The strongest soldier

Chapter 2020 The war begins

The shot just now exposed that the people in the valley were enemies rather than friends. Luo Zheng no longer hesitated and decisively issued a free fire order. This meant that no matter who found the target, they could shoot directly without asking for instructions. It also meant that Luo Zheng was afraid of these enemies. Free shooting was conducive to unleashing everyone's combat effectiveness. He would take action as soon as he found a fighter plane. When he asked for instructions, the fighter plane would disappear when he took action again, even causing the troops to fall into passivity.

As a qualified commander, Luo Zheng will not let himself make such low-level mistakes. If the opponent's identity is uncertain, Luo Zheng will not issue an attack order. Since the opponent is unwilling to disclose his identity and fires back, it means that he is not the enemy. Friends, you're welcome.

The valley was quiet, with only the sound of the wind blowing. The moonlight was like water, falling quietly, adding a bit of tranquility to the valley. Luo Zheng and others lurked, patiently looking for their target. After a while, no one came up. , this situation made Luo Zheng startled and suspicious, where was the enemy singing?

"Could it be that the enemy thought we were coming back at first, so they retreated back to defend and set up a net to catch us off guard. After waiting for a long time, they sent people up to check. Now they find that we are coming and have blocked the valley, so they Continue to shrink and return to defense?" Lan Xue analyzed in surprise.

"It's not impossible." Luo Zheng, who had always been convinced of Lan Xue's battlefield instincts, said in a deep voice: "It's too big down there and the rocks are rugged, making it easy to hide. If we attack rashly, we will definitely suffer. As long as they don't come out, we will Let's not attack now and wait until the artillery shells arrive. There are natural defensive positions below, which are conducive to blocking. Even if we infiltrate, we may be attacked by cobras, but they will never expect that we have prepared a large number of smoke bombs and tear gas. ."

"It makes sense. Even if they hide in the cave, they can't avoid the attacks of tear gas and smoke bombs. However, the area down there is so big, how do you plan to fight?" Lan Xue asked curiously.

"Occupy one area after another, attack one after another, and press forward step by step. I want to see how they defend." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, staring at the valley with dazzling eyes, looking for a breakthrough point.

Lan Xue heard that it made sense, so she didn't ask any more questions, and continued to monitor. After waiting for a while, no one came out of the valley. Luo Zheng was so happy that he asked everyone to stay alert and wait patiently. After more than an hour, the mountain eagle led the people. After carrying the ammunition back, there was too much ammunition and it was still not finished. Luo Zheng asked the mountain eagle to continue carrying it.

In order to ensure that he would not be cheated by Jackson, Luo Zheng arranged the airdrop point ten kilometers away from the valley. The biggest disadvantage of this was the trouble of transporting ammunition. After Shandiao and others placed the ammunition, they turned back again without any complaints, although they were all tired. It was not light, but he still tried his best to rush forward and quickly disappeared into the night.

Luo Zheng and his men continued to lurk on the outside of the valley to monitor the situation. The enemy did not come out, and everyone did not attack in. Just like this, after waiting for more than an hour, Shandiao and others turned back again. The ammunition was almost finished, and one Everyone was very tired and breathing heavily. Luo Zheng asked everyone to rest on the spot.

Ten minutes later, everyone recovered, but the physical exertion was too great and they could not immediately join the battle. Luo Zheng was not in a hurry, but asked the other ten people who had been on standby to control the grenade, aimed in one direction and shouted: "You guys Give me two rounds of rapid fire, aim at the pile of rocks, and hit wherever there are suspicious Tibetans."

"Yes." Everyone immediately adjusted the shooting angle and aimed at the place where they thought someone might be hiding.

"Fire the tear gas, sniper, find the target and shoot." Luo Zheng shouted coldly, the time was ripe, there was no need to wait any longer, Luo Zheng decided to take action.

"All!" Ten grenades roared, and ten rounds of tear gas roared out of their barrels, drawing ten terrifying parabolas in the void, landing in ten different positions, and rolling continuously after landing, with green smoke coming out. .

Luo Zheng watched this scene coldly. There were ten snipers observing condescendingly. They all had excellent military skills and did not need to do it themselves. He glanced at his brother who was controlling the grenade and shouted with high spirits: "Change Use smoke bombs to blow me up hard, and then blow up that area again."

"Yes." Everyone immediately replaced the smoke grenades. The smoke grenades and tear gas grenades modified into the shape of cannonballs were much more powerful than conventional ones and had a larger attack range.

Soon a round of smoke bombs attacked, and smoke came out after landing. The smoke spread quickly. There was no way to hide anyone. As long as they hid nearby, they could not hide. Smoke bombs can blind people, and tear gas can make people cry. Not only that, this military type is different from the police type, but also contains some other things that can cause coma if inhaled too much.

Luo Zheng asked everyone to attack for three more rounds. He asked the ten people who controlled the grenade to pick up their weapons and quickly move up to seize the attacked area. He asked Shandiao to arrange for another ten brothers who had recovered relatively well to take over the grenade. After waiting for a while, the ten brothers who had seized the shelled area were in place, quickly spread out, and after seizing the commanding heights, they sent a notification to Luo Zheng that they were in position.

The area to be bombarded was selected by Luo Zheng. Not only was the terrain complex, which was conducive to concealment, but it was also condescending and had a wide field of vision. Once the occupation was successful, it would have an absolute deterrent effect on the valley below. After hearing the reports of brothers being in position, Luo Zheng Overjoyed, he immediately sent people to bombard the nearby area.

After three rounds of shelling, the entire area was shrouded in smoke. Luo Zheng was about to ask about the situation when he heard the sound of gunfire. He was startled and followed the sound. He saw a figure flashing in the area shrouded in smoke. He was shocked and asked: " What's going on? If you know anything, report it immediately."

"Report, three targets have been found, one has been hit, and the other two are hiding." A brother said in a deep voice, with a strong murderous intent in his words.

"Boohoo—" Two more sniper shots rang out, and a brother's voice rang in the headset: "Report, found a target, the other party was running around, probably blind, has been killed, the other target Huddled behind a rock, no shooting angle.”

"Don't worry about them. The sniper keeps an eye on the non-attack area. Be careful if someone comes up to sneak up and attack. The artillery fire continues." Luo Zheng shouted coldly. As long as the people inside were attacked by tear gas and smoke bombs, although the people inside would not die, they would still be alive. There is no need to dedicate manpower to guard people who will suffer from insomnia and will fall into coma soon.

Everyone was understanding, and they agreed in a low voice with understanding. They kept searching the non-artillery attack area with their sharp eyes, and soon found that someone was actually approaching. They quickly opened fire and reported the target location, so that other brothers' fire support could slip through the net. Fish, the people in the valley fought back very fiercely, with bullets raining down like crazy, and sparks flying off the rocks, which was extremely terrifying under the moonlight.

The fifth update of Laolang keeps coming, and my friends are unable to follow up on their monthly tickets.

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