The strongest soldier

Chapter 2030 Balu arrives

The game ended in a friendly way. Everyone was a little regretful about the draw, but they could accept it. After all, it was not a major game, there was no prize money, and there was no personal interest involved. They just treated it as a lively event and everyone dispersed. What should they do to continue? What were they busy with? No one cared about the truth behind it. The strong man excitedly held the mountain eagle in his arms and came to the chief, chattering.

The chief invited everyone to come to the big tent again. On the way, Luo Zheng quickly told Luo Zheng the situation of the game in a low voice. Luo Zheng did not expect such a dramatic ending. He looked at the strong man with some doubts. He felt that this guy was very smart. But he is not one to break his promise, so just wait and see what happens.

Everyone walked into the tent and sat down. The strong man brought a round stool to the mountain eagle. The mountain eagle looked at Luo Zheng with some embarrassment. After all, Lan Xue was still standing. Luo Zheng nodded secretly, and the mountain eagle looked at Lan Xue apologetically. After taking a look and sitting down, the chief glanced at his son with some doubts and said in a deep voice: "Dear guest, the game is a draw. I can't agree to any of your requests. Please forgive me."

Luo Zheng saw that the strong man not only did not tell the chief the truth, but also concealed the agreement of the competition, and also moved a round stool for the mountain eagle sincerely. This shows that the strong man is indeed willing to be a guide, otherwise there is no need to do anything more, unless the scheming is so deep that it cannot be added In this situation, just trust him once, and then kill him again.

His thoughts suddenly changed, Luo Zheng made a decision, pretending to be angry and said coldly: "In that case, then just abide by the rules of your grassland, farewell!" After saying that, he stood up and walked outside, Lan Xue and Shan Diao Leng He gave the chief a cold look and quickly chased after him.

After coming out of the tent, Luo Zheng and the others headed north, while communicating with the troops through their headsets as they circled up from the surroundings. They were covered by tall withered grass, and they were acting alone. There was no need to worry about being exposed. Who would care about people a thousand meters away? Is there someone taking a detour in the dense grass?

The three of them walked and chatted, and unknowingly walked a thousand meters away, leaving the tribal residential area. After climbing a hill, the residential area was completely blocked behind them. The three of them continued walking forward. After about two kilometers, The other brothers came up in a roundabout way to meet up, and everyone stopped in a dense grass to wait for the brothers who had not arrived.

Half an hour later, everyone arrived, not a few. Luo Zheng did not take action immediately, but asked everyone to spread out and keep waiting. The mountain eagle saw that the strong man was not coming, and was worried about being tricked, so he was a little embarrassed. Looking at Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng smiled knowingly and said: "Don't worry, we'll talk about it at noon, there's still time."

The mountain eagle nodded gratefully and said nothing more. Time passed by and it was almost noon. Just when everyone thought they were being fooled, a strong man hurried over with about ten people, looking worried. Looking like this, Luo Zheng looked through the binoculars at the strong man chasing after him. He couldn't help but smile. He handed the binoculars to the mountain eagle and said, "He's here. He's a man of his word. Go and meet him."

"It's good that you're here." The mountain eagle took the telescope in surprise and said. Seeing that he was indeed a strong man, he felt relieved. After all, everything happened because of him. If people don't come, even if Luo Zheng doesn't say anything, Shan Diao will Diao couldn't bear it, it felt bad to be washed away by others. Now that people are here, everything is easier to talk about.

"I'll go greet you." Shandiao handed the binoculars to Luo Zheng and said, waiting for Luo Zheng to nod and then hurried away.

Next to her, Lan Xue whispered in surprise, "Could it be a scam?"

"Definitely, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. Just keep an eye out." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, a flash of confidence flashing across his face. If he can't even deal with the future chief of this small tribe, he might as well take off his military uniform and go home to plant crops. After the ground was healed, he saw Lan Xue looking at him curiously, thought for a while, and explained: "There are two possibilities. One is to harm us, but the risk is too great. Once he is found out, his life will not be saved. Even if it harms us, there is no need to send the future chief here. The cost is too high and is not advisable. The other way is to make friends with us and form a good relationship with us, which will be beneficial to the future development of their tribe. I prefer the latter."

"That makes sense, I'll keep an eye on him." Lan Xue said in agreement.

"Don't be deliberate. This guy is a shrewd man. I believe you can see it. A shrewd man knows how to make trade-offs and trade-offs. He is the future chief. He must consider the future development of the tribe. Offending us will be a disaster. A small tribe cannot bear it. The latter is very likely to contain the anger of our country, making him aware of the guard. It is not good to distrust him, but he must be on guard and pay attention to the scale." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

The two chatted for a while, and then they saw the mountain eagle, the strong man, and others coming over, chatting and laughing. They were so harmonious that they couldn't help but feel happy. Soon, the strong man came over, looked at Luo Zheng with enthusiasm and said, "You are his leader, I believe Stronger, I, Balu, respect the capable heroes the most."

"What will the chief say when you come out?" Luo Zheng smiled calmly.

"He didn't know. I said that the game was a draw and I felt aggrieved. I went out hunting to relax. This is also my favorite thing to do. He naturally agreed and chased me with a dozen of his confidants. Fortunately, I caught him. , otherwise I will become a dishonest person, don't worry, they are all my good brothers, reliable, and capable. They have lived in this grassland since they were young, and they will not be held back." The man named Balu explained excitedly .

"Well then, if you need my help if you need anything, just ask." Luo Zheng said politely.

"You are a smart man. It saves trouble to deal with smart people. To put it bluntly, my father is conservative and seeks stability. This is not wrong in itself, but I hope that the tribe can live a better life. This requires foreign aid, allies, and even more help from friends. , he is good, his character can be seen in the competition, I hope to get to know you, not to become friends, I just hope to be able to form a good relationship, and we can help each other on an equal footing in the future." Balu said frankly.

"It's interesting. You are a smart person." Luo Zheng smiled. It was rare to be able to speak so honestly. He patted the other person on the shoulder and said: "The grassland is a good place. You have a lot of things we need. We have you." Everyone exchanges what they need on an equal basis and helps each other.”

"I feel relieved with your words." Balu said politely.

The two looked at each other and smiled. Although it was impossible to trust each other without reservation based on just a few words, the basic foundation of trust was already there. The two of them had a tacit understanding and did not continue this topic. This kind of thing does not need to be said. Keeping it in mind and looking in his eyes, the key is to look at actions. Luo Zheng's face became solemn, he looked at Balu seriously and asked: "Let's get down to business, do you know who the people we are looking for are? Do you know where they went? "

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