The strongest soldier

Chapter 2131 Protecting the Clan

Late at night, the cool moonlight emerged from the dark clouds, quietly looking at the vast land. The soft light fell on the dense virgin forest, but was ruthlessly blocked by the dense canopy. Only a few rays of light penetrated the gaps in the dense forest and fell down. , but it was a pity that it still couldn't illuminate the dark forest floor. In a dense forest on a hill, a team watched the surroundings vigilantly. They were all fully armed and well-equipped, wearing tactical goggles capable of night vision. They were the ones that dropped from the sky overnight. Luo Zheng et al.

The transport helicopter dropped everyone to the ground and then returned. The team hiked for an hour to reach this hill. Not far below the hill was a canyon with a river passing through it. Many houses were built on the gentle hillside, and some houses were built on the hillside. It was built on the mountain and blended into the cliff. It looked very solid. Luo Zheng probably counted more than a thousand households. Such a village was not small.

"Is it past now or not?" Lan Xue asked in a low voice next to her.

"Everyone is asleep at this point. Going over now will disturb them and arouse resentment. Let's wait until daybreak. The team is divided into three, Shi Qian and Sanji are in one group, leaving guard equipment, Xiaolang, and Tigress. , look around in case there are still people nearby, Xue'er, Cao Xi, let's go scout around the village to see if we can find any clues." Luo Zheng suggested in a deep voice.

"Yes." Everyone heard clearly through the earphones and quickly agreed in a low voice.

Everyone put their backpacks together and took action quickly with only their weapons. Shi Qian and Sanji had not received professional military training and had limited investigative skills, but they had good strength and it was best to stay behind. Xiaolang and Tigress had trained hard for several years. , cooperated with each other tacitly, Xiaolang had lived in the dense forest since he was a child, and the investigation was no problem at all. Luo Zheng took Lan Xue and Cao Xi towards the village with confidence.

The tactical goggles turned on the night vision function. Although it was dark, there was no problem walking. Luo Zheng took the lead to clear the way. Lan Xue and Cao Xi, one on the left and one on the right, advanced in a triangular attack formation. They descended the hill, and there was a vast area in front of them. The gentle slope is densely forested and difficult to walk on. Fortunately, I brought a dragon tooth sword with me.

Luo Zheng used the Dragon Tooth Saber as a machete to cut a path, and asked Lan Xue and Cao Xi to follow his own route. The three of them unknowingly came to the vicinity of the canyon and lurked in the woods on a hillside outside the village. Observing and getting closer, Luo Zheng discovered that the houses here were made of wooden piles, which were raised about two meters high. There were stairs to go up. The wooden houses had stone slabs as roofs and looked very strong.

"Why is the roof under the house so high?" Lan Xue asked curiously.

"To prevent poisonous snakes, you see, there are big wooden piles below. There must be stones containing sulfur and the like buried under the big wooden piles, which can drive away poisonous snakes. With the two-meter-high overhead, poisonous snakes cannot climb up the wooden house from other places. The people above will It's a lot safer, and this is also a traditional safety measure." Cao Xi explained in a low voice.

Lan Xue nodded suddenly and observed carefully. Luo Zheng also looked curiously at the village in front. Except for the wooden house, he found nothing suspicious. After a while, Luo Zheng looked at Cao Xi and was about to ask, but found that Cao Xi Xi's face was as solemn as frost, and his brows were furrowed. He couldn't help being startled, and quickly asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

"There's something weird." Cao Xi said in a deep voice, staring at the village in front of him.

"What's going on?" Lan Xue also noticed something was wrong with Cao Xi and asked curiously.

"Did you pay attention to the layout of this village? Doesn't it look like a snake? Instead, it looks like a poisonous snake raising its head to warn." Cao Xi explained in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng really didn't pay attention to the layout and trend of the village. He only focused on looking for suspicious things. This may be related to people's specialties. Cao Xi is good at Feng Shui, so he sees it from a different angle. After listening to Cao Xi's Reminder, Luo Zheng took a closer look and saw that they looked really alike. He couldn't help but curiously asked: "What does this mean?"

"Since ancient times, there has been a saying that snakes are dragons. Is there a connection there?" Lan Xue also asked curiously.

"That's right, the Dragon and Snake family said that the layout here is like a snake, or it can also be said that it is like a dragon. The dragon raises his head and roars. Look at the raised part. There is a cliff, and there is a huge gap in the middle of the cliff, just like the dragon's Mouth, that's exactly the east. The sun shines in through this huge gap and shines right into the village. This is a divine dragon rising up to the sun pattern, attracting the purple energy from the east into the situation and benefiting the village."

"Wait a minute, let's not talk about this situation. I don't understand Feng Shui. Tell me something I can understand." Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice, while thinking along Cao Xi's words, he found that it was really like that. I couldn't help but keep an eye on it, and I was secretly curious.

"Not everyone can lay out this kind of layout. It requires an excellent geographical environment, otherwise it will backfire. The layout here uses the mountainous landforms and houses to fill the positions, and the Feng Shui layout is seamless and ingenious. He is a master. This kind of layout is perfect." Experts have taboos, and Bu's Feng Shui will definitely not be related to dragons, otherwise he will be beheaded by the emperor, unless the emperor asks to set up this Dragon Chao Ri Bureau here." Cao Xi explained quickly.

Luo Zheng still didn't quite understand, so he interrupted: "What do you want to explain?"

"What I want to explain is that this trap may have been set up in ancient times and was requested by Xuanyuan. It is really possible that this place is the guardian clan of Xuanyuan's mausoleum. Otherwise, I can't imagine that ordinary villages would have experts to set up such a trap. , even if an expert comes, the Feng Shui bureau set up will not dare to be related to dragons." Cao Xi explained.

Luo Zheng understood what they were saying, and his face changed slightly. He looked ahead carefully and whispered, "I wonder which ethnic group they are? Can you tell?"

"The ancient Chinese tribe consists of five major tribes. Xuanyuan is the leader of the tribal alliance. I don't know which tribe they are. These are not the point. The point is that such a guardian tribe is definitely not simple. They are either brave and ruthless, good at using poison, or good at jungle killing. , otherwise how can we protect him?" Cao Xi reminded in a low voice.

"That makes sense. Do you mean those people who entered the mountain were killed by the guide?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Yes, I have this worry. If these people are guardians, then they must be familiar with the many mechanisms in Xuanyuan Mausoleum. It is not surprising to use the mechanisms to kill those tomb robbers. My ancestors have also encountered guardians. We have to guard against similar painful lessons," Cao Xi reminded.

"If that's the case, then things will be in trouble. Without them we can't find the location of Xuanyuan's mausoleum. What can you do?" Lan Xue whispered.

"You can ask them to be your guides, but it's best not to be violent and be friendly. Otherwise, even if you force them to be your guides, you will be in trouble. Always be on guard and it will be detrimental to us." Cao Xi reminded.

"Since we are a guardian clan, we will definitely not agree to our request. No matter how friendly we are, it will be useless. What can you do?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

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