The strongest soldier

Chapter 2165 Reaching the goal

As a rising star from a family of tomb robbers, Cao Xi has his own professionalism and confidence. When faced with Luo Zheng's question, he gave four reasons in one breath, each of which was convincing. There happened to be a fork in front of them, and everyone immediately used ropes to compare the widths. We did find that the width of the passage at the fork was a little narrower than what we were walking on. It was not very obvious, but we could still tell it by comparison, which made everyone believe Cao Xi's words.

Luo Zheng also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he didn't go wrong or take the wrong path, things would be easy to handle. Everyone continued to move forward. After walking for a while, the front suddenly opened up. What came into view was a huge underground space. In front of him was a road. River, the river surrounds an island. The river water is slow and the depth cannot be seen. The island is rugged with strange rocks. A pavilion is built on the top. The top of the cave is more than 20 meters high. It is dark and cannot be illuminated by light. It is difficult to see the reality. .

Everyone was shocked by this scene. They didn't expect to see such a scene after walking out of the passage. Suddenly someone shouted: "Look, there is someone in the river."

Everyone lowered their heads and looked down. The river was about five or six meters below everyone. There were two corpses floating on the water. Some palm-sized fish were frantically snatching the corpses. The blood dyed the surrounding area red. Everyone's scalps were numb and shocked. Guishou shouted in surprise: "What place is this?"

"In front is the Sun Mountain, and under the pavilion is the location of the owner of the tomb. This river should be the Moon River. The mountain is Yang and the water is Yin. Yin and Yang coordinate the direction and direction. As for the fish in the water, they are called devil fish in the tomb robbing world. He is as ferocious as a devil and eats raw meat for a living. If he falls, he will definitely die. He has to find a way to get over." Cao Xi explained in a deep voice, frowning in thought.

"Leave the past to us." Luo Zheng said as he looked at the island in front of him. The island was full of huge rocks, which were very hard. They were about twenty meters away from everyone. If they jumped, they would definitely not be able to cross them. If they fell into the water, they would definitely die. What should I do?

After Luo Zheng pondered for a moment, his eyes lit up and he said: "I have an idea." He put down his backpack, took out the rope from inside, pulled out the dragon tooth sword, tied one end to the sword, tied it to death, and tied the sword He handed it to Sanji and said, "Are you sure you can nail it to a certain rock in front of you? The bigger one should be slightly lower than us."

"I'll give it a try." Sanji said in a deep voice, about to get ready to pick up the Dragon Tooth Saber.

"I'll do it." Ji Wu suddenly said.

Luo Zheng looked at Ji Wu curiously. He didn't know much about Ji Wu's strength. Ji Wu didn't explain. He took the dragon tooth sword and waved it twice, feeling the weight and looking at the sharpness. He looked confident. Said: "The knife here is good. It looks very old. It should be a treasure of the Japanese country, right?"

"Well, maybe." Luo Zheng responded casually.

Ji Wu didn't ask any more questions. He grabbed the handle of the knife and concentrated on it. His eyes gradually became sharper, and his whole body began to exude a faint aura. Suddenly, Ji Wu exhaled, spun around in a circle, and shouted - —!

The dragon's tooth sword came out of his hand, and like a black lightning, it rushed forward, carrying the rope on the ground forward quickly, so fast that it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. With a "duh" sound, the dragon's tooth sword stabbed into a huge boulder in front of it. superior.

"Okay." Everyone couldn't help but praise, and the eyes they looked at Ji Wu became a little more friendly. Soldiers respect the strong and speak based on their strength. Ji Wu's skills immediately won everyone's recognition.

"Good job." Luo Zheng grabbed the other end of the rope and pulled it hard a few times. The Dragon Tooth Saber was as stable as a rock and motionless. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and handed the rope to the ghost hand and said: "Find a place to tie it, pick a Go there gently and make sure nothing goes wrong.”

"I'll do it." Sanji suddenly said in a deep voice.

Everyone looked at Sanji's body as strong as an ox and became curious. Luo Zheng knew that Sanji had great kung fu and was a cautious person. If he dared to come out, he would be sure of it, so he said, "That's fine."

"I'll do it, I'm light." Gongsun Wu also stood up and asked for help.

"Then you do it." Sanji glanced at Gongsun Wu and said humbly, quite like a general.

Gongsun Wu also wanted to prove his ability so that he could integrate into the group as soon as possible. He smiled gratefully, pointed at Luo Zheng's scabbard and said, "Lend it to me."

"Be careful." Seeing that Ji Wu had no objection, Luo Zheng handed the scabbard to Gongsun Wu and warned him.

Gongsun Wu smiled gratefully, waited for the rope binding to be explained, grabbed it in his hand and tried it, feeling the strength, then placed the scabbard across the rope, grabbed both ends, and rushed forward, whoosh - Gongsun Wu was light His body slid forward along the rope at a very fast speed. The rope was stretched and bent a lot, but it did not affect him from high to low.

Luo Zheng judged the arc of the rope and estimated that Gongsun Wu would stop when he reached the middle. He was about to ask everyone to help straighten the rope so that Gongsun Wu could continue zipping forward, when he saw Sanji rushing forward. He grabbed the rope and pulled hard. The bent rope suddenly became very straight, and Gongsun Wu's sliding speed accelerated a bit.

Soon, Gongsun Wu arrived safely on the island on the other side. When everyone saw this scene, they were all relieved. They admired Gongsun Wu's courage and Sanji's strength. The depression along the way was swept away, and everyone was in high spirits. Zhen, all looked at Luo Zheng, waiting for orders.

"I'll go first." Ji Wu was worried about Gongsun Wu's safety and said in a deep voice. He pulled off his belt and hung it on the rope. He ran forward a few steps with all his strength. When his feet were free, his body rose into the air and slid forward. The friction of the belt It was large and not gliding very fast, which made everyone worried.

Sanji pulled the rope in again. It was very difficult to pull the long rope straight. It took several people to work together to pull it, but Sanji could do it by himself. This strength was amazing. Everyone was The expert, thinking that he couldn't do it, looked at Sanchi with a more fanatical look.

"Good skill." Luo Zheng shouted approvingly, looking sharply at Ji Wu who was sliding over. After Ji Wu passed by, he shouted loudly: "Untie the rope and tie it to a lower place.".

"Understood." Ji Wu responded loudly, pulled out the dragon tooth sword with force, untied the rope, looked around, and immediately found a raised stone, which was just right. He quickly rushed up to tie the rope and tightened it tightly. , tried it, and after thinking it was OK, he shouted: "It's OK."

Luo Zheng saw that Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu did not take the opportunity to run away, nor did they go to the pavilion to search for them alone. Instead, they tied the rope tightly again and waited vigilantly around them. The last trace of worry disappeared and he completely trusted the two of them and knew that they were sincere. Helping, heroic spirit suddenly emerged. With two more experts to help, I believed that the road ahead would be much easier. He couldn't help but shouted in a deep voice: "Guishou, take the people to stay on guard. Shi Qian, Cao Xi, Sangji, come with me." ."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in a deep voice, their morale rising greatly.

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