The strongest soldier

Chapter 2202 Torture and Coercion

Normally, an interrogation involves an attack and a defense, with the interrogator being attacked and the interrogated being defended. The attacking party racks their brains to make the defending party compromise, and their inner defenses collapse. There is only one purpose, to get the other party to confess. But Luo Zheng did the opposite. Not only did he not attack, but he also refused to confess. This unconventional method of beating Scott was a little confused. He couldn't understand what Luo Zheng wanted to do. He tentatively compromise.

Of course Luo Zheng knew that the other party was testing him, and knew that this kind of thing was too much, so his face darkened, he slowly put away the gun and said angrily: "Boquing, you only have one chance. If you dare to play tricks on me, you will never know the consequences. Because you are already dead, tell me, I am only interested in the Dark Church."

"What?" Scott's face changed drastically, but he quickly recovered, looked at Luo Zheng coldly and said, "What church? I don't know what you are talking about."

These words were a little too obvious. Luo Zheng knew at a glance that the other party knew about the Dark Church. He was secretly overjoyed. He raised his hand and fired a gun. The bullet penetrated the other party's thigh with a pop, and penetrated the opponent's thigh. Blood came out. Luo Zheng Looking at the wound, he said with a regretful expression: "It seems that you are lucky, and you still didn't hit the blood vessel. This shooting technique is no longer good. Try again."

"No, what I said is true." Scott looked shocked and shouted quickly.

"Pfft--" The bullet hit the kneecap this time.

"Ah——! Bastard, devil." Scott didn't expect Luo Zheng to continue shooting. He was throbbing in pain and struggled angrily. Unfortunately, his hands and feet were tightly restrained and he couldn't move at all. He gasped and looked at Luo Zheng. , a flash of desire for survival and panic flashed in his eyes, but he still shouted harshly: "You devil, you will go to hell."

"Hell?" Luo Zheng snorted disdainfully: "I am an Easterner. I don't believe in God and I don't believe in hell. I forgot to tell you that you are now in the Chao Kingdom. The Chao Kingdom and the Sam Country are hostile countries. Kill you. I am a national hero, but it’s a pity that the higher authorities have to ask for a confession, which is too troublesome. When the time comes, they will say that you resisted stubbornly and refused to speak until you died. Come on, I haven’t had enough fun.”

"Madman, you are a madman, is this the DPRK?" Scott shouted in panic.

"Yes, what's the problem? Do you want me to play the national anthem for you?" Luo Zheng sneered teasingly. Since he was playing the role of a devil and a murderer, he naturally had to perform the role well. He saw Scott thinking with a gloomy face. What? Luo Zheng snorted and was about to shoot the other leg in the knee.

"Wait a minute, I want to see Mr. Jin Yuan, your deputy commander-in-chief of the Guards." Scott shouted in a deep voice.

"Unfortunately, he is not free." Luo Zheng said sarcastically: "Even if he is free, do you think you can meet him if you want?" But he secretly remembered the name Jin Yuan in his heart.

"I am his, we are our own, you just need to confirm it with him and you will understand." Scott shouted quickly, fearing that Luo Zheng would take action again.

"Oh?" Luo Zheng looked at Scott with a bit more surprise, and asked coldly: "You are from the Dark Church, and you dare to slander our Commander Jin Yuan. Are you looking for death?" He said and was going to do it again. Take action.

"No, wait a minute, it's not a slander. I am indeed his subordinate, one-way contact." Scott quickly explained, looking at the muzzle of the gun in Luo Zheng's hand, panicking.

"Are you really one of our own?" Luo Zheng pretended to be surprised and looked at Scott and asked.

"Nonsense, why don't you let go?" Scott shouted dissatisfied.

Luo Zheng stared at the other person coldly, vaguely feeling that this guy was really related to Jin Yuan, and couldn't help but ponder, Scott is a Western Caucasian, how could he be the deputy commander-in-chief of the Korean Guards Jin Yuan? Could it be that Jin Yuan is from the Dark Church? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's expression suddenly changed, he sat back on the interrogation table, looked at the surveillance camera and shouted: "Come in, it's your turn to appear later."

Jackson, who was outside, quickly opened the door and came in, looking at Scott with a cold face. When Scott saw Jackson, he immediately realized that he had been deceived. His face changed drastically, and his eyes looked at Luo Zheng with a fierce light. , let out a hysterical roar: "Asshole, you lied to me."

"Don't be stupid, tell me, so as not to suffer any physical pain. This is the Strategic Operations Department. I believe you recognize me. I am sworn in with the Dark Church. As long as you tell me what you know, I can send you to a certain place." The country will take care of you, otherwise, I don’t mind dealing with you according to his method." Jackson said coldly, Luo Zheng had been playing the bad side for so long, and Jackson naturally came up to play the white side, giving the other party hope of survival.

Scott looked at Jackson with a gloomy face, obviously deep in thought. Luo Zheng and Jackson knew that Scott was struggling mentally and exchanged glances. Jackson continued coldly: "What did you do some time ago?" The heroic deeds are all lies. I have the truth. The witnesses and material evidence are complete. These alone are enough to ruin your reputation. If we tell the outside world that you have surrendered to us, I believe your master will be very crazy."

"You?" Scott's face turned cold and desperate.

Luo Zheng guessed at a glance that the Dark Church's punishment for traitors was very strict. Scott was making the final mental decision and gave Jackson a look. Jackson nodded knowingly and didn't press any more. After a while, Scott's psychological defense completely collapsed. Not only would he die, but his whole family would suffer as well. However, there was still a glimmer of hope. Faced with the chance of survival, Scott's eyes flashed with absolute certainty, and he said in a deep voice: "Okay, I Say, but I need the whole family to get out, and if you do that, I’ll say anything.”

"That depends on how much you know?" Jackson said coldly.

"I was ordered by Jin Yuan, who is also a member of the Dark Church. I have evidence and know where the base of the Dark Church in Asia is. If you send my family to the designated location and make sure everything is okay, I will tell you right away. Everything you know." Scott laid out his conditions.

Jackson looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. Luo Zheng had long known that the Dark Church had bases on all continents. The base in Africa was in the desert and had been destroyed by everyone. The base in Asia was unknown. If it could be mastered, it would be a breakthrough. There was progress, and he couldn't help but nod to Jackson.

"Okay, I promise you." Jackson was also a courageous person and agreed immediately.

There is no point in asking questions after the deal is reached. Once Scott thinks there is no way to survive, he will definitely rather die than be killed. The two walk out of the interrogation room. After Jackson arranges for Luo Zheng to wait in the living room, he immediately makes arrangements, and Luo Zheng Immediately send a text message to Lan Xue about the interrogation situation, and ask Lan Xue to tell the country that if Jin Yuan of the Chao Kingdom is really from the Dark Church, then the matter will be troublesome, and it will require diplomatic support to handle it.

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