The strongest soldier

Chapter 2021 Capture the Valley

The war officially kicked off. A strong murderous aura rushed out of the valley, broke through the night sky, and spread far away. Intensive gunshots shot out from below the valley like rain. Luo Zheng watched this scene calmly, smiled disdainfully, and fought hard. It’s not just people, but weapons, and tactics. The people below the valley relied on complex terrain to defend themselves, like a hard turtle shell, making it difficult to attack. However, Luo Zheng used tear gas and smoke bombs to attack. His tactics were just right to restrain his opponents and gain an advantage. The people in the valley below were in panic, otherwise it would be impossible to expose their position and shoot randomly.

"Everyone, don't panic, don't worry about them, calm down, aim and hit." Luo Zheng calmly commanded through the headset. When the enemy goes crazy, he can't follow him crazy, otherwise he will waste the advantage he finally got. He glanced at what was going on The brother who controlled the grenade immediately said: "Ten o'clock direction, five hundred meters away."

"Understood." Everyone responded in a deep voice, quickly adjusted the angle, and then fired at the enemy again, regardless of the enemy who was counterattacking frantically.

Normally, the enemy has exposed his position, and artillery fire should follow up. But Luo Zheng did not do that. Instead, he continued to attack uninhabited areas with artillery fire, clearing them one by one, just in case. As for the exposed people, there were Twenty snipers were scattered around, enough to deal with them.

Luo Zheng's calm command made everyone calm down and accept the challenge calmly. The mountain eagle ran up to invite the battle and said: "Brother, the other brothers have almost recovered."

"Okay, quickly take over the other grenade launchers. We have thirty grenades. We can't waste any more. Blast them for me, one area after another. Scan all the places for me. Don't miss any place to prevent the enemy." Hide in it and pop out for a cold shot when charging. In addition, there may be cobras below the valley. I have seen one, the size of a fist, so you have to be on guard. The shelling can just drive them away." Luo Zheng reminded in a deep voice.

"Understood." The mountain eagle looked serious. Unexpectedly, there was a cobra the size of a fist underneath. This was no joke. He shouted in a deep voice: "You all heard it. Brothers who go down to the valley, be careful."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice, fully understanding Luo Zheng's concerns and tactical intentions. More people rushed forward to take over the grenades, and under the command of the mountain eagle, they continued to attack the direction of the valley.

Luo Zheng handed the grenade to the mountain eagle's command. He pushed forward a certain distance with the gun, hid behind a raised boulder, quickly set up the sniper rifle, and looked through the sniper scope. His face was as resolute as iron, and his whole body exploded. With a strong fighting spirit, he quickly locked onto an enemy and calmly pulled the trigger.

Lan Xue also rushed forward, hiding not far away and shooting at the enemies below. Everyone was condescending and took advantage of the geographical advantage. He poured his anger into bullets and pounced on every visible target. The people below would soon be unable to stop them. , more than twenty snipers attack at the same time, how sharp is the attack power? They all turned around and ran away, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye. Luo Zheng had just finished shooting a magazine, and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but be startled and began to think deeply.

"What's going on?" Lan Xue asked curiously.

"I found that I couldn't hold on, so I retreated." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Would you like to speed up the advance? I will take my brothers down." The mountain eagle asked with murderous intent.

"Don't worry, the enemy didn't expect us to attack with tear gas and smoke grenades, let alone that we had stored thousands of artillery shells. The enemy's purpose of retreating is to avoid the sharp edge, and we will come out after we have used up the artillery shells, then let them have a good taste Have a taste of our power, and keep bombarding me. Anyone who offends China will be killed!" Luo Zheng shouted coldly. At this moment, Luo Zheng was 80% sure that the people below were the ones who kidnapped the twelve experts. At least he is an accomplice. When facing the enemy, he must be as ruthless as the wind sweeping away the fallen leaves. There is no need for mercy.

"Yes." The mountain eagle shouted in a deep voice, and continued to direct the brothers to bombard the valley, constantly compressing the enemy's living space.

Half an hour later, the piles of rocks in the middle of the valley were shrouded in thick smoke, making it impossible to hide people. Shandiao immediately commanded the troops to continue the bombardment, blasting all the remaining shells towards the bottom of the valley. Luo Zheng watched coldly. In one scene, he resisted the urge to attack and waited patiently.

The bombardment continued, and the sound of all the sounds stopped in the ears, and it was extremely beautiful. Everyone was waiting for the last opportunity, silently preparing for battle. When the last shell was fired, Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, listen to me. Order, the enemy below has kidnapped our experts and intends to do evil to our country. As a soldier, defending our country is our responsibility, our bounden duty, and our mission. Now I order you to pick up your weapons, rush down with me, and use bullets to speed them up. The price for invading our country is to kill—"

"Kill--" Everyone put on their gas masks, tightened their grip on the steel guns, and followed Luo Zheng as they rushed down the valley. As they ran, everyone saw many people lying in the pile of rocks. There were no traces of bullets on their bodies. , guessing that he was fascinated by the smoke, he immediately took out his pistol and shot the opponent again.

Soon, everyone rushed to the pile of rocks in the middle of the valley. Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice: "Spread out, seize the high ground, pay attention to defense, and cheer up for me." After saying that, he jumped on a huge stone and jumped forward quickly. Go forward and take cover behind a rock.

"Yes." Everyone dispersed, seized the commanding heights, and watched the valley below with vigilance.

Smoke curled up from the bottom of the valley and slowly rose up. There was no sign of the enemy. Luo Zheng did not dare to lead his men to rush down immediately. He stared at the bottom of the valley with vigilance. Although it was narrower down there, the terrain was complicated and stone caves could be vaguely seen. Luo Zheng raised his head and looked at his watch, then looked at the east. It was going to be dawn soon. He shouted with a cold face: "Brothers, follow my orders, defend on the spot, keep an eye on the surroundings, be careful of enemy sneak attacks, wait until dawn. "

"Yes." Everyone whispered knowingly, lurking well, observing the surroundings vigilantly, and did not push any further down. It was dark below the valley, and the moonlight could not penetrate. The water was gurgling, the sound of waterfalls, and there was a strange atmosphere. Who knew What danger lurks?

"Bang--" A gunshot broke the silence around him. Luo Zheng heard the sound was very familiar, like a Type 92 pistol. He couldn't help but look stern, and asked in a deep voice: "Who shot."

"Boom -" Suddenly a huge explosion sounded, dispersing the darkness in the valley below. The huge red light was particularly dazzling. Luo Zheng was shocked and looked forward. There was a blown corpse lying on the stone slab of a stream. He couldn't help but Shocked, he asked: "What's going on?"

"Report, a wounded person was found. He was shot and killed by me and then fell down. I didn't expect there was a bomb below. Could it be that the enemy had set a trap below?" A voice answered in surprise.

"Trap?" Luo Zheng was shocked and stared down. Unfortunately, it was pitch dark below, and he couldn't see clearly even with the gas mask with night vision function. He couldn't help but feel scared for a while, and he was secretly grateful. Fortunately, he was cautious and did not pursue the victory. Otherwise, you will just step into a trap, with such a cunning enemy and such ruthless methods.

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