The strongest soldier

Chapter 2130 Ready to go

Everyone has been paying attention to Xuanyuan Sword for more than a day or two. With Cao Xi's identity and background as a tomb robber, he didn't know the existence of Shenlong Mountain beforehand. Now that Shenlong Mountain suddenly appeared, Luo Zheng was curious and asked. Cao Xi only heard that Xi Shen Sheng explained: "I sent people from the sect to spy on the situation and found a primitive village. The people inside said that outsiders hired hunters as guides. As soon as the hunters heard that the place they were going to was Shenlong Mountain, they didn't agree. This group of people used violence and automatic weapons. The people in the village were forced to recommend someone to lead the way. Shenlong Mountain is the village's own name for a large mountain, and no one outside knows about it."

"So that's it. Is there any problem with this village?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"It's hard to say now. I plan to go there myself. This village may be a guardian. Many tombs have guardians. They have been passed down from generation to generation. They are isolated from the world. This village does meet these characteristics. If so, then they should I know something." Cao Xi said quickly.

"That makes sense. Let's go together when I come back. Let's go to the troops stationed in Australia now. They'll pick us up there." Luo Zheng quickly warned, not trusting Cao Xi to go alone.

The two ended the phone call. Luo Zheng briefly explained the situation to the mountain eagle and snow leopard, and then added: "Let's go, we must rush back as soon as possible. Someone is here to deal with the aftermath."

The two agreed, walked out of the villa together, went to the square outside, and found Han Bin. As soon as Han Bin heard that Luo Zheng was going to the army with him, he immediately contacted his superiors and made arrangements immediately after getting permission. Ten minutes later, a car arrived. The helicopter came and everyone boarded the helicopter.

Not long after, the helicopter landed on the apron of a military base. Luo Zheng got off the plane and saw a middle-aged officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel approaching. He went up to him, exchanged a few words with him, found a place to wash himself off, and put on his clothes. Clean clothes, the body was stained with blood from the killing, so it was inappropriate to wear them out.

An hour later, Guishou also came over. After everyone chatted for a while, a helicopter landed at the military base. The helicopter was a special plane of the Secret Bureau. Along with the helicopter was Hummingbird, the ace of the Intelligence Department. There were three people accompanying him, Luo Zhengyi. You can tell by looking at it that it was specially arranged by Hongmeihua.

Hummingbird was rescued by everyone from the dark prison. He was a former national security ace agent with rich experience and was best suited to handle this kind of matter. Luo Zheng briefly communicated with Hummingbird and introduced him to the lieutenant colonel. He hurriedly took the ride with Gui Shou and others. The helicopter left. The matter was urgent and could not be delayed.

This kidnapping case is related to the Dark Church. Chu Xiong's testimony has already shown this. Luo Zheng has reason to suspect that the Dark Church is delaying his retreat through kidnapping and buying time for their actions. If he hadn't used violence to fight violence, he would have used iron and blood. If you want to solve this matter quickly, you will definitely have to go through many twists and turns and waste a lot of time. By then it will be too late. Now that you understand the conspiracy of the Dark Church, you can naturally not delay any longer.

The helicopter refueled at a military base and continued to fly. The process was repeated. In less than two hours, everyone rushed back to the base. Red Plum Blossom, Blue Snow and Blue Star were waiting on the tarmac. They were all on their own. Time was tight and they were not in the mood to be polite. Luo Zheng He walked up and said in a deep voice: "Let's go to the conference room."

Everyone could feel Luo Zheng's anxious mood, so they all agreed and followed him to the conference room. Lanxing skillfully opened the computer and electronic screen, and quickly tapped on it. A large mountain range appeared on the electronic screen, with majestic undulating mountains and clouds. It is surrounded by ancient trees and looks very lush. Lanxing explained: "Shenlong Mountain is in this area. The specific location is unknown. The locals don't know whether it is alive or dead."

"Aren't you good at finding dragon acupoints? Are you sure?" Luo Zheng looked at Cao Xi and asked.

"It's been too long. After thousands of years of changes and crustal movements, the mountain topography has changed a lot. The rivers have also changed directions, increased in number, and some have dried up. It's hard to tell from the surface. I need to conduct an on-site inspection. Time." Cao Xi said in a deep voice, frowning.

Luo Zheng heard that it made sense. The environment had changed. It was indeed difficult to judge the past from the current mountain topography. After pondering for a moment, he looked at everyone and asked, "Who has anything to add?"

Everyone exchanged glances and shook their heads. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "Get ready in one hour, set off overnight, and get to that village as soon as possible. We can't afford to delay. Xue'er will arrange the flight."

"Okay." Lan Xue quickly agreed.

Seeing that Luo Zheng was about to take action, everyone raised their chests and hoped to be called out by Luo Zheng. They are used to the battlefield, why don't they stay at the base and get rusty? Luo Zheng understood everyone's mood, thought for a moment and continued: "Red Plum Blossom stays at the base, the Holy Son and the Sky Stone are with us, this news will spread soon, and all countries will send people to snatch it, you are responsible for dealing with all countries Spies, ensure the security of the base and never let them succeed."

"Yes." Hong Meihua responded in a deep voice. Spy warfare was a battlefield Hong Meihua was familiar with.

"This operation is not a large-scale operation and does not require too many people. Guishou, Snow Leopard, and Mountain Eagle are responsible for recruiting and training personnel to increase the combat effectiveness of the operation office as soon as possible and be on standby at any time. I, Xue'er, Shi Qian, and Cao Xi, Xiaolang, and Tigress will go first, and if necessary, the operations department will be in place at any time." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice. The Operations Department suffered heavy losses in the last battle, and the personnel have not yet been replenished. It will take some time to make corrections. This arrangement is the most reasonable, and no one has any objections.

"Xue'er, tell Sanji to be in position immediately. He may be needed for this operation." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Sanji?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"Cao Xi, what do you think?" Luo Zheng did not answer Lan Xue's question, but looked at Cao Xi and said.

"I think it is possible. This operation may encounter some good tomb robbers in the world. These people all have special skills and good martial arts. Although everyone has good fighting ability and is not afraid of these people, there are two different ways and fighting styles. Having Sanji, a master of martial arts, will save a lot of trouble." Cao Xi explained.

Everyone nodded in understanding and no longer objected. Lan Xue thought about it and asked, "What weapons should you bring?"

This operation is different from the battlefield. The enemies we face are not soldiers, but private tomb robbers. Of course, there will definitely be some gunmen there. The Dark Church is making such a big move, so it is impossible not to send people to follow up and beware of the tomb robbers taking it for themselves. The enemies everyone faces are somewhat complex.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "In addition to the standard field combat equipment, this time you need to carry gas masks, hand crossbows, atomic watches, central tranquilizers, etc. If you don't need long-range sniper rifles in the dense forest, you will use 95 and 92 The pistols are ready. In addition, each person should bring two extra spare batteries for tactical flashlights, two hundred button bombs and a dragon tooth sword."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice, and an invisible murderous aura filled the air.

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