The strongest soldier

Chapter 214: Show off your power with the sword

Seeing the drunkard, Luo Zheng felt as if there was a mountain pressing down in front of him. He was so powerful. He didn't show any fighting spirit or murderous intent. He came so peacefully. His momentum was so dignified and thick. He was worthy of being an elite-level master. In Lie Under the stimulation of the wine, Luo Zheng's blood began to boil, and his fighting spirit surged up. He laughed loudly and said, "Thanks." He said and started drinking again.

At this time, Luo Zheng felt his eyes go dark, as if a dark cloud was pressing over him. He couldn't help but be shocked. The wine bottle in his hand disappeared. When he looked again, the drunkard was still in the same place, but there was an extra bottle of wine in his hand. He poured it into his mouth boldly, drinking in the same way as Luo Zheng, and his body began to shake slowly.

Soon, the drunkard staggered towards Luo Zheng. Unknowingly, he thought that the drunkard was dead. Only those who were familiar with him knew that this was the drunkard's famous stunt, drunken fist. He used the strongest stunt to fight against Luo Zheng. Zheng's attention made everyone look serious. Even Captain Wu felt that the drunkard was making a fuss out of a molehill.

"Stingy." Luo Zheng smiled, looking at the drunkard's footwork with solemn eyes. He felt very confused, but no matter which angle he attacked from, he would be easily resolved by the opponent. His face changed slightly, and he was ready to fight. When the drunkard was at a distance, When he was no more than three meters away, he laughed and said, "Leave some for me." He rushed forward and tried to snatch it.

The battle started inadvertently. Everyone's eyes widened, even Captain Wu's eyes were watching seriously.

Luo Zheng knew that he was not as strong as Drunkard. He also knew that once perverted masters like Drunkard took the initiative, he could not stop him at all. He could only attack. After taking the initiative, he could hold on for a while. During the attack, Luo Zheng's hands transformed into pairs. With his claws, he grabbed the wine bottle with one hand and hid it under his arm with the other hand, ready to defend or sneak attack at any time. He also pushed his knees towards the alcoholic's abdomen, intending to force the alcoholic's center of gravity.

However, what Luo Zheng didn't expect was that the drunkard's body swayed and fell backwards, with roots growing under his feet. His body and feet were almost at an angle of ninety degrees, and then he spun around, not only avoiding Luo Zheng's grasp, but also allowing Luo Zheng to hit him. The knee that came up fell flat, Luo Zheng's open and hidden moves failed, and the feeling of power hitting the air was extremely uncomfortable.

Luo Zheng suddenly became alert, and his body in the air suddenly twisted to one side to prevent the drunkard from attacking. After he regained his footing, he found that the drunkard was still standing there, drinking heavily, as if nothing had happened just now, and he was able to resolve the attack without moving. Luo Zheng's face became more and more solemn, and the fighting spirit in his heart boiled over. He twisted his body and pounced on the drunkard again like a cheetah. He squatted down suddenly, swept his legs, and swept away thousands of troops.

The drunkard easily defused the attack and detonated Luo Zheng's fighting spirit. He attacked with all his strength and swept away the slightest sound of airflow with his strong legs, attacking at the drunkard's feet. The drunkard, who was looking up to the sky and drinking hard liquor, raised his kick and kicked Luo Zheng back. Poof, the dull sound of flesh hitting each other exploded like thunder in summer, which was very moving.

Luo Zheng expected the drunkard's counterattack, but he didn't expect it to be so fast, so fierce and decisive, that he couldn't even use his back hand. The violent collision between his legs caused the muscles and bones to squeeze, and he was throbbing in pain, as if his whole body was... My legs were numb, and I couldn't help but be shocked. This power was much stronger than that of Snow Fox. He was indeed a master.

"Huh?" Instead of being kicked away as he had imagined, Luo Zheng just took two steps back and stabilized his figure. Everyone around him brightened up and had a clear judgment on Luo Zheng's strength. Even Wuhan University The captain also showed a look of surprise. Anyone who can block the drunkard's full blow is enough to become an ordinary soldier. At least he has the strength of an ordinary soldier in combat.

"Come again." Luo Zheng's sneak attack was easily broken again by the drunkard's method of defeating ten groups. In the face of absolute strength, all skills are useless, but Luo Zheng's fighting spirit became stronger. He took a deep breath and suddenly felt The burning smell of alcohol in my stomach spread all over my body, and the warmth in my body surged. My legs seemed to be less painful. I was startled, but I quickly realized that this medicinal wine was indeed a good thing, and shouted: "Alcoholic, give me another sip." , drink and then fight."

"Okay, come and get it, it will be gone if it's too late." The drunkard said lazily, his eyes were blurred, and he looked drunk. No one noticed that there was a hint of appreciation hidden in the drunkard's blurred eyes, and he moved the bottle forward. He handed it over, shook his body and continued drinking.

"Okay." Luo Zheng responded excitedly. He pushed hard with his feet. The powerful force was amplified by stepping forward. His body rushed forward like lightning, directly taking the drunkard three ways. Simple, direct, no pretense, no backhand, pure He looked like he was snatching away, and his moves were far from subtle, but more threatening.

The drunkard who drank heavily turned his body slightly to one side and drew a circle with his hands to avoid Luo Zheng's snatching. Suddenly his eyes were slightly closed and turned into a needle-like shape. He was shocked to find that Luo Zheng's hands moved very quickly, as if rain was hitting the plantains, turning into a cloud in front of his eyes. Tuan Xuying's face straightened, and his free hand grabbed at the illusory Luo Zheng's wrist like lightning.

At this time, Luo Zheng's hand was only five inches away from the drunkard's eyes. He could attack both eyes with lightning and flint. Although it wouldn't really hit hard, a light touch would be enough. The drunkard didn't dare to take the risk and let out a secret cry. It was so dangerous, so I used strength in my hands and prepared to teach Luo Zheng a lesson.

Luo Zheng felt as if his wrist was being clamped by a large vise. He was in burning pain, and his bones seemed to be broken. He gritted his teeth and persisted, but a hint of joy flashed in his eyes. The drunkard suddenly found that he seemed to be trapped in Luo Zheng's calculations. In the middle, his eyes were wide open, like the scorching sun, and a suffocating fighting spirit erupted from his body, like the God of War rolling in from nine days away.

The overwhelming fighting spirit made Luo Zheng's breath stagnant, but he gritted his teeth and persisted. He prepared secretly and struck out with the short knife clasped in his palm. The drunkard who was waiting seriously suddenly found a white light flashing, like a spiritual snake. Luo Zheng was His fingers danced, as startled as a dragon, as fast as lightning, and flew straight into his eyes. The finger knife suddenly appeared, and it was difficult for the gods to stop it.

The drunkard didn't expect Luo Zheng's wrist to be grabbed by him, and he could use such a weird move. He couldn't help but be shocked. He must not give away the hand that grabbed Luo Zheng, otherwise it would only make Luo Zheng's attack sharper. In his busy schedule, his body He leaned back to distance himself from the attack, and the hand that grabbed the wine bottle slashed toward Luo Zheng's neck like lightning.

Luo Zheng was waiting for this moment. The short knife in his hand shot out like lightning, chasing the drunkard closely, like a poisonous snake ferociously hunting for food. The two sides were only a few inches apart. The lightning-fast short knife launched a heart-stopping attack, tearing apart The air made a sound of air flow, and the drunkard was shocked. After all, he was a master of fighting. He did not panic, but twisted his body strangely to avoid the short knife attack.

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