatred. This slap was both self-blame and also self-blame. Force yourself to calm down and tell yourself what to do.

Tie Diao saw Luo Zheng calm down, but there was a strong cold and murderous aura in his body. This was the result of hatred. If he couldn't control it well, he would lose his mind, so he couldn't help but worry. But in the face of a powerful enemy, he couldn't care about much, and hatred sometimes Can generate motivation and solve problems.

"Brothers, I heard the reply." Luo Zheng said coldly into the headset, his eyes as cold as ice, and his words contained a cold murderous intent.

"Brothers have suffered heavy losses and cannot be counted at the moment. I am fine. The captain fainted. He should be fine." A voice shouted urgently, it was the mountain eagle.

Luo Zheng knew that the captain in the mouth of the mountain eagle was Lan Xue. Everyone was used to this title. When he heard that Lan Xue had fainted, his heart sank, his murderous aura became more solemn, and an invisible coldness came out of his body. , as if it were real, the iron eagle was dumbfounded when he saw it, and said to himself: What a murderous aura!

"Brother, calm down, don't forget who the enemy is." Tie Diao reminded, since Luo Zheng's heart is full of murderous intent, he might as well guide him so that Luo Zheng knows who the enemy is, so that he will not lose his true nature.

After hearing Tie Diao's words, Luo Zheng's cold eyes became clearer. He nodded and said in a deep voice: "Brother, do you dare to go crazy with me?"

"I haven't said it yet. This battle originally belonged to me. I'll leave the more than 100 kilograms to you. Tell me, how do you want to fight?" Tie Diao said solemnly.

"A hard attack won't work. The enemy has missiles. Missiles are a fatal threat, but they are also a weakness." Luo Zheng said coldly, his eyes falling on the top of the main peak, where the missiles were launched.

Tie Diao has so much combat experience that he can see through it with just one click. His eyes lit up and he said in a deep voice: "There are missiles with launchers or launch holes, and they can penetrate into the interior from inside. Why didn't I think of this? Tell me, how to fight?" ?”

"Follow me." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, and rushed towards the main peak. As he ran, he shouted through the headset: "Brothers, mountain eagles, quickly gather your troops and find a safe place to hide in the west. Wait for my order. Remember. Come on, you can’t leave a brother behind, help me take care of Xue’er, please.”

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission." The mountain eagle responded in a deep voice, with deep pain in his words.

Luo Zheng knew the pain of Shan Diao. Those who were attacked by missiles were all Shan Diao's direct troops, brothers who shared life and death. People who have never experienced this pain can't understand it. Luo Zheng did not persuade him to say anything. He rushed with a cold face and Ti Diao tightened his grip. Following them, the two soon arrived at the place where Shi Qian and Cao Xi were digging the tunnel.

"Head." Shi Qian and Cao Xi came up quickly.

"Stop digging, come with me. Is there any poisonous smoke left?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"There are still spare ones, but there are no more snow rats." Shi Qian said quickly.

Luo Zheng nodded, beckoned to the brothers who came to help dig the tunnel, and warned with a cold face: "You guys escort Cao Xi to evacuate to the west, bring the excavation equipment to join your team leader, remember, you must ensure that Cao Xi Be safe and live well. I'll treat you to a drink when you get back."

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission." Everyone saluted solemnly, and the headset resumed the call. Everyone also knew the truth of the matter through the headset. They all felt solemn, and without any delay, they immediately packed up and prepared to evacuate.

"Be careful." Cao Xi knew that he was not good at close combat and would only become a burden if he stayed. He couldn't help but look at Shi Qian and warned him seriously, his eyes full of affectionate concern.

"Don't worry, even if I die, I will protect him and come back safely." Luo Zheng looked at Cao Xi and said seriously.

"Well, be careful yourself. Brothers can live without me and him, but they can't live without you. I'll go back and take care of Xue'er. Don't worry, she's just unconscious." Cao Xi warned seriously.

"Yes." Luo Zheng nodded gratefully and looked at Shi Qian. When Shi Qian nodded to indicate that he was ready, he looked at Tie Diao and said in a deep voice: "Brother Tie Diao, lead the way."

"Okay, come with me and give me a rope and your long knife." Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng didn't ask any questions. He quickly took out the special rope from his backpack and handed it to Tie Diao along with the dragon tooth sword. After Xi hugged each other and said goodbye, he followed closely with a determined look on his face.

The three of them quickly arrived near the main peak. Tie Diao tied the Dragon Tooth Saber to his back and put the rope on his shoulders. Looking at the main peak, he said to Luo Zheng and Shi Qian: "The ice and snow are slippery and hard, and there is nothing to climb. With the help of strength, you two can't climb up. This may be the reason why the enemy placed the missile launch hole on the main peak. Wait for me below."

"Can you go up?" Shi Qian asked worriedly, not knowing what the iron eagle was capable of.

The iron eagle did not explain, but rushed forward. Suddenly it jumped high into the sky, like a big bird, soaring straight into the sky for more than ten meters. It suddenly grabbed hard with both hands and sank into the hard ice. After stabilizing its body, it exerted a strong force on its feet. Kick, push the hard ice surface to find a place for stepping on, then jump hard, the body rises into the air again, and when the strength is exhausted, the hands claw the hard ice surface again.

Shi Qian was dumbfounded when he saw this scene, and said in a deep voice with shock on his face: "Boss, this is the legendary internal martial arts. Hasn't it been lost? I didn't expect him to know it. No wonder he is so powerful. If only I could learn it. ."

"Don't you know how to lighten your body? No one can compare to you in leaping and jumping. Just be content. It took him thirty years of practice to achieve this skill. You want to learn it for another thirty years?" Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice.

"That's right. I've been too old to move for thirty years. Forget it. There are specialties in the art, so it's impossible to know everything. I understand. He went up first by himself, and then put down the rope for us to climb up. It's a good trick, and Only he can do it. Even ammunition cannot explode on such a hard ice surface. The enemy would never have imagined that we would climb the main peak." Shi Qian said in a deep voice, his eyes becoming fanatical as he looked at the iron eagle that kept climbing up. .

"It's not that I can't think of it, but I think no one can do it. If it weren't for the iron sculpture, we really wouldn't be able to climb up. The ice surface is as steep as a cliff and there is no place to climb. The ice surface is as hard as iron and as mirror-like. How can we climb it? This is also the reason why the enemy placed the missile launch hole on the top of the main peak." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

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