The strongest soldier

Chapter 2082 Gathering People’s Hearts

"Okay, you are the commander-in-chief, I will listen to you." Jackson said helplessly. Although he was not convinced, he did not object. He sat down on the sand and rested. After thinking about what Luo Zheng had just said, he put aside his prejudices and took a closer look. After distinguishing it, I found that it was indeed reasonable, and I couldn't help but become nervous. If the air power is not available, how will this battle be fought? With the energy of the Dark Church, it is not impossible to intervene in air power strikes.

It was quiet all around, except for the sound of rustling in the sand dunes caused by the wind. Everyone was silent and waited patiently. After a while, Tang Tiantian came over in a hurry. Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit strange, he didn't ask any more questions, but came to Jack. Waiting next to Sen, Jackson glanced at Tang Tiantian and said, "Something has happened, wait a moment, let's talk about it together when the Blood Leech King arrives."

The Blood Leech King went to block the trade road. It was a bit far away, and it would take time to come quickly on a camel. Everyone continued to wait, and the time passed minute by second. Unconsciously, it was half an hour, and the Blood Leech King did not arrive, nor did he. When he heard the news that the fighter jets were coming to bomb, Luo Zheng looked at Jackson with a cold face. Jackson also realized that something serious had happened, his face darkened, and he quickly took out his satellite phone.

The call was dialed quickly, and Jackson asked eagerly: "Your Excellency, it's me."

"I was about to call you when something unexpected happened. The Fleet Commander-in-Chief's family was kidnapped. Someone threatened the Fleet Commander-in-Chief not to send out a fighter jet. We are dealing with it urgently and it will take some time." The president explained eagerly, speaking. There is endless anger in it.

Jackson was not stupid. He immediately realized that the situation was hopeless. He was stunned and stared ahead, his eyes confused and unwilling. He didn't even know that he had dropped his phone. Luo Zheng knew from the look on his face that the fighter jets were not coming. With a serious look on his face, he walked up and patted Jackson on the shoulder, saying with some sympathy: "I knew your country was unreliable, but fortunately I didn't have any hope either."

"Is there any way to remedy this?" Jackson looked at Luo Zheng blankly and asked.

"The system of a democratic country is good for the people, but there are many variables for the country. In comparison, my country is much simpler. It is whatever it says, without any ambiguity. Forget it, there is no point in talking about this. Since we can't come, let's discuss the countermeasures." Luo Zheng said helplessly, the matter has already happened, there is no point in getting angry at Jackson.

Jackson lowered his head in shame and said: "This matter is my dereliction of duty. It must be those people from the Dark Church who are secretly interfering. This damn gang, unless we get rid of them, the president cannot rule absolutely for a day. He must Kill them and tell me what you need me to do, even if you rush into the earth city and kill them, there is no doubt."

At this time, the Blood Leech King rushed over, shouting from afar: "You called me here in such a hurry, what happened?" while urging the camel to rush up.

"You tell me." Luo Zheng looked at Jackson and said.

Jackson nodded knowingly, and after the Blood Leech King came over, he briefly explained the situation, and finally added: "That's the way it is, and I don't want to hide it from you. The air support is definitely gone, and the variables in this battle are much greater. If you win, everything is easy to say. If you lose, I am nothing. You have no future with me. You have to think clearly for yourself whether to fight or withdraw now. You can give me an accurate answer."

Tang Tiantian and Blood Leech King did not expect it to be like this. Not only were there no air support, but there were also hundreds of enemy reinforcements. Things became complicated. There was no hope of winning at all. The two exchanged glances, pondered, and passed After a while, the Blood Leech King said in a deep voice: "You can tell us the truth, which is enough to show your sincerity. The brothers' revenge is waiting for me to avenge it. This battle must be fought no matter what. As long as the plan is right, I am willing to go all out."

The off-topic meaning of these words is that the plan is not good, and the Blood Leech King will only run away when he thinks of it. Luo Zheng can understand the Blood Leech King's mood, and does not object. Instead, he looks at Tang Tiantian. It is very difficult to have the same intention in a war. Variations are prone to occur, so Luo Zheng asked Jackson to tell the truth because he wanted to see everyone's true choices so that he could make a decision.

Tang Tiantian was not stupid. Seeing Luo Zheng's determined expression, she knew that Luo Zheng was confident. After weighing it for a moment, he said, "I will go all out for revenge. Tell me, what do you need me to do?"

"Okay, since everyone is willing to fight this battle, we must go all out. If anyone makes trouble halfway, don't blame me for being rude." Luo Zheng said coldly, his stern eyes sweeping towards the three of them, full of warning. , Senhan's murderous aura burst out, and the surrounding air seemed to freeze.

The three of them did not expect Luo Zheng's murderous intent to be so powerful. They were startled and looked at Luo Zheng. For the first time, they realized that they had underestimated the mortal enemy in front of them. They nodded involuntarily and agreed. Luo Zheng smiled with satisfaction and looked cold. The murderous aura suddenly disappeared, as if nothing happened just now, Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "The enemy's plan is very thorough, but it is not impossible to break it."

"Just tell us how to fight, and we will listen to you." Jackson said seriously.

"I will arrange an army to block the 500 enemy reinforcements in the east. I will also arrange people to eat them up in the north. As for the troops rushing out of the city, Jackson, your people will be responsible for blocking their offensive. I will arrange people to Act according to the opportunity and try to eat this enemy too, do you believe me?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Believe it, it's already this time, what can you do if you don't believe it? Even if you stay with me for the rest of your life, I believe you once tonight and I'll take the gamble." Jackson said murderously, knowing the situation at hand in his heart, so he could only take a gamble. If it succeeds, it’s easy to say anything. If it fails, everything will be in vain. Without the support of air power, even if they go back, they will face a crazy counterattack by the Dark Church. With a bleak ending, it is better to fight and die heroically.

Having figured it out, Jackson's whole body burst out with a strong fighting spirit, as if he had returned to his military career when he fought bloody battles in all directions. He tightened his grip on the steel gun in his hand, and his eyes became much sharper. Tang Tiantian was also a sensible person, and he knew In the current situation, if you want to take revenge, you can only absolutely obey the command of the mortal enemy in front of you. If you evacuate quietly, the team will lose their support and have no choice. They couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Give me the order. What should I do?"

"Yes, there is me." The Blood Leech King is also very aware of the situation at hand. The mercenaries gather together for two reasons, one is interests, and the other is unity. If there is no revenge, the hearts of the brothers will be scattered and they will no longer be united. , the mercenary group no longer exists, and it is necessary to take revenge and improve the morale of the army.

Luo Zheng could see that everyone had made up their mind, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although the three men did not have many troops, they were well-trained and had strong fighting capabilities. They were specially prepared for this situation. One more person would bring more strength. With the support of three people, this battle will be much easier to fight. He couldn't help but look solemn and shouted: "Everyone listen to my orders."

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