The strongest soldier

Chapter 2141 Calculating the Enemy

Everyone has fought together and experienced countless times of life and death, and they have formed a deep comradeship with each other. Both Cao Xi and Shi Qian respect Luo Zheng very much. Knowing that Luo Zheng is in danger, they can't wait to rush to help immediately. , without even considering whether it is dangerous to oneself. The friendship tempered by the flames of war is sincere, pure, and indelible. People who have not experienced it cannot understand it.

"No, your mission is to protect the villagers from evacuating. Be careful, it's just a little bit of brown sugar, it won't touch us." Luo Zheng responded confidently in the headset: "The ones chasing us look like regular troops, they should be sent by the Dark Church. Yes, don’t worry about the tomb robbers. Little Wolf and Tiger Girl quickly get rid of the tomb robbers and attack from the side to support them.”

"Yes." Everyone obeyed Luo Zheng's orders and would never object.

Luo Zheng and Lan Xue, who were making a sneak attack in the north, did not expect to encounter a group of powerful militants. Their tactics were very coordinated, their marksmanship was precise, and they fought in a very organized manner. If Luo Zheng and Lan Xue had not cooperated with each other, they would have been shot and killed. But despite this, they were forced to retreat step by step and had to call for support.

What Xiaolang and Tigress are facing are tomb robbers. These people may be unique in robbing tombs, but their marksmanship is much worse than that of Xiaolang and Tigress, who are not well-trained in hot weapon combat. The biggest threat is The tomb robbers pursued very quickly, perhaps because of their high martial arts skills. Xiaolang and Tigress had to go all out and were unable to provide support to Luo Zheng. This made both Xiaolang and Tigress very angry.

During the fierce battle, Luo Zheng saw that Little Wolf and Tiger Girl had not come up with support. He guessed that the tomb robbers were entangled. His face became stern and he yelled through the headset while fighting: "Little Wolf, Tiger Girl, go east, attract them to pursue, move Kill them all, be careful."

"Yes." When Little Wolf and Tigress heard the order, they were even more furious. The tomb robbers who chased after them with hatred, tacitly threw a handful of button bombs at them, and retreated quickly with the help of the explosion, and quickly shuttled through the woods. Standing like a wounded cheetah, waiting for the opportunity to fight back.

On the other side, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue also threw some button bombs out. Taking advantage of the explosion, they quickly retreated more than 20 meters and hid themselves. Luo Zheng quickly gave Lan Xue a gesture, indicating not to shoot yet. Lan Xue Nodding knowingly, he squatted behind a big tree and watched the front vigilantly.

The pursuers rushed up after the explosion, but they couldn't see the target. They all hid vigilantly, not daring to rush forward easily. They looked like veterans with rich combat experience. Luo Zheng watched this scene calmly and quickly gave Lan Xue a few blows. The gesture indicates the button bomb to be deployed horizontally and detonated remotely.

Lan Xue nodded tacitly, took out the button bombs, adjusted them, and threw them at places where people on the left and right were likely to pass by. Luo Zheng also quickly threw a dozen of them out. Seeing that the enemy in front began to alternate fire attacks, he immediately looked at Lan Xue. Xue nodded calmly, and Luo Zheng made a gesture knowingly. The two of them kicked their feet hard, hunched their waists and rushed forward, like arrows leaving the string, very fast.

While running, Luo Zheng took out the remote control and counted silently in his heart without looking back. Three seconds later, the two of them rushed forward for about twenty meters in one breath. Luo Zheng pressed the detonator without hesitation. .

"Boom, boom, boom -" Some enemies who rushed up happened to be near the button bombs. More than twenty button bombs exploded almost at the same time. How powerful was the shock wave? The enemies were knocked to the ground by the powerful explosion, and some were directly shattered. Those farther away were also knocked to the ground by the shock wave. These people did not expect that Luo Zheng and others carried so many bombs. How many bombs would a normal person carry? Ten grenades?

These people did not know that Luo Zheng and others were using button bombs. This kind of bomb had a powerful shock wave, was small in size, and was easy to carry. They were caught off guard, killing one third of them, and the remaining enemies became even more cautious and did not dare to Rushing randomly, the team distanced themselves, keeping five or six meters away from each other, and continued to rush forward in an attack formation.

After running for more than ten meters, these people did not see the trap and became more courageous. Someone gave an order and the team accelerated forward. After about twenty meters, an open area appeared in front of them. The target was clearly visible. They continued forward. It was a mountainous area with dense woods. These people were thinking about their target and had already rushed into the opposite mountain. They were not in a hurry. They first sent people forward to investigate, while others knelt behind and took aim, providing fire cover at any time.

The investigators rushed across the open area and rushed into the opposite mountain. They found nothing suspicious and immediately conveyed the news to their companions. The people on the right were very cautious and did not rush up in a swarm. Instead, they sent three people to attack in a triangle. The formation continued to charge forward.

The three people did not forget to check the ground while running. They did not see any traps such as trip mines. They rushed to the mountains and dense forests to take a look, but still did not find the target. Someone climbed up the tree to check, but also did not find the target. Everyone continued to charge forward to investigate, but they were gone. The target figure immediately sent a message to the follow-up troops. Only then did the follow-up troops feel relieved and sent half of them forward, while the remaining half stayed behind and fought very cautiously.

"Boom, boom, boom -" Suddenly, there was another series of explosions, and a total of thirty flames shot into the sky. Nearly a hundred square meters were engulfed in the explosion flames. People who rushed past the explosion point were immediately killed by the powerful shock wave. No one on the ground was spared, and even the people on the outside were shocked and their blood spurted wildly, and they fainted to death.

The people who had already rushed to the opposite mountain were shocked and stopped to look back. The people who had not yet rushed out also looked at this scene with shock on their faces. They could not understand how the opponent had deployed the trap. Someone was clearly passing by, so everyone paid attention. Why didn't you find any traps under your feet? Everyone feels chilled. Who can resist this kind of fighting style?

Those who did not catch up immediately used their headsets to summon those who had rushed to the opposite mountain to return, and did not dare to pursue them any more. Who knew what would happen next if the fight continued like this? Soon, the people who had rushed to the opposite mountain retreated one after another. After passing the explosion point, they squatted down to check on their companions. They carried a few people who had fainted and quickly retreated. As for those who had been shocked to death, these people gave up decisively and only took the Gone weapons.

Not long after these people withdrew, a man emerged from the inconspicuous bushes in the dense forest on one side. It was Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng looked at the remaining ten or so evacuating enemies with vigilance, and his face became serious. If these people charge blindly, When they arrived at the open area, Luo Zheng was confident of killing those who were staying behind. As for those who had already rushed over, there was no need to worry about it. However, the hidden woods that were left behind could not escape, so those who rushed out could only retreat. If they fired, they would expose themselves.

"These people have very cautious tactics." Luo Zheng sighed helplessly and whispered through the headset: "Xue'er, come back, let's catch up and take a look."

"Understood." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

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