The strongest soldier

Chapter 2029 Archery Competition

The game started after the thundering drum beat. The field was crowded with people. Everyone looked forward to it. The voices stopped and they waited quietly. They were very disciplined. Obviously, they often watch this kind of game and know that. How to abide by the order and not affect the game? Luo Zheng watched this scene calmly without saying a word. When he saw that the strong man was already on the field, he waved his arms, attracting warm cheers from around him. He couldn't help but snorted and gave the mountain eagle a look.

The mountain eagle nodded knowingly and walked up. There was no cheering, only silence. The mountain eagle didn't mind. It had a calm face, adjusted its mentality, relaxed its muscles and waited. The strong man walked up, keeping five meters away from the mountain eagle, and said in a deep voice. Said: "Which one do you choose between a penny competition and a martial arts competition?"

"What about Wen Bi? What about Wu Bi?" Shan Diao said lightly.

"Wenbi means shooting at a fixed target. Each person has ten arrows. Whoever gets the higher score wins. Wubi means shooting at a moving target. Each person has ten arrows. Whoever hits the most targets wins." The strong man said in a deep voice.

"It's too complicated. It's hard to judge the winner and loser. It's hard to determine the standard. Let's shoot against each other. Each person has ten arrows, ten meters apart. We compete in sports. You can run or dodge however you want. Whoever hits the most arrows Do you think who will lose?" Mountain Eagle suggested lightly. It's hard to calculate both fixed targets and moving targets. What if everyone is the same? Who wins or loses?

"Your competition method is very novel and fair. I like it. There is life and death in the competition. Remove the arrows. If there is an accidental death, you will be responsible for it. Is that feasible?" the strong man agreed.

Seeing that the other party was cautious, Shandiao knew how to put aside risks and responsibilities first. He couldn't help but look a little higher, nodded and said, "Okay, let's just say that."

After the strong man got the permission from the mountain eagle, he immediately ran to talk to the chief Jili Gulu. After getting the chief's consent, he loudly said the rules of the game in the local dialect. When everyone heard that the rules of the game had been changed, the new rules were more challenging. , not only had to shoot accurately, but also to hide quickly, which became more challenging. The audience cheered and the scene was enthusiastic.

The competition started soon. The two contestants left the square and came to the grassland. They stood opposite each other with a distance of ten meters between them. The audience watched from a distance on one side, waiting for the start. The mountain eagle checked the bow and arrow. It was an ordinary hard bow made of carved wood. The kind commonly used by grassland people seems to be old at first glance. The mountain eagle tested the elasticity and found it to be okay. Looking at the arrow branch, the arrowhead has been removed, which will affect the flight of the arrow to a certain extent. This depends on the individual's control.

The game started immediately at the chief's order. When the mountain eagle saw that the opponent did not shoot an arrow immediately, but ran forward, it also rushed forward. While running, the mountain eagle stretched its bow and nocked an arrow, and suddenly felt a strong wind coming. Without even looking, he took a wrong step and avoided the incoming arrow with one side of his body.

As a sniper, identifying position by listening to the wind is a basic skill. Mountain eagles can even dodge bullets, so how can they care about arrows? The flying speed of the arrows was far less than that of bullets. The mountain eagle knew the general route of the arrows without even looking. From the corner of its eye, it saw the strong man rushing towards him fiercely and fired another arrow.

The mountain eagle snorted in disdain. The opponent's shooting speed was very fast and very accurate, and he was not lacking in courage. He would definitely win against ordinary people, but as an elite soldier and sniper, the mountain eagle had to go through mountains of corpses and seas of blood. How could people care about such a scene? Instead of retreating, they advanced and launched a countercharge towards the opponent. While running, the mountain eagle reached out with its big hand and firmly grasped the flying arrow branches. It rolled to avoid the continuous shots. Arrow branches.

The strong man did not expect that the mountain eagle not only avoided his best arrows, but also caught one of his own arrows. He was shocked. You must know that arrows fly very fast, which requires very good eyesight and hand strength. , and had just the right speed. Knowing that he had met a real master, his competitive spirit surged up. With a roar, he opened his bow and nocked an arrow, and two arrows flew towards him, flashing an afterimage in the void.

As soon as the mountain eagle got up, he saw two black lights coming towards him from the corner of his eye. His body twisted strangely. An arrow passed by his heart without any damage. His big hand reached out like lightning and firmly grasped the other one. The arrow that flew over was only half a foot away from the door in front of him, and he was secretly shocked. This guy actually had some skills. He not only knew how to chain arrows, but also knew how to kill two arrows simultaneously.

The strong man was shocked when he saw that the mountain eagle was dodging him like this. He turned around and ran away. The mountain eagle snorted disdainfully and chased after him, bow and arrow drawn. During the chase, the mountain eagle did not take action immediately, but observed calmly. The running speed and pattern of strong men, familiar with the rhythm, and find out the amount of advance.

Lead time is the most fundamental thing for shooting moving targets. If you make a wrong judgment, you will definitely miss the target. As a sniper, Shandiao knows this very well. After chasing for more than ten meters, Shandiao quickly grasped the opponent's psychology and The rules, after all, people who have received special training do not know how to avoid bullets.

"Whoosh——" The mountain eagle calmly shot the first arrow. The arrow flashed a black light in the void, and he pounced on it fiercely. The strong man ran sideways and turned around. His outgoing leg happened to block the flight path of the arrow. It was as if he was being sent up and was shot straight. With.

Although the arrow branch had lost its head, the strength was still there. The strong man stumbled to the ground and rolled over, looking like he was avoiding the arrow branch. The mountain eagle was about to pursue him when Luo Zheng's words "Stop it in time and save some face" sounded in the headset. At the sound of reminder, he immediately stood still and drew his bow and arrow to aim at the strong man.

The strong man was injured and was not moving quickly enough. It was the best time to take action. The mountain eagle's behavior surprised the strong man. He stopped rolling and looked at the mountain warily. Seeing that the mountain eagle still did not take action, he was startled and slowly got up. , shouted: "Why don't you take action?"

"You are no match for me, let's just call it a draw." Shan Diao said calmly.

The strong man knew that his skills were inferior to others and that the other party was a master. He just said this to save some face for himself. He couldn't help but smile gratefully, glanced at the tribesmen watching from a distance, and said, "Why do you do this?"

"We just want an answer, there is no need to enmity." Shandiao said calmly.

The strong man was startled, and looked deeply at the mountain eagle. Suddenly he threw away his bow and arrow, and came forward enthusiastically with open arms. He laughed and said, "You are very good. You are a real warrior. Prairie people respect warriors."

When the mountain eagle saw that the other party was no longer competing, he also dropped his bow and arrow on the ground and hugged the other party with the etiquette of the prairie people. At this time, the strong man patted the mountain eagle on the shoulder and whispered: "My father originally planned to lose, but I only told you about it." Fang Fang, you are a true warrior, a friend worthy of respect and trust. If there is no guide on the grassland, you will not find anyone. You go north first, and I will sneak out later, catch up with you, and be your guide."

"Huh?" Shan Diao didn't expect that his mercy would win this guy's friendship. He couldn't react for a moment and said in surprise: "Really?"

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