The strongest soldier

Chapter 2275 Brutal missiles

The annihilation attribute laser cannon is an epoch-making weapon. It is very terrifying, indestructible and indestructible. When Luo Zheng encountered it for the first time, he didn't know how to deal with it. He suddenly thought of the iron eagle and said in surprise: "That's great. Immediately ask the iron eagle to point out the location to you, and ask him to rush to help me."

The team leader agreed, and Luo Zheng continued: "Xue'er, brothers, I'm fine. I heard the report."

"Brothers are all fine, but the ammunition consumption is too high." Lan Xue's voice rang in the headset, with a bit of surprise. As long as Luo Zheng was fine, Lan Xue was completely relieved. The laser cannon just now was too terrifying, no one could Calm down.

"Stop firing, immediately change positions and hide, and stop with silence." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice, his eyes like a torch, fixed on the ice peak ahead. Seeing that the enemy suddenly stopped moving, the people hiding in the small cave and fighting the fire also stopped. The fire was turned on, and the ice door at the entrance was not closed, but it was quiet and strange inside.

When something went wrong, he became a monster. Luo Zheng's face changed drastically and he immediately ordered everyone to retreat and find a new place to hide. No one would violate Luo Zheng's order, so everyone retreated one after another.

Two or three minutes later, Luo Zheng saw that the enemy still had no movement, and he couldn't help but be surprised. What was the enemy going to sing? While I was thinking about it, I suddenly saw three "Hummingbird" unmanned reconnaissance drones coming from the cave. This was because the enemy wanted to locate everyone's hiding place, and there would definitely be a big move in the future. I couldn't help being shocked, and shouted in a deep voice: "Kill the drones. "

The Hummingbird unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is about the size of a palm, has a camera on its head, and transmits signals wirelessly in real time. As long as the target is found, the enemy can determine the location. This is not the first time that everyone has seen the power of this reconnaissance aircraft. They raised their guns to aim, but found that there was no The man-machine flew very fast and rushed into the sky in an instant. Luo Zheng raised his sniper rifle and tried to aim, but the target was too fast and could not be hit. Shooting would only waste bullets.

Soon, the drone penetrated into the sky to an altitude of a thousand meters and began to circle in parallel. The speed was much slower. However, at this height, no one was sure of hitting the flying target, so they all reluctantly chose to give up. Even Luo Zheng could not. He did not give up the attack target, but he felt chilled at the thought that the enemy could know everyone's position through the drone. He shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, listen to my order and disperse quickly. Hurry."

"No, there are missiles launched from the main peak." Suddenly a voice shouted in horror.

When Luo Zheng heard that it was Shi Qian, he couldn't help being shocked. Shi Qian dug a tunnel on the side of the main peak. Naturally, he could see the situation of the main peak. Because the signal was restored, the sound came through the headset. Luo Zheng was shocked. He didn't expect that the enemy was brewing. After taking so long to launch missiles, he roared eagerly: "Quick, spread out and lie down."

Missiles are no joke. There are drones in the sky guiding them. Every hit is accurate. Luo Zheng looked up angrily and found that there was a missile roaring towards the main peak, heading straight towards the direction where Lan Xue and others were hiding. He couldn't help being horrified and roared: "Quick, find a place to lie down and hide."

"Whoosh -" the missile roared away, heading straight towards the opposite iceberg, drawing a terrifying wave of air in the void, like the roar of death, and slammed into it, followed by an earth-shattering explosion, Luo Zheng You can feel the ground shaking from a long distance away. You are staring at the direction of the explosion with so much anxiety that your eyes will bleed. There are not only brothers who share life and death, but also your lover.

"Ouch -" Luo Zheng stood up, looked in the direction of the enemy's base and roared, like a wounded lion roaring into the sky, venting the anger and unwillingness in his heart. The sound shook the surrounding areas and lingered for a long time.

"Another missile has been launched." Shi Qian's anxious voice sounded again.

"Everyone listen to my order, withdraw-" Luo Zheng roared unwillingly. The battle has reached this point, and it is meaningless to hold on. Staying will only increase casualties, so we can only retreat, although retreating is very risky. , but better than waiting to die here.

"Evacuate, please evacuate quickly. We can't leave a wounded brother behind. Hurry up -" Luo Zheng roared angrily, with a cry in his voice. Thinking of his brothers being killed by missiles, Luo Zheng's heart was bleeding and painful. Knife twisted.

"Asshole—" a voice roared over.

Luo Zheng looked back and saw an iron eagle roaring towards him, like the God of War. He felt a little calmer for no reason. He pointed at the missile in the sky and roared: "Asshole, they have missiles, why didn't you tell me earlier."

"Damn, these beasts." Tie Diao rushed up and stood beside Luo Zheng, watching angrily as the missile flew across the sky in front of him and flew into the hilltop opposite. Then it exploded into a huge red cloud. Gungun, the iron sculpture's face turned pale, and its eyes were spitting fire.

"I'm going to kill these beasts." Luo Zheng was furious. Thinking of his brothers being slaughtered, his head suddenly exploded, and he rushed forward with a gun in hand, looking like he was going to fight desperately. His personal ability in front of weapons was pitiful, and he could only wait for death except to fight for his life. Luo Zheng didn't want to wait for death, he just wanted to fight before he died.

Tie Diao was also angry, thinking that everyone came for him and was now being attacked by missiles. Endless shame and anger surged up. His face turned cold and he also rushed forward. He stared at the open hole and thought about Luo. Zheng also wanted to seize the opportunity to rush in. He exerted force on his feet and his body suddenly accelerated, surpassing Luo Zheng and rolling away.

"Tong Tong Tong -" Suddenly a burst of fierce machine gun fire came over and hit the front of the iron eagle. The iron eagle was startled and quickly dodged to one side. It twisted its body strangely, turned around and ran away. When it saw Luo Zheng, he took a risk. Normally, a person rushes forward madly, exuding a sense of death. This is a desperate effort. He rushes up quickly, hugs Luo Zheng and runs away. Under the heavy machine gun fire, it is impossible for a person to rush over, even if he is wearing armor, he can't be killed. , can also be knocked unconscious.

The iron eagle's speed was too fast, and Luo Zheng was not affected at all. In an instant, he rushed out dozens of meters away, hid in the blind spot of the heavy machine gun fire, and continued to rush out of the valley. Luo Zheng was on the iron eagle's shoulder. Roaring and struggling: "Let me go, let me go."

"Be honest, don't you want to live?" Tie Diao shouted in a deep voice. Seeing that Luo Zheng was still not honest, he increased his strength in his hands and allowed Luo Zheng's fist to hit his back, while charging and roaring. : "If you die, who will avenge your brothers? Death is so easy. Do you want to get it over with and don't care about anything? There is no way."

Perhaps these words had an effect. Luo Zheng's body froze and stopped moving. He allowed the iron eagle to carry him and run wildly. Two lines of tears rolled down from his eyes, including shame, self-blame, anger, and more of worry. , worried about the casualties of his brothers, worried about his lover, and endless hatred fermented in his heart.

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