The strongest soldier

Chapter 2091 Siege Tactics

The inhuman experience suffered by Shadow and others after they were captured, as well as the heavy damage suffered by the Ghost Hand Brigade, made Luo Zheng feel a fire in his heart. He would not be able to return without revenge. As for Jackson, the two have cooperated closely so far, and After successfully inflicting heavy damage on the enemy, Luo Zheng couldn't ask whether he would continue to cooperate. It was up to Jackson himself.

Jackson is very clear about the current situation. The important military forces of the terrorists have been almost eliminated. The next step is to harvest the fruits of victory. It is not good for him to evacuate at this time. He should stay and continue to fight against the terrorists and gain enough political benefits. Capital and military success are not only beneficial to myself, but also very beneficial to the president who supports me. How can I miss this great opportunity? His face sank and he said: "I will stay."

"Okay, in that case, let's continue to cooperate and completely remove this nest of Cobra terrorists. We will talk about the future later." Luo Zheng said murderously, his eyes fell on Tang Tiantian and Blood Leech King, and he thought about it. Thinking about it, he said: "What's your attitude? I won't stop you from leaving now. If you stay, you must obey my command. It's up to you."

"Isn't it a pity to leave such a good opportunity now?" Tang Tiantian said in a deep voice.

"Yes, I won't leave." The Blood Leech King also said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I don't care whether you sincerely surrender or not. From now on, I truly regard you two as my own. When I go back, I will apply for residency and military status for all of you, and I will reward you based on your merits. I promise." Jackson Ma The above statement won people's hearts, and his words were resounding.

Tang Tiantian and Blood Leech King smiled gratefully. No one knew what they were thinking in their hearts. Luo Zheng glanced at the three of them without asking any questions. When he saw Balu running towards them happily, he went to greet them.

"All the trophies are in place and the battlefield has been cleaned. What should we do next?" Balu ran up and asked, looking at Luo Zheng with eyes filled with gratitude. He was very glad for his original choice. With these trophies and weapons, he went back In the end, his reputation will definitely rise rapidly. If he operates properly, it is not impossible to unify the grassland.

"You have done what you have to do, and you have done it well. When I go back, I will report to the country in detail what happened here, including your friendship. I hope you have unified the grassland long ago and go back with your loot. Here It’s no longer needed, thank you for your help.” Luo Zheng said gratefully.

"How about I stay with my own people to help you." Balu said gratefully.

"No need, you have an oath, and if you want to make a difference, integrity is the first priority. A person who loses integrity cannot stand in the world, let alone do a big business. If there is a chance, I will definitely do it." Go to your tribe to find you." Luo Zheng declined gratefully.

"Okay, I will treat you warmly." Balu said gratefully.

"Brother Guishou, take the uninjured brothers and immediately change defenses with the Balu coalition, seize the outer trenches, and don't allow anyone to come out from the city gate." Luo Zheng suddenly looked stern and shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes." When Guishou heard this, he was overjoyed and quickly left with his uninjured brothers.

"Tang Tiantian, Blood Leech King, since you two are willing to stay, then obey my order." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice, his eyes falling on Tang Tiantian and Blood Leech King. The two immediately agreed and pricked up their ears, Luo Zheng After glancing at Jackson and seeing that he had no objection, he continued: "Everyone still remembers our previous plan, right? Everything remains the same. I'm going to blockade the city and trap them until they agree to all the conditions."

"Yes, I will guard the lake and prevent the enemy from taking a drop of water." Tang Tiantian immediately agreed.

"I'm going to cut off their trade routes and not allow anyone to send supplies into Tucheng." The Blood Leech King also shouted.

"That's right, take your uninjured brothers with you. Stay with the injured and retreat to the rear." Luo Zheng agreed murderously and looked at Jackson.

Jackson said knowingly: "That's right, go ahead. Leave the injured brothers to me. If you lose a hair, you can settle the score with me. Your brothers are also my brothers."

"Yes." The two agreed gratefully, and quickly left with their uninjured brothers.

Soon, only Luo Zheng and Jackson were left on the scene, as well as a bunch of wounded people. After a while, several transport planes came over and landed in an open area. Some military doctors jumped out of the transport planes and quickly rushed up to check on the wounded and help. After carrying it up, Luo Zheng was completely relieved when he saw the transport plane approaching. As long as he didn't have any worries, he could just let go and do something big. His sad and angry eyes gradually became sharp.

About half an hour later, all the wounded were taken away. Luo Zheng looked at Jackson and said, "Our target is the radiation stone. If we don't kill that person and find the radiation stone, we won't be able to rest at ease for a day, and we will face crazy revenge from the Dark Church at any time." , the radiation stone belongs to me, do you have any objection?"

Of course, Jackson had objections. Radiation stones were also urgently needed by Sam's country, but Jackson was not stupid. If he had objections at this time, it would only lead to a stalemate. After thinking about it, he whispered: "Things belong to you, the terrorist leader inside." It belongs to me, otherwise I won’t be able to explain it when I go back.”

"Okay." Luo Zheng thought for a while and agreed.

The two nodded tacitly. After reaching the deal, Luo Zheng's eyes sharpened and he looked in the direction of Tucheng. After pondering for a moment, he said: "It will be dawn soon. As long as the radiation stone and the people who can control the radiation stone are in Tucheng, the Dark Church will We will not give up, and will continue to organize people to come to the rescue. We will slowly play with them, gather around the spots to call for reinforcements, and take the opportunity to kill all the armed forces of the Dark Church at once. Now there is enough evidence to prove that there are terrorists in Tucheng. I believe you Isn’t the pressure on the President not so great? Even if we can’t send air power to support, we can always send troops up, right? We need reinforcements.”

Both Shadow and Engineer were rescued from Tucheng. This is evidence that the Forgotten Tribe is a terrorist base. With this evidence and the publicity, Jackson believes that the pressure on his president will not be so great. After thinking for a while, he said: "Okay, I will contact the country immediately."

"Our tactic this time is to besiege Tucheng, come to the encirclement point for reinforcements, and completely eliminate the enemy's armed forces. And the enemy will go crazy to rescue them for the radiation stones and the people who control the radiation stones. Just relying on these people around us is not enough. If you are in trouble I'll transfer people." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"No, I'll do it." Jackson said quickly. If there are really Luo Zheng's people around him, who gets the credit after the thing is successful? What's more important is that Jackson is afraid that Luo Zheng will suddenly attack him and it would be detrimental to him. It would be better if there are more of his own people around him, so he takes his mobile phone and goes aside.

Luo Zheng didn't want to transfer people from the country at all. Seeing that the provoking method was successful, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and looked towards the direction of Tucheng under the night sky. His determined eyes became brighter and full of fighting spirit.

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