The strongest soldier

Chapter 2142 A rat-defying weapon

For the trap in the open area, Lan Xue deployed button bombs and rushed to the mountains in front, deliberately leaving footprints to attract the enemy to pursue. For safety, Lan Xue ran far away in one breath, seized the commanding heights, stopped to block, and waited for Luo Zheng's further advance. Luo Zheng hid in the bushes on one side of the open area and was responsible for remotely detonating the button bombs. The enemy was very cautious, and not many people rushed over each time. It was not until the third time that there were more people.

Luo Zheng had rich fighting experience. He saw that there were only four or five people left behind. As long as he killed the third group, there was no need to worry about those who stayed behind. As for the enemies who had already rushed out, if they came back to support, Lan Xue could kill them from behind, but he didn't expect this. The enemy is very cautious. Those who stay behind will hide in the dense forest. If they fire, they will expose themselves and become passive.

In desperation, Luo Zheng had no choice but to watch the enemy retreat. After waiting for a while, Lan Xue ran up sweating profusely with an eager look on his face. Luo Zheng stepped forward, took off the towel around his neck and wiped it with Lan Xue. I patted the sweat on my forehead and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay. I ran a little too fast. How about you?" Lan Xue whispered.

"I'm fine, let's go, follow up and take a look." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, putting the towel around his neck again. In jungle warfare, you must protect your neck to prevent bites from mosquitoes, locusts and the like. These things carry viruses. Once Being bitten may cause a fever and be fatal, so we have to take precautions.

The two exchanged tacit glances and rushed forward quickly. They looked like cheetahs looking for food in the night. With tactical goggles equipped with night vision functions, sight was not a problem. As they ran, the voice of the little wolf came from the headset: " Head, those bastards suddenly retreated, what should I do?" During the mission, Xiao Lang did not dare to call Luo Zheng "brother". This was a matter of discipline and a serious and serious attitude toward things.

"Follow me and take a look, be careful not to be exposed." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Xiaolang quickly agreed.

Considering that the enemy might lay traps along the way, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue did not follow the enemy's route. Instead, they went up in a roundabout way, one behind the other, taking turns to cover their advance. They did not dare to be careless at all. These enemies were not simple, they were calm and Cautious, ruthless, and strong in combat, carelessness can lead to death.

He chased all the way up without encountering any danger, and unknowingly arrived at the enemy's previous camp. He saw many tomb robbers encircling the surrounding area with vigilant looks on their faces. Several people were discussing something around the campfire. What shocked Luo Zheng was , about thirty girls were captured, squatting in an open lowland, being guarded by a group of men with guns and ammunition. Luo Zheng suddenly thought of the women's army in the village, his face became solemn, his eyebrows furrowed, and he began to think deeply.

Just after rescuing the villagers, a women's army appears. This is a tricky matter. The enemy learns from the experience and it will be very troublesome to rescue them again. I didn't expect the women's army to fall into the hands of these tomb robbers. What should I do? Luo Zheng pondered for a while, but couldn't figure it out. When he saw his opponent began to redeploy defenses and expand the defense range, he quickly gave Lan Xue a signal and quickly retreated without attacking.

The two retreated more than twenty meters. Luo Zheng thought for a while, gave Lan Xue a cover signal, and quickly climbed up a big tree to continue observing, while asking through the headset: "Everyone, report the situation."

"Boss, Tigress and I are to the east of the enemy camp. We have just arrived. Please give us instructions." Xiaolang's voice sounded in the headset.

"Hide and standby." Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice, "Shi Qian, what's the situation over there?"

"We have caught up with the villagers and are communicating with them. Please give instructions." Shi Qian's voice sounded in the headset.

"Let them go back to the village first. The women's army was captured. There are about thirty of them. We are responsible for the rescue. Let them rest assured. When they go back, they will build fortifications. Be careful of the enemy. Tell them that there is another enemy group waiting nearby, who are also tomb robbers. , be careful." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Understood." Shi Qian quickly agreed.

Luo Zheng continued to observe the front. The enemy readjusted their deployment. The powerful soldiers took over the command. The tomb robbers became supporting roles. Someone directed the women's army to dig holes. Some tomb robbers brought over the corpses of their companions who died in the battle. It is estimated that I want to bury it on the spot.

"What should I do?" Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

"Boss, when the villagers heard that the women's army was captured, they were very excited and asked to come for rescue. They couldn't stop them." Shi Qian's voice sounded in the headset.

"They can't help at all." Luo Zheng said angrily. He had no formal training and no weapons. Wouldn't he be willing to die if he came here?

"I know, but I can't stop it. They won't listen." Shi Qian said awkwardly.

Luo Zheng understood everyone's mood. No one would watch their loved ones being captured. After thinking about it, he said: "Tell them that the Women's Army is okay for the time being, and ask them not to be impulsive. The injured will go back first, and those who can fight will stay. Come from the south. Find a place to hide a thousand meters away from the enemy camp, and when I arrive, let me know and wait for me to come over."

"Yes." Shi Qian quickly agreed.

After a great battle, more than half of the enemy was killed or wounded, so there was nothing to worry about. Luo Zheng was completely sure of killing the other enemies, but the situation was different now. The women's army was captured and thrown into a trap. Now the villagers are asking to join the war, and the situation has become more complicated. Unable to Let go of the fight, what should you do? Luo Zheng pondered.

"How about we wait until dawn?" Lan Xue suggested in a low voice.

"Our advantage will be even less at dawn." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"But with the hostages in hand, it's hard for us to fight with a rat-proof weapon." Lan Xue reminded.

"Well, let me think about it." Luo Zheng replied angrily in a low voice. If there were no hostages, Luo Zheng felt that he would launch an attack immediately and use the cover of night to catch the enemy off guard. It would be no problem to kill half of them. Repeat this and eliminate them in a few rounds. All enemies are no problem, but with hostages it's different.

The women's army came to save people, and their courage was commendable, but now they became hostages. Luo Zheng couldn't laugh or cry, and was very depressed. After thinking for a while, there was no better way, so he said in a deep voice: "Little Wolf, Tiger Girl, Keep an eye on the enemy and report the situation to me at any time, Xue'er, let's go meet the villagers and discuss countermeasures."

"That's fine. After all, they are locals and are familiar with the situation. Maybe they can find countermeasures through exchanges." Lan Xue agreed in a low voice.

Luo Zheng calmly came down from the big tree, met up with Lan Xue, and then took a circuitous route to the south. He quickly disappeared into the dense night forest, soundlessly, like a ghost.

Near the bonfire not far away, the women's army was forced to dig a pit. Some grave robbers were saying obscene words and laughing strangely. Some were wiping their weapons and watching the surroundings vigilantly. There were many hidden in the darkness around them. The secret whistle was on alert as if facing a formidable enemy, and an invisible murderous aura floated in the night sky.

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