The strongest soldier

Chapter 2092 The mystery of the stone

I don’t know when a bright light appeared in the gray east. This bright light became bigger and bigger, dispersing the surrounding night, and the vast sky became brighter. Not long after, a red sun jumped out of the horizon, exuding thousands of rays of light. The golden light and morning glow dispersed the last darkness in the sky, falling on the vast desert, and on the Tucheng next to the desert oasis. After a night of fighting, the Tucheng was dilapidated, and there were cries of mourning. In the direction of the door, a troop was nailed in the trench. The gun was aimed in the direction of Tucheng, and Sen Leng's face was full of murderous intent. It was Guishou and the others.

In the battle with the Cobra mercenaries, one-third of the Ghost Hands' first brigade suffered casualties, which made the brothers feel angry. If Luo Zheng hadn't ordered it, they would have gone in to avenge themselves. Facing the terrorists, everyone had no choice. With no mercy, Guishou even hopes that terrorists will rush out of Tucheng.

However, everyone had been occupying the trenches for a while. No one came out of the Tucheng. Instead, many guns were set up on the top of the city. The black holes of the guns were aimed at them, but no one fired. This made Guishou a little confused and had to control his heart. With fighting spirit, wait patiently.

In the vast sand dunes to the east of Tucheng, Luo Zheng was lying on a sand slope holding a telescope to observe. He didn't find anything abnormal. He couldn't help but become curious. Is there any other tricks the Dark Church can use? After the tactical deployment last night, all the troops were in place, but there was no movement from the people in Tucheng, and not even a single person came out to question. This was a bit abnormal, and Luo Zheng turned on the signal device in surprise.

The signal transmitter quickly connected to the satellite, and Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Secret communication."

"Understood." Blue Star's words rang in the headset. Jackson, Tang Tiantian and Blood Leech King were all wearing the same headset. Some words were not allowed to be heard by them. Blue Star quickly set it and then said: "It has been set It's settled, Shadow and the others have been sent to the nearest country for treatment and will be sent back to China as soon as they are stable. My sister told me very clearly about the fighting situation last night, and I reported it truthfully. There are no specific instructions from above."

"As long as Shadow and the others are safe, remember, keep an eye on the surrounding desert. Be careful of someone infiltrating here. Report the enemy immediately if you find out. This battle will be a protracted one. By the way, what's going on with Cao Xi?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Some information has been translated. She is here, let her speak for herself." Lanxing said quickly.

"Head, it's me, how is he?" A voice sounded in the headset, with deep concern. It was Cao Xi. As for the person Cao Xi was talking about, it was naturally Shi Qian.

"Don't worry, he followed me and did not participate in the direct battle. He is now my guard and will be fine." Luo Zheng explained quickly and couldn't help but glance at Shi Qian, who was guarding the surroundings not far away. In the battle last night, Shi Qian Qian did not go to the front line, but acted as a secret sentry nearby and served as a guard.

"Well, thank you for taking care of me. He is not a combatant. He will definitely not be able to go to the battlefield. He will be a drag." Cao Xi said gratefully.

"That's not true. Although he is not a combatant, he is very strong in sneak attack and penetration warfare and has made a lot of achievements, especially in the battle of blowing up enemy rockets. If it weren't for Shi Qian, we would all have become yellow sand. Go back Later I will reward you based on your merits and tell you about your situation." Luo Zheng said quickly.

"Yes, thank you." Cao Xi said quickly: "The Dark Church has a long history, which can be traced back to two thousand years ago. It was called the Church of the Sun at that time. After suffering a devastating blow, it had to go underground and operate in the darkness, so The name has been changed to the Dark Church. The doctrine has not changed. They are still pursuing world unification. They have branches in every continent. The one you surrounded is only one of them. The branches in other states have no specific locations, and their organizational form and person in charge are not known. There is too little information.”

"Each continent? Aren't there seven branches in the seven continents of the world?" Luo Zheng was shocked.

"Yes, there are seven branches. Each branch controls many strongholds. No one knows how many. They have been studying the radiation stone, claiming that there is some extraterrestrial civilization, and want to develop high-end weapons to unify mankind through research. The specifics are No one knows what technologies we have mastered, so we must get the radiation stone back and study it carefully to find a countermeasure, otherwise we will be very passive." Cao Xi reminded.

"No other useful information?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"No more for now." Cao Xi said awkwardly.

"Continue your research, don't be discouraged. At least you know that there are seven branches of the Dark Church, and we are facing only one of them now. It seems that the Dark Church has become a very large organization and must be eradicated as soon as possible, otherwise it will harm us. country." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Their people are not scary. The scary thing is that they don't know the high-end weapons they have mastered. The data shows that they have been studying radiation stones, collecting meteorites from the sky, and studying supernatural powers. If they achieve something, that would be scary. And We are completely unfamiliar with this field." Cao Xi reminded.

Luo Zheng's face changed greatly, and he began to think deeply. A person who could control the radiation stone brought down the thirty elite soldier kings led by the shadow. The thirty elite soldier kings could escape even if they faced ordinary soldiers who came forward, and even took them with them. But it can't stop a person's sneak attack. This supernatural power's attack method is too terrifying and unfamiliar.

"Boss, there is an order from above, requiring us to take back the stone no matter what, and said that according to the evaluation of relevant experts, it may be a kind of antimatter." Blue Star's words suddenly rang in the headset.

"What antimatter?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"The various macroscopic objects in nature are reduced to their microscopic origins. They are all composed of protons, neutrons and electrons. These particles are therefore called elementary particles, which means that they are the basic bricks for constructing everything in the world. In fact, they are basically The world of particles is not that simple. In the early 1930s, someone discovered positively charged electricity, which was the first step towards understanding antimatter. In the 1950s, with the discovery of antiprotons and antineutrons, scientists discovered that any All elementary particles have corresponding antiparticles in nature," Cao Xi explained.

"I don't quite understand, is this thing very powerful?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"More than just powerful, antimatter is the reverse state of normal matter. When matter and antimatter meet, they will annihilate and cancel each other out, causing an explosion and generating huge energy. The energy release rate is much higher than that of a hydrogen bomb explosion. It does not require even one gram of antimatter. Destroy the capital." Blue Star quickly added.

"So powerful?" Luo Zheng was shocked, his face became solemn, and he said: "The superior's decision is correct. The radiation stone must be taken back." His eyes gradually became firm.

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