The strongest soldier

Chapter 1979 Plot to pursue the soldiers

"Huh--" The car roared up the hillside. Due to the speed and the slope problem, the car flew into the air under the action of strong inertia, more than one meter high. The little werewolf was in the air and saw a slope in front of him. He was even more delighted. He quickly shifted into neutral, stepped on the clutch and brake, leaned back, and held the steering wheel firmly with both hands.

"Boom -" The car landed heavily on the slope and rushed forward under the action of inertia, but the brakes had been stepped on. The car rushed forward for a short distance and then stopped. Xiaolang did not give up and quickly reversed. Put the car in gear, drive a certain distance back, stop at the spot where the car just dropped, pull the handbrake, and get out of the car quickly.

The roar of cars came from behind the hillside, and the pursuers were about to come. Xiaolang glanced around calmly, and was pleasantly surprised to find a slope not far away. There was a huge stone on the slope. It was enough to hide, so he ran over quickly. After hiding, I saw a small car rushing over from the other side of the hillside, flying into the air, and it was extremely fierce.

Seeing this scene, Xiaolang sneered and quickly changed the magazine of the Type 92 pistol. He watched with sharp eyes as the car flying into the air landed heavily on the parked car, making a thud and hitting the side of the enemy's car. Opening it, it happened to be in the blind spot of the little wolf's sight.

"Boom -" Another small car rushed over, taking advantage of the angle of the hillside and inertia to fly into the air. Xiaolang quickly moved forward and saw the panic expression of the enemy in the air. Without a cold snort, he raised his hand and fired a bullet. It accurately penetrated into the target's head, causing a splash of blood.

The car hit the ground hard and rolled over on its side. The car rolled over in the direction of Xiaolang, with its four tires pointing upwards. There were two people squeezed inside the car, and they were suddenly out of the car. But Xiaolang saw the horrified expressions of the two people and saw a small car rising into the air and rushing towards them.

The little wolf smiled, and quickly aimed at the two targets on the ground and shot. The distance was only five or six meters. This distance did not put any pressure on the little wolf. After shooting the two targets accurately, the little wolf found that the two targets were rushing towards him. The car happened to be resting on his own car. The car was slightly sideways and was blocked by a car next to it. It did not overturn. The three targets inside were clearly visible, with panic expressions on their faces.

"Bang bang bang -" Xiaolang calmly fired quickly, shooting the people in the car repeatedly. These people were a little confused by the unexpected situation and couldn't react for a while. By the time they realized what happened, it was already too late. Xiaolang shot The bullets that came out hit the target accurately and wiped out the enemy's life.

In an instant, Xiaolang emptied the bullets in the magazine in one breath. He quickly squatted down and hid under the stone. He took out a new magazine and installed it. Then he looked forward and saw the enemies in the two cars in front. It was completely dead, and the thick smell of blood filled the air. Another car rolled over to the opposite side, and it was difficult to see clearly. Xiaolang was not sure whether the people inside were still alive, so he did not dare to be careless, and quickly took out two button bombs and placed them on the other side. hand.

The brave will win when they meet on a narrow road. The more afraid of death on the battlefield, the faster they will die. Xiaolang knows these truths, but has never experienced them. This failure made Xiaolang realize his own shortcomings. The successful calculation of the enemy made Xiaolang more confident. Zeng, with soaring heroic spirit, he kicked his feet hard, and his body rushed forward like an arrow leaving the string.

While running, the little wolf keenly noticed that a figure appeared in front of him. He didn't have time to investigate further. He raised his hand and fired a shot. The figure disappeared. The little wolf didn't even bother to distinguish the enemy's situation or whether there was anyone in the car. He relied on instinct to fight and quickly fired the two missiles. The button bomb was thrown under the car, but his body quickly ran away.

"Boom--" Two loud noises broke the tranquility around them again. The car was blown up and rolled away, followed by another loud noise, and fire shot into the sky.

The little wolf pounced on the ground and was keenly aware that the fuel tank had been detonated. His eyes froze and he saw two people lying not far away, only five meters apart. They were holding their heads with their hands to avoid the shock wave of the explosion. He was not overjoyed. , raised his head and fired two shots. The bullets rushed towards the sky with the murderous intent of the little wolf, tearing open the heads of the two people, and the bloody arrows flew wildly.

The surroundings became quiet again, with only the beeping sound of the blazing flames set off by a car. No one moved around, and there was no sound of gunshots. The little wolf lay on the ground and observed vigilantly for a while. He didn't see a living target, so he secretly relaxed. tone, but still uneasy and took another shot at the uncertain target.

After confirming that there was no one left alive, Xiaolang stood up and quickly cleaned the battlefield, while anxiously shouting through the headset: "Sister Hua, the pursuers have been cleared, no one is alive, and the identity is being confirmed. How is the tiger girl doing?"

"You can do it, kid. You won't embarrass us. The tiger girl is surrounded and is relying on the terrain of the church to fight back. It's okay for the time being. You can quickly rush to support." Hong Meihua hurriedly warned.

When Xiaolang heard that Tigress was surrounded in the church, he was shocked and rushed over to support him. Suddenly he thought of something and hid his pistol on his back. He quickly picked up two pistols, different models, and hid one. Taking another one, he quickly searched other people's bodies and took out a few magazines and put them in his pockets.

It would be impossible to travel without a car. Xiaolang quickly rushed to the driving position of the car that he had snatched. The car could still start. Xiaolang was overjoyed and quickly drove forward for a distance. Another car that was pressing on the car fell off. Xiaolang Anxiously, he turned the steering wheel and turned around, rushing along the way he came from.

Along the way, Xiaolang shouted anxiously: "Sister Hua, what's going on now? Tell Tiger Girl to hold on."

"I'll connect you two, and you tell her in person." Hong Meihua said in a deep voice.

The little wolf knew the situation was critical as soon as he heard it, and quickly agreed. Soon, intensive gunshots came from the headset. The little wolf knew that it was the tiger girl fighting fiercely with the enemy, and he quickly shouted: "Tigress girl, hold on for me, be good." Alive, I will come to save you right away, what's the situation now?"

"Are you okay?" Tigress shouted in surprise.

"I'm fine, how about you?" Xiaolang shouted in a deep voice, while slamming the accelerator to increase the speed of the car.

"If you're fine, I won't die. Stinky wolf, get over here right now, otherwise you'll have to collect the body. How long will it take to rush in from the back door?" When the tiger girl heard that the little wolf was fine, she shouted excitedly. Swear words.

Little Wolf was already used to Tigress being gentle in front of others and looking like a Tyrannosaurus rex in front of him, so he shouted nonchalantly: "Sick Tiger, I'll be here in five minutes, are there any questions?"

"It's a bit difficult, I'll try my best." Tiger Girl shouted in a deep voice.

Xiaolang heard the gunshots in the headset became denser and louder. It was obvious that there were more enemies and they were closer. He couldn't help but rushed forward in a hurry, shouting: "Sick Tiger, I need four minutes at the fastest." , if you can’t hold it anymore, put it in the church and fight, use your sword skills in close combat, do you understand?”

"I got it, no matter how fierce I am, I won't be done with you. Come quickly." The tiger girl's voice shouted in the headset.

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