The strongest soldier

Chapter 2081 Luo Zheng is worried

The simultaneous discovery of the enemy situation in the east and north made Luo Zheng realize that the enemy was preparing for a tough battle. After some discussion with Lan Xue, he judged that the enemy's tactical deployment was not complicated. He first organized a death squad to rush out. Once the fire was engaged, five people from the east would be attacked. A hundred people will rush up and bite them like hungry wolves. Five hundred people are enough to contend with everyone for a while, and even bring the battle to a stalemate. At this time, a troop comes out from the north, and a diagonal stab is very deadly. If If that doesn't work, the Forgotten Tribe will organize their men to rush out. Surrounded from all sides, everyone will be in trouble.

I have to say that this plan is very practical and difficult to crack, especially the death squad that rushed out of the city. If it fails, it can be abandoned as a terrorist, and all responsibilities of the forgotten tribe will be discarded. If it wins, it will be easier. You can say whatever you want. However, Luo Zheng didn't care at all. It might have been difficult before, but now with air support, there was nothing to worry about.

Lan Xue was still very worried and asked: "What if the air support is suddenly cancelled, and if there are too many suicide squads rushing out, and Jackson cannot stop them, what should we do?"

There are variables in everything, especially on the battlefield. Luo Zheng understood this truth and knew that Lan Xue's worries were entirely possible. He couldn't help but think deeply. His eyes looking towards Tucheng were shining with wisdom. After a while, Luo Zheng He said in a deep voice: "We must improve our battle plan."

"How do you want to improve it?" Lan Xue asked curiously.

"Move all the snipers lurking in the south to the east. There are a hundred brothers from Ghost Hands and Balu's 600 coalition forces in the south. It is enough. Since the enemy does not want to delay any longer and wants to determine the outcome in a battle, then we Just give them a good fight." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, frowned and thought for a moment, then shouted through the headset: "Jackson, please call Tang Tiantian and Blood Leech King over, I have a new mission, you can come over , leave the ambush to the deputy.”

"Okay." Jackson agreed.

"Brother Guishou." Luo Zheng continued to shout through the headset, and after waiting for Guishou's reply, he said: "The enemy wants to fight tonight, and there are more troops deployed in the front. The enemy will not choose, but they have to guard against it. Balu's coalition forces will It's enough. With the trenches, even if a thousand enemy troops rush out, they can still stop us for a while. Your people can use the cover of night to sneak back to a sandy valley to the east to hide and wait, not too far away."

"Yes." Guishou agreed in surprise. He didn't know what Luo Zheng was planning, but he didn't ask any more questions.

"Brothers Mountain Eagle." Luo Zheng continued to deploy: "Except for those of your men who were transferred to the east, the others used the cover of night to quietly move to the north to hide and wait for orders. The formation spread out to prevent the humiliating reinforcements from the north from sneaking in."

"Yes." The mountain eagle agreed in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng looked at the sky. It was getting darker and darker. There seemed to be more smoke from war in the air. The surroundings were quiet. This depressing atmosphere of the approaching war made Luo Zheng excited and his mind became more flexible. Seeing Jackson He hurried over and greeted him. Jackson looked at Luo Zheng with a surprised look on his face and asked, "You called me here at this time. Did something happen?"

"Yes, we have overlooked a problem." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "The enemy's death squads who rushed out should not be a small force. The specific number is unknown, but it will definitely not be small. There are five hundred people in ambush in the east, and there are also one in the north. Hundreds of people, once the fight starts and is surrounded on three sides, we will be very passive. If the Forgotten Tribe desperately rushes out of nearly a thousand people at the critical moment, we people will not be able to stop it."

"Are there reinforcements coming from the east and north?" Jackson looked solemn and shouted in a deep voice: "What's the matter? Just let the air power attack them."

"Can you ensure that the air force can arrive?" Luo Zheng said coldly, staring at the opponent sharply, not letting go of any details. This is crucial. Luo Zheng must determine whether the opponent can do it.

Jackson also realized the importance of this matter and asked: "How long does it take to start taking action?"

"I don't know. The rhythm of the battle is in the hands of the enemy. When will the enemy attack and when will the battle begin? The key is whether your air power can be in place?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I can't guarantee it 100%, but the president promised it." Jackson said seriously.

"That's easy, have your fighter jets dispatch immediately, shoot down the 500 people to the east, and I'll give you the coordinates." Luo Zheng suggested in a deep voice. If these 500 people are dealt with in advance, the subsequent battle will be easier to fight. , the key is to solve the problem before the enemy is dispatched. Assuming that the fighter jets cannot come, there is still time to adjust the deployment.

"Okay." Jackson knew the powerful relationship here and immediately got the coordinates from Luo Zheng. Then he took out the satellite phone and dialed the president's phone number. After he was connected, he said solemnly: "Your Excellency, my name is Jack. Sen, now I request fighter jets to dispatch immediately."

"Okay, I will issue the combat order immediately." The president promised.

After Jackson reported the coordinates to the president, he cut off the phone, looked at Luo Zheng and said, "Your Excellency, the president promised to make arrangements immediately. I believe there will be good news soon."

Luo Zheng had a vague feeling that things were not that simple. The Sam Country was a democratic country, and the president's orders were not easy to implement. The people who controlled the country were the Congress and the Parliament, as well as the senior management. If these people were to act in a submissive manner, things would be troublesome. Seeing the determined expression on Jackson's face, Luo Zheng did not undermine the opponent's self-confidence and said in a deep voice: "It is expected that news will come in half an hour. The enemy will not attack in half an hour. Let's wait and see."

"You don't believe us?" Jackson said angrily.

"It's not that I don't believe you and your president, it's that I don't believe your military. It's not like disobedience has never happened in your country. You know this better than me. The president in your country is just a consul-general. In a few days, When the year changes, the decision-making power is not large. The core decision-making power is still in your country’s two conferences, which has forced the president to be impeached. Am I right?” Luo Zheng said coldly.

These words were very harsh, but Jackson knew that Luo Zheng was telling the truth and could not refute it. He said angrily: "Okay, then wait for half an hour. Are you sure the enemy will not attack suddenly within half an hour?"

"No, because the enemy's reinforcements haven't moved yet. If you want to achieve the perfect effect of the raid, you must cooperate inside and outside. How can we move if the reinforcements are not available? My people are monitoring their reinforcements. Once the reinforcements move, it means that the raid is about to begin. We still have time to adjust our deployment, don't panic." Jackson explained in a deep voice, his eyes looking towards the direction of the Forgotten Tribe, flashing with a sharp cold light and a murderous aura.

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