The strongest soldier

Chapter 2249 Distinguishing Friends from Enemies

On the vast white ice field, if you look around, you will see snow and ice everywhere, boundless and endless, with no life in sight. The biting cold wind is like a sharp blade, cutting the ice and snow piles into countless strange shapes. This is a The world of ice and snow is a desperate situation. No life can thrive here. On a small iceberg, there is a man lying quietly. He is wearing a snow-white camouflage. A camouflaged sniper rifle is also set up in front of him. His eyes are Looking ahead through the sniper scope, it was Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng had long been mentally prepared for the cold and wore special cold-proof clothing. However, when he arrived at the place, he realized that he had underestimated the cold here. A place where even breathing would freeze was definitely not a place where ordinary people could survive. Luo Zheng did not expect to encounter a pursuit battle when he came up.

Luo Zheng would not shoot easily when the enemy was unknown. He lay quietly on the iceberg and waited. He could feel the invisible sharp sword on the iceberg that had not melted into the cold for hundreds of millions of years. It penetrated combat uniforms, tactical vests and cold-proof clothing. After taking it and entering his body, his internal organs felt as uncomfortable as if they were being scraped with a knife. Luo Zheng knew that it would not be long before his internal organs were frozen by the cold air. He quickly put his backpack on the ground before the enemy came and lay down on his back. With the backpack on the bottom, the cold air cannot invade the body, and I feel much more comfortable.

In this cold and desperate situation, everything can only be done by oneself. No detail can be careless, otherwise it will leave permanent sequelae, which is fatal for soldiers. Luo Zheng uses the breathing method passed down from his family to regulate his breath to ensure his vitality. The state is stable, while watching the front vigilantly.

Not long after, the figure running in front became clear. Luo Zheng looked over through the sniper scope and found that the other person's face was wrapped in a thick white scarf and wearing sunglasses, so his appearance could not be seen. The person behind was also dressed in the same way, unable to see Distinguishing his identity, this situation put Luo Zheng in a dilemma. Who should he help?

The most fearful thing on the battlefield is unknown friends and foes. Luo Zhengqian waited anxiously for a while, and suddenly discovered another problem, that is, the running speed of these people. Running in such an extremely cold area is very energy-consuming. If they can't run fast, Luo Zhengqian Zheng was surprised to find that neither the ones running in front nor those chasing behind were slow. Luo Zheng thought he couldn't be as fast as them. What did this mean?

Luo Zheng was not stupid. He immediately realized that these people were much stronger than him in physical fitness. He couldn't help but moved the sniper scope in surprise and continued to observe the first person. He saw that the other person was running at a steady speed without looking back, but his feet were always on the ground. Inadvertently changing direction makes it difficult for people to lock on. This is a footwork to dodge bullets. Luo Zheng observed twice carefully, but still couldn't determine the identity of the other party, so he moved the sniper scope to observe the person behind him again.

A person's identity can be observed through many details, such as eyes, skin color, hair, body shape, nose bridge, etc. Even walking habits can roughly tell the difference between Eastern and Western races. Of course, this requires professional training. Ability, but the three people behind are the same as the people in front. Although they wear different equipment, they are all covered from top to bottom, making it difficult to distinguish the approximate identity of each other.

The weapons in the hands of the three looked a bit nondescript. They should have been modified by themselves. It is difficult to determine the country of origin of such weapons. Luo Zheng became annoyed. The sniper scope casually locked on one of them. Suddenly he saw something familiar. He was not surprised. The whole person suddenly woke up a little and looked intently.

At this time, Luo Zheng discovered that this man was wearing a snow combat auspicious suit and a combat uniform underneath. The buttons on the top of the combat uniform were opened a little, revealing the black clothes underneath. To be precise, it was not clothes, but armor. It's exactly the same as the one seen at North Korea's island base.

Luo Zheng worriedly enlarged the sniper scope, narrowed the little gap exposed by the opponent's clothes, and carefully identified the material style of the armor inside. No matter the color or the raised vertical strips and triangular spikes, they were all similar to his own. The armor he had worn was exactly the same. Although it was only a little exposed, Luo Zheng believed that he would not make a mistake.

However, this discovery made Luo Zheng's face change greatly, and he was full of shock. The pursuers were wearing armors, and I believed that the other two were also wearing armors. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng quickly observed the other two people, and found that the mouths of their clothes were The position was obscured by the ghillie clothes outside and could not be seen, but Luo Zheng believed that the two of them must also be wearing armor.

Three people wearing armor that can protect against sniper bullets, what does this mean? Luo Zheng couldn't imagine it, so he immediately locked onto one person, took out the ordinary sniper bullets, replaced them with armor-piercing bullets, and locked onto one of the people's heads again. Although the armor-piercing bullets may not be able to penetrate the opponent's armor, they can also dent the opponent's armor, with a strong impact. It also has a great impact on the head. Even if it cannot hit the head, it can still stun the opponent.

After determining the identity of the other party, Luo Zheng no longer hesitated. He took a slow breath, adjusted his emotions and state to the best, and then exhaled this breath. When the air in his body was completely exhaled, his body naturally wanted to inhale. , there is a pause between breathing. This pause is very short, but it is when the human body muscles are most relaxed, and it is also the best time to pull the trigger. This common sense Luo Zheng understands very well.

"Phew——" The armor-piercing bullet roared out of the chamber through the silencer. The sound was not loud and difficult to detect from a distance, but Luo Zheng heard the anger at the moment the bullet came out of the chamber. It was his own anger and sustenance. Luo Zheng had never hated anyone. Or an organization, even the Song family, who had many problems with him in the early days, didn't hate him, but recently Luo Zheng hated the Dark Church, like two natural enemies, one without me.

The bullet roared away carrying Luo Zheng's anger and hatred, drawing a stream of air visible to the naked eye in the void, and hit a target on the head at an incredible speed. There was no bloody headshot scene, and the target's body was hit. They flew far away and fell heavily to the ground. This scene shocked the other two people. One of them jumped on the ground and vigilantly raised his gun to search through the sniper scope.

Luo Zheng did not expect that the other two people would react so quickly. Knowing that he had met a master, he did not rush to shoot, but quietly retreated a little, put away the sniper rifle, and retreated about one meter with his backpack, because of the ice pile Due to the height, this position forms a blind spot with the enemy and will not be exposed.

The enemy was too powerful, Luo Zheng did not dare to take risks easily, and waited patiently. Luo Zheng believed that the enemy would not continue to charge in a short period of time, but would rely on the surrounding terrain to hide and find his position. As long as his position was not discovered, the enemy would Don't move around, these are the experiences of surviving on the battlefield.

The competition in the sniper battle is not about marksmanship, but about scheming and wisdom. Luo Zheng decided to have a good fight with the opponent to see how powerful these people are.

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