The strongest soldier

Chapter 2250 A battle of wits and courage

On the battlefield, novices will run in panic or rush to kill after encountering a sneak attack, but veterans will not. Unless they find the person who fired, they will hide and observe carefully until they determine the opponent's position. Luo Zheng believes that The opponent would also make the same choice. Tanshou looked at his watch and competed with the opponent for patience to see who could not withstand the pressure first. This kind of sniper battle of wits and courage most tests a person's character and willpower.

In the face of life and death, the time everyone can withstand is different. A timid recruit will be frightened and rush around in a few seconds. Even a bolder one cannot withstand it for long. Those who have been trained with live ammunition may take longer, but they can Not many people can resist it for a minute or two. The pressure of being shot in the head at any time is enough to drive people crazy and cause them to have a nervous breakdown.

Luo Zheng bet that these people were so smart that it would not be a problem to resist for three minutes. Before being sure of the sniper's location, rashly dispatching them would lead to death. Luo Zheng believed that they would not run around and hide in one place for more than three minutes. I was prepared for a protracted war. After waiting for about a minute, a voice suddenly shouted: "Is it you? If it is you, don't answer. Just listen to me." The language was in Chinese Mandarin.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was startled by the voice. He had already guessed that the person being chased was a god-level soldier king. However, looking up to the god-level soldier king, he felt that with the strength of a god-level soldier king, he should not be beaten. It is right for anyone to chase and kill, and I am not very willing to accept my own judgment, but when I hear the smooth Chinese Mandarin and the content of the words, it seems that I know that I am nearby, and it is obvious that the other party has invited me here. God-level warrior king.

But, how can a person who exists like a god be chased by the enemy? This result was difficult for Luo Zheng to accept, and he was unwilling to believe that all this was true. If even the god-level soldier king was so passive, then who would still be the opponent of the Dark Church? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's mood became solemn. He did not answer the other party's question and did not dare to answer. That would mean exposure. In a duel with a master, exposure would mean death.

Fortunately, the other party was also a smart man and did not let Luo Zheng answer. He continued to shout: "Boy, if you don't answer, I'll take it as your fault. Just block them for half an hour and then find a way to escape. Don't expect to kill the other two." Then follow my footsteps to find him. I have something urgent and I must go first."

"Huh? What's going on? Coming all the way to cut off your queen?" Luo Zheng thought in surprise, becoming a little dissatisfied. What's more important than killing the enemy? Can't we join forces to kill each other? Luo Zheng carefully looked around in surprise, and found that the person in front of him continued to run without stopping, passing quickly in front of him, and gradually getting further away, as if it was worthy of Luo Zheng's agreement to break up.

Seeing the other party leaving in a hurry, Luo Zheng thought that maybe there was something urgent and he had to leave. For the other party to be so anxious and even give up the chance to kill the enemy could only mean that the matter was not trivial. Luo Zheng figured out the key and calmed down. Continue to adjust your condition with the breathing method passed down from home, and be on high alert. Two enemies are not far away. Any negligence may lead to death.

The opponent is too strong and cannot be sniped twice at any place. That means being exposed. This is basic military common sense. However, Luo Zheng plans to do the opposite. The more impossible the thing is, the more he should do it and fight with the master in a duel. It's not just wisdom, it also requires the courage to risk one's life.

Three minutes later, Luo Zheng pushed his backpack forward about one meter and was about to climb forward. Suddenly, he had an idea. He took out the Dragon Tooth Saber and placed it in front, pointing directly in the direction where the target might be. The Dragon Tooth Saber The front part was so dark that at first glance he thought it was the muzzle of a gun, which was somewhat confusing. After doing all this, Luo Zheng rolled down the ice pile and rushed up quickly to one side.

There was also an ice pile on one side, only ten meters away. Luo Zheng rushed up with all his strength and came to hide under the ice pile. He looked around vigilantly and raised his ears to eavesdrop. After he didn't feel anything unusual, Luo Zheng quickly climbed onto the ice pile, with the muzzle pointed forward, and climbed forward carefully while watching the front vigilantly.

After climbing about two meters, the view in front became wider. Luo Zheng loaded the armor-piercing bullet and prepared for battle. The ice was biting and cold. Luo Zheng believed that the opponent could not hold it for too long and could not lie down on the ice for a long time. On the ground, he quickly observed through the sniper scope. It was quiet in front of him. There was no shadow of anyone. Luo Zheng was on guard as if facing a formidable enemy. His whole body was tense, his ears were straightened, and he did not miss any sound.

After waiting for about a minute, Luo Zheng felt the cold air invading his body, as if his internal organs were completely frozen. If he climbed down like this, he would have to destroy it. But getting up would mean that the height of the body would increase, and the possibility of exposure would greatly increase. It was inappropriate. , it was no longer possible to continue lurking, Luo Zheng became angry and prepared to grit his teeth and hold on for another minute.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng heard a burst sound: "Puff——"

It was the weird sound of bullets ejected from the silencer. Luo Zheng turned his head in surprise and saw that the Dragon Fang Saber on his front finger was bounced away. The bullet hit the front part of the Dragon Fang Saber. Luo Zheng was shocked. Unexpectedly, the other party not only discovered the Dragon Fang Saber. He used his teeth to fight his sword, and hit the top with one shot. What a brilliant marksmanship this is?

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng knew that he had met the biggest enemy in his life. No wonder the man just reminded him to resist for half an hour, don't expect to kill them. For such a strong master, his chance of winning was less than 10%, and he could resist for half an hour. That's pretty good, I don't dare to expect to kill the other party.

The enemy may have also discovered that what was hit was not a gun. With the gun in his hand, even if he was hit, it would not bounce away like a dragon's tooth saber. He immediately retreated and disappeared. Luo Zheng could only roughly judge the opponent's position and leave it to himself. There are only two options, either continue to lurk and wait for the fighter, or quickly go up and take the initiative to attack, waiting for the possibility of being discovered. However, Luo Zheng is not sure whether he has been exposed. There is still one person who has not fired, nor Know where the opponent is hiding. The longer you hide in one place, the easier it is to be exposed. Moreover, the enemy already knows the approximate area where you are hiding. If you continue to hide, you may be attacked from both sides.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's heart trembled. He picked up his weapon and quickly retreated. The enemy was very likely to attack from both sides. No matter which way he went, he was likely to encounter the enemy. The possibility of being exposed forward was very high. The best The way is to retreat back. If the enemy attacks in a roundabout way, he will be exposed to his gun.

On the battlefield, sometimes retreating in order to advance is an option, and it can often lead to unexpected gains. Luo Zheng stepped off the ice pile, quickly retreated, ran for more than 20 meters in one breath, and hid in a snow spot. Under the pile, a sniper rifle was set up vigilantly and waiting.

Note: It’s almost the end of the month, where are your monthly passes? Don't waste it, please support Lao Lang, thank you!

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