The strongest soldier

Chapter 2164 Strange things along the road

If it were a battlefield full of war, Luo Zheng would know what to do without asking Cao Xi for his opinion. But here, there is murderous intent everywhere, mysterious and weird, and a completely unfamiliar battlefield. Luo Zheng attaches great importance to Cao Xi's opinion. Cao Xi pondered After a moment, he said: "You can only move forward, otherwise you will have to retreat."

At this point, it is true that we can only move forward. Luo Zheng became more fierce and nodded to Cao Xi. Cao Xi understood and continued on his way. Everyone followed closely and moved forward quickly. Soon, the front again An empty cave appeared with several corpses lying on the ground. Everyone shined their flashlights and suddenly found a hole in the cave. The opening was not big enough for only one person to pass through.

"It's a robber's cave. Sure enough, someone has been here." Cao Xi shouted in surprise after seeing the cave. He quickly stepped forward and continued to shine the flashlight at the cave entrance to observe. He said in a deep voice: "This cave is at least three hundred years old from today." Yes, look around and be careful."

"There's a body here, something weird," a voice shouted.

Everyone looked around and saw that there was indeed a pile of things in the corner on one side of the entrance. Everyone couldn't see this corner when they were outside and didn't pay attention. They all gathered around curiously. Cao Xi walked to the front and squatted down to take a closer look. Luo Zheng I looked at it curiously and found that the body had rotted away, leaving only a pile of skeletons with no flesh visible. The bones had turned black and were holding up a similarly black dress, which was covered with dust.

"It should be someone from three hundred years ago. The clothes and decorations are similar. Sure enough, someone came in." Cao Xi said angrily, while slowly getting up, he continued: "There is not much information on the body, so it is impossible to judge. Who is this person? What’s next?”

"It's okay to come in, isn't he already dead?" Guishou asked curiously.

"Tomb robbers are not just one person, there will be two or more companions. We only saw one ancient corpse here, and several of their corpses. There were no signs of fighting. The corpses rotted and turned black. It should have been done by poisonous scorpions. Fortunately, we We have the Phoenix Chicken, otherwise we would have been attacked long ago." Cao Xi said in a deep voice.

"These corpses are still hot, which means they died recently." Shi Qian shouted from the other side.

When everyone came in, they only paid attention to the robbery cave and then the ancient corpses. No one paid attention to the corpses on the ground. When they heard the shouts, everyone gathered around. Luo Zheng looked at the corpses on the ground and said: "These people really didn't fight. The cause of death looks like a poisonous scorpion, so the others are about the same."

"Probably, since the poisonous scorpion has launched an attack, it will naturally not attack only a few people. The others will certainly not be able to escape." Ghost Hands agreed in a deep voice.

"It seems that these people were not killed by Poisonous Scorpion." Ji Wu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Look at their hands, are they all pinching their own necks? It seems like they have difficulty breathing. This is a symptom of poisoning, but it is not a poisonous scorpion. It should be caused by breathing in the poisonous gas here. Don't forget that they don't have an antidote. The latter can only delay the onset of toxicity in the body, resulting in respiratory failure and suffocation, but because the toxicity of the poison gas is not much different from that of the poisonous scorpion, they both look the same." Ji Wu explained.

"It makes sense, then Wang Er and the others basically can't handle it anymore." Guishou agreed in surprise.

Luo Zheng knew that Ji Wu was familiar with this place and what he said made sense. He said in a deep voice: "No matter what the reason is, they cannot escape death. Let's speed up and move forward."

"That's fine." Cao Xi agreed, hurried out of the cave and continued walking forward.

Everyone followed closely, and along the way, they saw a corpse from time to time. They were all recently dead. The state of death was similar to what they saw in the cave. They must have died of poison. Everyone was used to seeing corpses and didn't care. Continuing forward, there were faint screams ahead. It was a bit far away and could not be heard clearly, but it added a bit of horror to this silent and dark underground world, which made people nervous.

After walking some distance, he found a cave again, as well as a robbery cave and two ancient corpses. Cao Xi judged that these two ancient corpses were at least five hundred years ago. Their bodies were completely rotten and their clothes were in pieces. Hui, this made Luo Zheng worried. It didn't matter if he was working in vain. Once the Emperor's Sword was lost in the world, where would it be found?

Everyone continued to move forward and saw a corpse at a fork. The corpse was already rotting. Ji Wu took one look and said: "This was killed by a poisonous scorpion. If we were not here, the poisonous scorpion could eat this corpse." End, perhaps sensing the arrival of the Phoenix Chicken, the Poisonous Scorpion ran away, look at the ground over there, it’s full of blood marks.”

Everyone shined their flashlights and found that the ground on one side of the passage was full of blood, speckled and very dense. They were not human footprints, and looked like poisonous scorpions covered in blood passing by. Everyone's scalps were numb when they saw it, and Luo Zheng was even more cautious. asked: "How many poisonous scorpions are there in such a dense area?"

"At least over a thousand." Ji Wu said in a deep voice: "If it weren't for the Phoenix Chicken, they would have attacked us long ago."

"Let's speed up and move forward." Cao Xi said in a deep voice.

"Wait a minute, we came in and walked more than a thousand meters. According to you, the tomb is round, and we only walked one side. In other words, the tomb must be at least two thousand meters long. The ancients couldn't build such a big tomb. ?" Luo Zheng looked at Cao Xi and said worriedly.

"Not necessarily. If it is built using natural underground space, it is entirely possible. What do you mean?" Cao Xi asked in surprise.

"According to your statement, there are thirty-three straight passages, each of which reaches the core area, and there are nine circular passages. If we take the straight passage, it means that we have to go through about nine forks. No matter where the forks go, But along the way, we have passed more than nine forks, and there is no end ahead. Is it possible that we are walking on a circular passage? If so, then the number of forks we have to go through will be more than thirty-three, or even more. Yes." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"I have also considered the situation you mentioned. Don't worry, we are walking on a straight road. I said before that that is the pattern of the Tomb of the Sun discovered. It does not mean that it is the same here. Maybe there are ninety-nine straight roads here. Three What about the thirteen ring roads? It’s hard to say." Cao Xi explained in a deep voice.

"How to judge the straight road and the round road?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"First, the size of the passage. The straight passage is a little wider than the circular passage. I have already noticed this. I didn't remind you. If you don't believe it, you can compare it now. The ancients also had to consider the problem of getting lost when digging passages. Look at the straight passage and the circular passage. It's exactly the same as above, and width is the only basis for their judgment; second, the compass points out the direction; third, intuition, and fourth, there are experts among them. Since they are all running this way, there must be a reason. The rules of the mausoleum, the core area It is a place of death and a place of life, they have to survive." Cao Xi explained in a deep voice.

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