The strongest soldier

Chapter 2096 Sowing discord

As a righteous soldier with national beliefs, we cannot shoot at ordinary women, children, the elderly and children, but those who came out were all wearing black robes, and we didn’t know who had hidden weapons. We rashly attacked and felt uneasy, but when we thought of the Holy Son There was a possibility that he could leave among the crowd, so everyone reported it quickly. Luo Zheng's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he hesitated. The militants would just kill him. How could ordinary people do this?

At this time, Jackson called and heard the situation through the headset. Seeing Luo Zheng's hesitation, he immediately reminded: "Do you remember Black Widow?"

Black Widows are notorious terrorists in the world. They are all women. They have been brainwashed and received various military trainings. They are ruthless and ruthless. On the surface, they are all women worthy of sympathy. However, there are automatic rifles or high explosives hidden in the black robes. They can be used at any time. Serve as a human bomb.

Jackson's reminder made Luo Zheng break into a cold sweat. Even if those people were not Black Widows, they might be fake militants. If no measures were taken, they would definitely take the opportunity to escape from the encirclement. His face darkened and he shouted: "Fire the gun." Give a warning and pay attention to screening. If the warning fails, ordinary people will be shot and injured, and armed elements will be shot."

"Understood." Everyone agreed in a deep voice.

"Forget it, let my people handle this matter." Seeing that Luo Zheng's order was ambiguous and difficult to grasp, Jackson suggested that it was not conducive to the soldiers' performance. When Luo Zheng nodded, he shouted through the headset. : "Brothers from the Huaxia Kingdom, please don't shoot yet. Let my men come in. Tang Tiantian, thank you for your hard work."

"Understood." Tang Tiantian agreed in a deep voice.

Tang Tiantian's troops were originally ambushing near the lake. The distance was not very far. They quickly rushed up with a troop. When they saw the slowly walking team, they were all in black robes with only a pair of eyes exposed. They were already far away from him. It was only 500 meters away, so he quickly ordered the troops to disperse and lie down to hide.

The team quickly got into position and prepared for battle. When Tang Tiantian waited for the group to be about 400 meters away from her, she observed it through the sniper scope for a while and found that most of the team were women, children and the elderly, with some people mixed in. The black robes were too big. , couldn't see clearly, his face darkened, and he shouted: "Attack indiscriminately, kill me——"

"Puff puff puff!" Countless bullets whizzed away, heading straight for the slowly approaching team. Tang Tiantian was a mercenary, and the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group was full of wolf nature. They only had interests in their eyes and did not have so many taboos and beliefs. On the battlefield Just ask if it is necessary and never care about questions like "can it".

Countless bullets were fired at them like hungry wolves, knocking all the people on the outside to the ground. The people in the middle of the team suddenly dispersed, and one after another showed the rifles hidden in their black robes and started shooting. Tang Tiantian was secretly glad that she had fired. If you wait for this team to get closer, you will be the one who suffers. Looking through the sniper scope, you suddenly find that the enemies who fired include women, old people, and even half-year-old children who are shooting violently with weapons. They look very... He was so fierce that he couldn't help being surprised, and quickly said through the headset: "They are armed men, old people, women, and children are all shooting, and they are well-trained."

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked and secretly rejoiced. He almost thought that his pity had harmed his brothers. He couldn't help but look solemn and shouted: "Brothers, if you can, open fire and kill this enemy as soon as possible."

"Yes." The nearby brothers immediately agreed and opened fire one after another. The specially equipped snipers from the Mountain Eagle Brigade moved their guns and aimed at them. They pulled the triggers without hesitation. They couldn't bear to deal with the unarmed people. Hands, the treatment of the person holding the weapon is different. On the battlefield, as long as the opponent has a weapon, he is the enemy and must be eliminated, otherwise his own people will die. This is the experience summed up in countless wars.

Luo Zhenghan came to the middle-aged man with a face on his face and asked in a deep voice: "Have all the people in the base received armed training? Everyone can shoot?"

"Yes, this is a requirement. Children should start receiving military training at the age of thirteen. Regardless of whether they are male or female, this is a requirement from above and I must implement it." The middle-aged man said quickly.

"Asshole." Luo Zheng didn't expect the Dark Church to be so inhumane, not even sparing a thirteen-year-old child. His face became increasingly cold, and he looked at Jackson and said, "Thank you for reminding me, otherwise I would have been in trouble this time. "

"That's because you are too righteous." Jackson said indifferently.

"This is just a testing team. If we don't shoot, more people will come out, and the Holy Son may hide in the team and leave. We must end this battle as soon as possible." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"What do you want to do?" Jackson asked curiously.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, his eyes fell on the middle-aged man, and he couldn't help but have an idea, and said: "Tang Tiantian, brothers, don't kill them all, just shoot them, I will keep them for use."

"Yes." The brothers who were shooting the enemy quickly agreed. They lowered the muzzle of the gun and hit the area below the feet to avoid killing the enemy at once.

"I need to trouble you with something." Luo Zheng said to the middle-aged man in a deep voice.

"What do you want me to do?" the middle-aged man asked in surprise.

"We will capture some prisoners in a while. We don't understand the language. Go and tell them that as long as the people in Tucheng hand over the Holy Son and the Tianshi, we will forget about it and withdraw our troops immediately. If they don't hand over, no chickens or dogs will be left. This is The last chance I give everyone to survive is also the last warning." Luo Zheng shouted murderously.

"Understood, thank you, I'll go right away." The middle-aged man said with some gratitude. After all, after living in Tucheng for so long, everyone has feelings, and he felt uncomfortable watching everyone being killed.

Luo Zheng nodded and looked at Jackson. Jackson nodded knowingly and said, "If they hand over the Holy Son and the Sky Stone, wouldn't this be a good way to end the battle as soon as possible? If not, at least they can sow discord among the people inside. It’s good for us too, I’m okay with that.”

"Let's go." Luo Zheng motioned for the middle-aged man to follow him and walked towards the direction where the battle sounded.

Ten minutes later, everyone came to a sand dune and saw countless men in black robes lying in a pool of blood in the open area in front of them. Some people hid among the corpses and continued to resist. They fought very resolutely and had a strong will to fight. They were all obviously captured. A brainwashed man, Luo Zheng frowned and shouted through the headset: "Everyone listen to my order and stop firing."

Everyone quickly stopped firing after hearing the order. Luo Zheng looked at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man lay on the sand dune and shouted in local dialect: "Compatriots, listen to me, you can go into the city, they won't Shots have been fired. As long as they hand over the Holy Son and the Sky Stone, they will withdraw their troops. Otherwise, everyone will die. Those who are still alive should take this information back quickly and tell everyone in the city how to choose between you. This is what I have won. Only chance to survive."

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