The strongest soldier

Chapter 213 Challenge the Drunkard

After three months of life-threatening training, Luo Zheng's strength has improved significantly. In terms of fighting, he is no match for the ghost hand, snow leopard and mountain eagle alone. It is even difficult for Lan Xue to win. In terms of shooting, the three The moonlit seaside training, noisy waves, dim light, and interference from sea surface reflections. Under such difficult conditions, Luo Zheng had to complete four hours of sniper training every day, thousands of shots. In three months, he shot nearly 100,000 shots. Shooting bullets, his sniper ability is almost on par with Lan Xue.

In addition to Lan Xue, Gui Shou and others who spared no effort to teach, military skills and combat experience such as helicopter driving, parachuting, tracking, reconnaissance, computers, and infiltration have also followed. Even Luo Zheng's weakest foreign language can be spoken normally. , growth is gratifying, but Luo Zheng is not satisfied, but continues to train hard.

Three months later, Lan Xue took Guishou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle out to perform a mission. No one said what it was, and Luo Zheng didn't ask. He focused all his attention on training. According to the agreement with Lan Xue's grandfather, , became an ordinary soldier king within half a year. Luo Zheng estimated that he had this strength now. He completed the six-month goal in three months, but Luo Zheng did not dare to be proud. There were so many strong men in the base that any elite soldier king could You can pinch yourself to death, not to mention that there is a captain level and the legendary strongest soldier king above the elite soldier king. The gap is too big, so continue to train desperately.

Lan Xue led the team away, and Luo Zheng's training plan was adjusted. In the morning, he continued to practice diving and boxing at the beach, and added rapid swimming in deep sea. No one helped to assist the training platoon in doing exercises, so Luo Zheng changed it to hitting a big tree, and the ground , adding an hour of jungle speed running.

In the afternoon, Luo Zheng continued to fight with Xuehu, and in the evening he continued to train in sniping and hiding. Another week later, Xuehu also went on a mission. The target of Luo Zheng's fight became a drunkard. He was also a master at the elite soldier king level. Lan Xue's One of the suitors. Some time ago, Luo Zheng has basically figured out the real suitors of Lan Xue. Although there are many, they are all sincere, and they compete fairly with each other. No one is causing harm, and they are all worthy of respect.

"Drunkard, come out and have a fight with me." That afternoon, Luo Zheng had enough rest for lunch, so he came to the dormitory building where the Elite Soldier King lived and roared loudly. The Elite Soldier King was of a higher level, with the military rank of captain or above. Each has a private room and enjoys officer treatment.

A loud shout attracted many people. The news about Luo Zheng's fight with Xue Hu every day has spread. In everyone's eyes, Luo Zheng is a pervert looking for abuse, a weakling who cannot be beaten to death, and a master who dares to risk his life. This perseverance and His courage convinced everyone. The strong in the army were respected. Luo Zheng was not strong, but his determination to become stronger was moving.

When Xue Hu went on a mission, everyone thought that Luo Zheng would calm down. They all geared up and prepared to take the initiative to teach Luo Zheng a lesson. Unexpectedly, Luo Zheng directly targeted the drunkard. He was a being with a slightly stronger fighting ability than Xue Hu. The legend comes from martial arts. The family is a master of drunken martial arts. The more they drink, the better they can fight. Alcohol is prohibited during military missions, but drunkards are a special case, the only special case in the entire base.

"Clang." An empty wine bottle was thrown down from upstairs and hit the ground with a crisp sound.

After hearing the news, the captain of Wuhan University came to see the excitement. When he saw this scene, he quickly pulled Wu Miao, who was always following Luo Zheng, back. Seeing that Wu Miao was curious and wanted to ask something, he quickly made a silent gesture and took a look. With lively gestures and drunkards, he never competed with others in the base. Captain Wu was looking forward to Luo Zheng's actions.

Luo Zheng glanced at the smashed empty wine bottle. He was not angry, but calmly shouted: "A drunkard, you have the guts to chase a woman, but you don't have the guts to accept the challenge of your love rival. What kind of skill do you have? I think your courage to chase a woman is just a pretense." When you come out, you are a courageous drunkard."

The people around were in an uproar. Not many people dared to scold the drunkard like this. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng with sympathy. If he offended a drunkard, his skin would peel off even if he died, and they spread out to avoid damaging the fish pond. Captain Wu said He looked at Luo Zheng with a funny face, planning to take the opportunity to observe the results of Luo Zheng's three months of training.

"Bang." Another empty wine bottle was smashed down, and it landed accurately at Luo Zheng's feet. There was no movement upstairs. Luo Zheng's brows did not even jump, and his body stood motionless. The provocation method was useless, Luo Zheng He changed his strategy and shouted loudly: "Let's compete in drinking."

The drunkard's drinking capacity was unmatched by anyone in the entire base. There was an uproar around him. The look in Luo Zheng's eyes was no longer one of admiration, but funny. Compared to drinking? People can be arrogant, but they cannot be so arrogant.

"Whoosh!" Something crashed down from upstairs again.

Luo Zheng stretched out his hand to catch it steadily and took a look. It was a bottle of wine. It was full. He immediately realized it and easily unscrewed the lid. He tilted his neck and poured it into his mouth. A huge spicy feeling hit him. Come on, this is strong wine, at least around 60 degrees, and it is a tonic wine with added herbs.

The strong alcohol entered his throat and entered his stomach. His throat felt like smoke was coming out, and his stomach was even more burning. It felt like it was like an erupting volcano and karst. Luo Zheng frowned and exhaled loudly to let out the spicy alcohol smell. , and soon found a warm current running through the whole body. It was a wonderful feeling, and the strength of the whole body seemed to be improving. I couldn't help but be startled, and quickly realized that this was a good thing. I shouted gratefully: "Good wine." He raised his neck and drank another gulp.

As a hunter, Luo Zheng has been drinking since he was a child. Especially after going into the forest to hunt, he must carry a large pot of home-brewed spirits. Firstly, he can keep out the cold, and secondly, it can be used as medicine for injuries. He has developed the habit of drinking highly medicinal alcohol since he was a child. , I have the capacity to drink but not the addiction. After joining the army, the liquor in the army did not arouse Luo Zheng's interest. Unexpectedly, he drank Dabu's high-strength medicinal liquor again today. Good things are rare, so of course he will not be polite.

"Gudong, Gudong." Luo Zheng took a few sips, feeling that his stomach was burning, and then he stopped. He let out a big sip of alcohol, held up the bottle and shouted, "Good wine, if you don't get down, drink it all." ”

The people around were dumbfounded. Legend has it that the drunkard's wine is very good, very strong, and very powerful. No one can drink it without pouring it down. Even the elite soldier king can't stop it. At this moment, everyone discovered that Luo Zheng's words about drinking were not unreasonable. But the drinker was also very strong, and the way everyone looked at Luo Zheng changed again.

"Hahaha, it's hard to find a true friend." A dark figure jumped down from the window on the third floor and walked towards Luo Zheng after landing. He was about 1.9 meters tall, with a body as strong as a calf, short hair, a Chinese character face, a tall nose, and deep and powerful eyes. , with a smile on his face and a friendly feeling, he is exactly the drunkard.

"Okay, brother drunkard, beat the balls of this new recruit who knows nothing about the world." Some people who were familiar with the drunkard cheered and booed excitedly. There was no shortage of blood in the military camp. The fists spoke, and the strong would only respect the strong.

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