The strongest soldier

Chapter 2097 Burning Tucheng

The middle-aged man is a smart man. He took the opportunity to take the credit and have room for maneuver if he comes back in the future. Unfortunately, Luo Zheng didn't understand, otherwise he would have been furious. However, Luo Zheng saw the survivors tentatively retreating. , saw that no one fired and ran away, he couldn't help but laugh. As long as those people take their demands back, the plan to sow discord will be successful. Unless the people in the entire city are willing to die for the so-called belief, then There is nothing we can do.

Luo Zheng was betting on the desire of the people inside. The sky stone was no small matter. If someone gave it away, that would be the best result. If the Holy Son rushed out with the sky stone, the brothers would suffer. The best solution could be peacefully solved. Okay, if we can't talk anymore, Luo Zheng told everyone to continue monitoring, and then said to the middle-aged man: "If this thing can be done, you can be considered a meritorious service."

"Thank you for your kindness and letting others live." The middle-aged man said solemnly. Seeing Jackson sneer disdainfully at him, his face turned red, and he said dissatisfiedly: "Although I am not a good person, I am just a person. I am a chess piece being manipulated, but I also know how to be grateful. Many people in this city are kind to me. If I can, I will try my best to help them."

Luo Zheng gave Shi Qian a look, and Shi Qian came up knowingly and took the middle-aged man down. Luo Zheng raised his telescope and looked in the direction of Tucheng, and found that it was quiet inside, with an oppressive atmosphere of death, like a hell. , the devil may emerge at any time, this feeling is suffocating, Luo Zheng put down the telescope and said solemnly: "The enemy will not compromise easily, we must fight a few tough battles to show our determination and let them know our anger, otherwise Strategies to sow discord will not work."

"This is simple. Can I lead people to rush inside and kill them?" Jackson suggested.

"No, it can't go beyond the kilometer line." Jackson pondered for a moment, and suddenly he had an idea and said: "Fighters and armed helicopters can't come over, but transport planes can come over. You might as well ask for another transport plane to come over and reserve more fuel for backup. We can Attack Tucheng from the air."

"Yeah, what a great idea, I'll arrange it right away." Jackson was overjoyed and agreed quickly.

The transport helicopter can hover in the air, and everyone can attack Tucheng from a thousand meters altitude. This is indeed a good idea. When Jackson arranged it, he asked everyone to bring more fuel. The fuel can be used by the helicopter, and can be thrown in to prevent the city from burning down. , of course, this Jackson did not tell Luo Zheng and secretly arranged it himself.

After a while, the Blood Leech King sent a message, discovering that a caravan was trying to get close to the Forgotten Tribe, and was attacking after being dissuaded to no avail. These were all expected, and Luo Zheng did not object. The attack on the caravan was also a threat to the Forgotten Tribe in Tucheng. Pressure, let them know the danger of the matter and their anger, and make a decision as soon as possible.

The battle with the Blood Leech King ended quickly. The caravan left a lot of supplies and ran away. It was a waste of money for the Blood Leech King. The results of the battle were quickly tallied up and reported to Luo Zheng. They were all food and water, obviously for the Forgotten Tribe. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and asked the Blood Leech King's troops to come back with the supplies and distribute them to everyone.

Time passed unknowingly. At dusk, Tucheng was still quiet. No final choice was made. Luo Zheng asked the troops to continue to seal the city as planned and no one was allowed to come out. A dozen children carried wooden barrels to the lake. While fetching water, he was frightened by Tang Tiantian's random shots and went back.

Luo Zheng was chatting with Lan Xue and others about the current war situation and countermeasures. Jackson received a call and hurried over. He said excitedly: "A transport helicopter has arrived. In addition, I asked them to prepare two more large barrels. Gasoline, we can be there in ten minutes.”

"Gasoline? What are you doing with this?" Lan Xue asked curiously.

"Hey, don't they make a choice? Let's burn the earth city with fire. This fire will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back. I am sure that after the fire, the people inside will be fearful, satisfied, and hopeless. They will be angry and resentful, they will be eager to live, and they will think of our proposal."

"It's also a way. Go ahead and implement it." Luo Zheng heard that it made sense and agreed after pondering for a moment.

The middle-aged man hesitated to speak, but finally held back. Jackson saw the middle-aged man's expression and said disdainfully: "Killing is a better way to save people. Sacrifice a small part and save the majority. Your saint." The Son and the Sky Stone are too harmful and must be taken away by us. Your people are willing to sacrifice themselves to protect the Holy Son and the Sky Stone. How can we blame you? Wake up, is it worth sacrificing yourself for the desires of some people? "

"We are pursuing light and freedom." The middle-aged man argued dissatisfiedly.

"Light and freedom? That's just a dream for you, an excuse for you to believe and obey. Not to mention the distance, your Holy Son took the sky stone to a small town in a certain country and brought down thousands of people. He is still in the hospital bed today. Lying on the bed, your Cobra mercenaries kidnapped a dozen chemical experts just for the nuclear bomb. The nuclear bomb exploded and more people died. Is this the light and freedom you said you got at the expense of others?" Jackson said disdainfully. .

"How can light and freedom come without sacrifice? Isn't Sam's country plundering the whole world for the sake of national interests and the interests of a small group of people? Aren't you also acting as their thugs?" the middle-aged man argued angrily.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he smiled and advised: "Okay, stop arguing. Conspirators exist everywhere. History has proven this. In the end, it is the innocent who suffer, and only a small group of conspirators benefit. Let's just Stop arguing about right and wrong, go ahead and throw away the last straw.”

"You are killing indiscriminately." The middle-aged man sat helplessly on the ground and said with a bitter look on his face.

"Yes, the most miserable people in war are always innocent people. I gave them a choice, but they didn't choose and insisted on siding with the conspirators. Who can blame me? Can't I give up the attack? If I give up, your The Holy Son will take the Sky Stone to my country and carry out crazy revenge. The innocent people of my country will die at that time. For the sake of my country, some things must be done, even if I bear the infamy and become the executioner in your mouth. So what? Just like they are crazy about protecting the Holy Son, I am also crazy about protecting my country." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

The middle-aged man was startled and looked at Luo Zheng with some understanding and stopped talking. Not long after, Luo Zheng saw Jackson boarding the transport helicopter in person. The helicopter quickly flew high into the sky above Tucheng and dropped two gasoline barrels. , the gasoline barrel was detonated by a time bomb after falling to the ground, and a huge red cloud rose up. The surrounding houses collapsed instantly, black smoke billowed, and dust flew up. It was like Shura Hell, which was extremely terrifying.

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