The strongest soldier

Chapter 2201 Luo Zheng interrogation

As a senior agent and leader of the counter-terrorism bureau's action team, Scott had his own pride. Unfortunately, he met Shi Qian. Shi Qian coldly deceived the other person and said, "I don't know. I heard that you are very rich, so , it’s best to be honest, we are asking for money, but we don’t mind killing ourselves.” If you say it’s an arrest directly, they will definitely fight back, but if you say it’s asking for money, the other party won’t worry, let alone risk their lives to resist, this is the basic human psychology .

When Scott heard this, he immediately regarded the two as ordinary kidnappers. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and asked with a heavy face: "I am rich, but how did you know?"

"Stop asking, put your head in your hands, and be honest." Shi Qian shouted pretending to be dissatisfied.

Ji Wuze kept changing directions under Lan Xing's prompts, and Lan Xue followed closely. He didn't expect Shi Qian to tie up the person so directly without causing any commotion or exposure. He even admired Luo Zheng's original behavior. Having decided, it really makes sense to recruit these strange people from all over the world. As long as they are used in the right places, their combat effectiveness is very strong.

Soon, everyone arrived near the White House. Ji Wu parked the car in an inconspicuous place and looked at Shi Qian. Shi Qian made a gesture from behind. Ji Wu knew it and chopped Scott unconscious with a knife. Shi Qian, who was behind him, immediately He righted the other person and leaned his head against the car door, pretending to be asleep.

After doing all this, Shi Qian and Ji Wu quickly got out of the car and boarded the Lanxue car that followed them. The three of them quickly evacuated the scene and reported the situation to Lanxing, who immediately reported the situation to Luo Zheng. , Luo Zheng was chatting with Jackson about the follow-up plan. He couldn't help but smile when he heard the report. He didn't expect that his own people were so efficient. It only took a few dozen minutes. He was really shameless. He immediately told Jackson about the situation.

Jackson didn't expect Luo Zheng's people to move at such a high speed. He couldn't believe it. He looked at Luo Zheng with a surprised look on his face. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't seem to be lying to him, he immediately used the internal phone to notify Tang Tiantian to take the people.

The two sat in the living room for a while, and Tang Tiantian hurried over, glanced at Luo Zheng with a complicated expression, and immediately said: "The target has been brought to the interrogation room, and his head was covered with a hood along the way so that he was not exposed."

"Great, well done, we will conduct a surprise interrogation immediately." Jackson said, looking at Luo Zheng and asking, "How about you come for the interrogation this time? You are more suitable than us."

"Okay, but no one is needed at the scene." Luo Zheng agreed nonchalantly.

Jackson promised and looked at Tang Tiantian. Tang Tiantian knowingly ran to make arrangements. Luo Zheng followed and soon came to the door of the interrogation room. Tang Tiantian came out, looked at Luo Zheng and whispered: "Everyone is out. ."

"Okay." Luo Zheng pushed the door open and saw a middle-aged man sitting on the interrogation chair. His hands were tied tightly by the handcuffs on the chair. There was no way to break free. His feet were also restrained. He was thinking about something with a cold face. Luo Zheng Zheng looked at the other party calmly and sat on the interrogation table. He knew very well that Jackson and Tang Tiantian were observing next door. He didn't know whether they were watching his jokes or not.

Luo Zheng decided to change his style so that Jackson could not figure him out at all. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng slowly took out the pistol and played with it, while looking at the other person coldly without saying a word, Scott said coldly Seeing Luo Zheng thinking deeply about something, his expression was very ugly.

"Scott, you have two choices. First, tell me what you want. Second, let me slowly kill you. You are a senior agent and you should know that there are many methods of interrogation. Also, don't try Use anti-interrogation techniques on me. If you dare to self-hypnotize, I won't mind killing your whole family, stripping off your clothes and throwing them on the street." Luo Zheng said coldly, since he had made up his mind to do the opposite, The approach is naturally different.

"Who are you? Are you not ordinary kidnappers?" Scott said coldly.

"Smart, but it's a pity that it's too late. You only have three minutes. If you don't cooperate within three minutes, you will die. Of course, you can doubt my decision. How about we try first to see how long you can last if you break the arteries? Not dead?" Luo Zheng said coldly, raising his gun and aiming at it.

"What do you want to know?" Scott asked coldly, without any fear.

Luo Zheng knew that it was difficult to interrogate these hard-nosed people, otherwise Jackson would not let him go. It was obvious that he wanted to laugh at himself and give himself a show of strength. Luo Zheng decided to do the opposite and sneered disdainfully: " Forget it, I suddenly no longer have the interest to ask, it’s so hard to ask, it’s better to shoot directly.” After saying that, he stood up, walked to the other party and squatted down, and put the pistol on the blood vessel of the other party’s leg.

"What do you want to do?" Scott asked coldly.

"I didn't do anything. I just thought that you wouldn't say anything anyway, so why waste your breath? Right?" Luo Zheng said coldly, locking his eyes with the other party. Seeing that the other party did not have any fear, he wanted to pry open such a person's mouth. He must be serious about it, and he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

"Poof -" a gunshot rang out, and the bullet directly penetrated the opponent's thigh at close range.

"Ah -" the other party screamed, and his face turned pale when he looked at Luo Zheng. Unexpectedly, Luo Zheng actually fired. He looked like he didn't care about his confession. He couldn't help but roared: "Who are you? ? What do you want to ask? Bastard, damn it, you devil." But he lowered his eyes and saw that the one hit was not a blood vessel, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a pity, I missed, just a little bit close. I haven't practiced for a long time, let's try again." Luo Zheng said coldly, moving the muzzle of the gun to aim at the blood vessel again. With Luo Zheng's marksmanship, it was natural that It's a false alarm. It was just a threat, a psychological tactic commonly used in interrogations.

"Wait, what do you want?" Scott shouted depressedly, confused by Luo Zheng's methods. Shouldn't he be interrogated normally? Wouldn't it be a waste of time to attack without getting a confession? It's totally against common sense.

What Luo Zheng wanted was to go in the opposite direction. After hearing what the other party said, he sneered disdainfully: "What are you shouting for? You won't confess anyway, so you might as well let me play for fun. When I kill you, the higher ups won't embarrass me."

"You pervert, lunatic, devil, I said, can't I say that? What do you want to know? As long as I know, I will tell you." Scott shouted quickly, for fear that Luo Zheng would shoot again.

"Are you insulting my IQ? As a senior agent, how can you compromise so easily? That wouldn't be fun? Let me try two more shots, two at most. Let me have enough fun before saying anything else." Luo Zheng sneered, looking like he didn't want to be interrogated anymore.

Everyone who saw Luo Zheng's behavior was stunned. This was not an interrogation, it was simply a perverted game. However, when Jackson and Tang Tiantian in the outer room saw Scott, whose psychological defenses were about to collapse, they suddenly understood and stopped them. Others stepped in to intervene and continued to observe.

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